
Stu-pot aka 2D was sitting bench in middle of park in October wealth was getting cold they say going to snow but his dint care. 2D was wearing t-shirt, skin jean, and tennis shoe. His just want to disappear to never see Murdoc the man of dream. His remember what happen this morning Murdoc was sleeping on sofa in living just look so cute. 2D watch him sleep like forever just want fill lip bassist so much. Came closer press his on Murdoc. Murdoc just open his mix match eyes sow what his doing. 2D panic run out of Kong fast his can keep running his got to park. Hour pass 2D was getting cold but dint care his know go back Kong Murdoc will kill him or worst. His can't stop those filling for Murdoc. What to be his arm fill is warn body and make out with him real couple. His know never going to happen. Just stay here and die from Hypothermia. 2D flinched when he felt the sudden warm feeling around him. 2D look up saw Murdoc in from of him. It was Murdoc jacket on 2D's shoulders his then sat down next to 2D.

Murdoc; you not a easy guy to find you know that.

2D; why you doing here?

Murdoc; look for you face ache. Time to go

2D; no



Murdoc; going to died stay out side

2D; I am fine*cough*

Murdoc; yeah right. Stu come on let go home

2D; I can't go home

Murdoc; WHY?

2D;* blushing* I... I love you

2D wait for Murdoc to kill him fell something on his lip. Murdoc pressing his lips against 2D's. 2D never fell so happy in life fill warm body of bassist close to him fill just gone to heaven. Murdoc was happy to find out 2D love him too.

Murdoc; I love you too

2D; this is dream?

Murdoc; no luv, this real.

Fill a snow flake on his nose. Staring to snow was getting really cold 2D star cough again.

Murdoc; we better head back to Kong before you get sick

2D; yes let go home

Murdoc pull his arm round 2D waist keep safe they both are look so happy. For one in his life Murdoc truly happy to find his true love and 2D happy to be love by man his dream.

The end