The Mpregs series: Barnaby and Kotetsu

Ch9: Barnaby POV

Saito-san gave us the okay to bring Kotetsu-san home, and soon we left the lab. Kaede-chan was chattering away excitedly at the prospect of having a new addition to the family. I was excited too. The thought of having a child that looks like a part of me and a part of Kotetsu-san makes me very happy.

We had stopped for some food as it was too late for breakfast, yet too early for lunch. When we reached my, or should I say our apartment, the both of us urged Kotetsu-san to go and rest, while we prepared the meal.

Kaede-chan noted that Kotetsu-san seemed happy to hear the news too, and pressed for me to give her a sibling soon. I smiled at her and nodded. I also wished to see our very first offspring too.

Ch9: Kotetsu POV

I could not believe myself. The strange woman had really given me the best gift that anyone could ever have given me. I had always thought that Kaede seemed lonely all by herself without another younger brother or sister to play with her.

Now I can give her another sibling, and Bunny would have his own child too! This all seemed like a dream. I could not wait for this miracle to take place. With a blush overcoming my face, I looked out the bedroom door.

Knowing that we could have a child that looks like me, who will behave like Bunny, made me feel like my heart was bursting with joy. Lunch was soon ready and they brought in the food to eat with me in the room. Then Bunny took Kaede to the train station as she had to attend school the next day.

Tonight we would consummating our marriage, the thought of it made me felt nervous.