I stumbled through the door, and collapsed onto the couch. I had had such a long and crazy day at work. Redesigning Olympus is a lot harder than it sounds. Trust me – I'm an architect.

I was 23 years old, and living with Percy. Percy. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was even in a relationship with him, let alone living with him. I spent my free time wondering what I did to deserve him. I mean, Have you seen him? Those piercing green eyes. His Unruly black hair. Just his smile drives me crazy. Granted, he is slightly irritating, but he has such a big heart, I just can't help but be in love with him.

I walked over to the fridge, and found a note attached to it.

"I'm really sorry. I said I'd do overtime. I'll be back before 7, I promise.

Don't bother about dinner. I'm thinking take-away and film. And because I love you, I'll even let you choose the film. Sound good? I thought so.

See you in a bit.


I rolled my eyes and checked the time. 6:10. I was debating whether to have a snack or not. I decided against it, because Percy tends to go a little over the top when ordering food.

The fridge door was probably our main way of communication. We both worked a lot, and mobile phones weren't a good idea. It worked for us. And I couldn't help but think there was something romantic about it. More romantic than texting, anyway.

I hopped back onto the couch, and flicked the TV on. Nothing. I hated waiting for Percy to come home. Nothing could make you feel any better than seeing Percy after a long day. I groaned, and went upstairs.

Our apartment was simple, but we were both in love with it. It was our first place together, so I guess it'll always be special to us. It had one bedroom, and was on the second floor of an apartment block in the heart of Manhattan, so we weren't too far from Olympus either. We decorated it ourselves, chose photos together, argued over paint colours, and generally had a good time. It symbolised the start of our lives together.

I walked into our room and smiled. Much to my surprise, Percy had bothered to pick his clothes up and make the bed. It was a revelation!

I looked at the bed again, and saw a letter. Addressed to me. I knew the handwriting immediately. All over the place, and letters all different sizes. Percy.

I opened it gingerly. Why would he write me a letter? He would be home soon.

"Wise girl. Annabeth.

You're clever. You're probably wondering why I would write you a letter. I'm writing you a letter because I haven't got the guts to say this to your face. Feel free to punch me when I get back.

Annabeth. I met you when I was 12 years old. You hated me. I didn't like you much either. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, because if I hadn't met you, my life would suck. Yes, I admit it. Annabeth Chase, without you, my life would suck.

I think I fell in love with you in the zoo truck without even realising it. I got to know who you really were. And I loved who you were.

And then mount St. Helen's, when you kissed me. That's when I realised I was in love with you. I know that will never change. I'll always love you, Annabeth.

What I'm saying is, we've done a lot together. We saved the world together. We went to hell and back together. And I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

I love you. There's a little present for you in my bedside drawer.



Giddy with love and tears, I stumbled over to the bedside drawer. I opened it and gasped. A small blue box with my name written on it.

Trembling, I opened it.

A small note covered the contents.

"Marry me?"

I was really crying then. Uncontrollable tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Oh, Seaweed Brain." I mumbled, and moved the paper away. Beneath it was the perfect ring.

It was so understated. Just a plain silver band with a small diamond perched on the top. I don't think I could have chosen better myself. I slid it onto my finger, and it fit perfectly. No, I definitely couldn't have chosen better myself.

"Annabeth Jackson." I murmured, and smiled. It sounded good. It sounded right.

I sat at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him. I tried to concentrate on other things, but my eyes kept drifting down to my hand, looking at the ring.

I checked the time again. 6:55. The wait was killing me. ADHD doesn't help matters much. And then I thought about how Percy must have been feeling. Terrified, I would imagine. I knew I would be. I mean, getting the answer you wouldn't want could end things for ever.

I checked the time again. 7:01. Late. You'd think, considering he'd just asked me the big question, that he'd at least get home on time. But no. Apparently not.

I finally heard the jangling of keys, and Percy opened the door, holding 3 pizzas,I raised an eyebrow.

"7:06." I said. "You're late."

"Sorry, massive cue."

"But you promised, Seaweed Brain! You've got to take promises more seriously if we're going to get married. And 3 pizzas? Percy! There's only 2 of us!"

He smiled sheepishly.

"What did you just say?"

"3 Pizzas? There's only -"

"No. before that."

I blushed slightly and smiled.

"I said, Percy, if we're going to get married, you're going to have to take promises more seriously."

His smile changed to a grin. He put the pizzas down on the table, and took my hands.

"Did you just agree to marry me, Annabeth Chase?"

I sighed.

"I did, Percy. Yes."

Percy laughed, and hugged me so tight I swear he almost broke my ribs. I couldn't help but laugh too. And cry. He let go, and smiled.

"Are you crying?" He asked, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

I looked away, but he turned my head back.

"It's alright. You can cry if you want." He said. I realised there were tears in his eyes too.

I chucked gently.

"You're such a Seaweed Brain."

He rolled his eyes, and turned back to the pizza.

"Okay." He said. "Pepperoni, meat feast, and cheese and tomato."

"Good choice, Mr. Jackson." I said. He winked, put the pizzas on the living room floor, sat down, and patted the space beside him. I sat down.

The pizza was good. I think the fact I was eating it with Percy made it better.

I reached out to take a piece, when Percy grabbed my wrist and looked at my hand. I smiled. He let out a sigh of relief.

"It fits then."

"Looks like it."

"Is it alright? I mean, if you don't like it, we can always -"

"Percy -"

"go and change it. I mean, then you would be able to have anything you want, providing it's -"


He stopped rambling and looked at me.

"I love it. It's perfect." I said, fiddling with it. He smiled.

"Can I have another look?" He asked.

I smiled, and tried pull it off my finger. I sighed.

"No." I said.

He frowned.

"Why not?"

I grinned at him.

"Percy, it's stuck."

He laughed, and I laughed too. Real, meaningful laughing. I stopped and smiled at him.

"I guess I'm stuck with you now." I said.

"You don't sound disappointed." He noted.

"I was always stuck with you, Seaweed Brain."