By: Ace of SpadesXD helped by kakashishot

Warning these horror stories do not belong to me, but the producers

Katerina/Cat x Jason Michael x Nicki Freddy x OC (Need one for him please comment and review for who he should be with, can be character from another story or OC please vote)

Language Warning and Violence "Do Not Read If Offends"

Bloodied Blade (Fiery Waters)


"Her Name Is Alice"

("If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense")

("Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't")

I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time

And every creature lends themselves to change your state of mind

And the girl that chased the rabbit, drank the wine, and took the pill

Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels

To stand outside your virtue

No one can ever hurt you

Or so they say

Her name is Alice (Alice)

She crawls into the window

Through shapes and shadows

Alice (Alice)

And even though she's dreaming, she knows

Sometimes the curiosity can kill the soul but leave the pain

And every ounce of innocence is left inside her brain

And through the looking glass we see she's painfully returned

But now off with her head I fear is everyone's concern

You see there's no real ending

It's only the beginning

Come out and play

Her name is Alice (Alice)

She crawls into the window

Through shapes and shadows

Alice (Alice)

And even though she's dreaming

She's unlocked the meaning for you

This kingdom,

Good riddance,

Good freedom

And innocence

Has brought this whole thing down

Her name is Alice (Alice)

She crawls into to the window

Through shapes and shadows

Alice (Alice)

And even though she's dreaming

She's unlocked the meaning

("Red nights, white knights, marching into the fight")

("Drink me, shrink me, fill me to sink me")

("Red nights, white knights, marching into the fight")

("Drink me, shrink me, fill me to sink me")

She's unlocked the meaning for you

("And contrariwise, what it is it wouldn't be")

("And what it wouldn't be it would")

("You see?")

Chapter One

(Camp Crystal Lake) Minute 'till Midnight

Camp Crystal Lake infamous home of Jason Voorhees, was silent exceptions for an occasional hoot of an owl. Murder and blood were stained into the ground of this abandoned camp. A graveyard of many lost deprived souls.

As an invisible clock stroked midnight blood red light began to ooze off the moons surface. Its shadow befell upon the crystal lakes surface, reflecting almost in a hypnotizing way. The water now resembled a pool of blood, remembrance of those who perished by the hands of Jason.

Ripples began to appear upon the bloodied surface of the lake. Little by little bigger waves were beginning to churn centering into one spot. A figure was rising from the depths of the lakes bed. First came a hockey masked head, followed by a burly form, machete hanging next to a thick waste.

SWISH, CRACK! The machete's blade cut through stiff air, implanting itself into an oak tree. Jason Voorhees had returned!

(Somewhere in Hel/Underworld)

Screams of terror, pain, and mercy rang across the seven layers of Hel (or Underworld). Flames grew higher and higher reaching million degrees beyond extraordinary heat. It was an inferno of flames and torture, even the 1st layers ice was cold enough to burn off skin.

In the last layer of Hel was the resting place of the insane, murders, and crazies. A laugh rang through its surroundings. It was horrible similar to nails running down and chalkboard, sending a chill down your spin. Three gleaming sharp blades cut through a wall of fire like butter.

Out of the glooming flames stepped a horrid figure, unwanted in the dreams of many (quite literally). He donned a burnt charred black and red Christmas sweater, a wide dirty brown hat hide half of his burnt face. Freddy Krueger let a maddening smile spread across his scary face.

"HEHEHEHEHE, Puck's finally woken". Krueger giggled madly before disappearing to once again begin his reign of terror.

(Haddonfield, Illinois)

A lone figure walked down a river in Haddonfield Illinois butcher knife in hand hanging limply by his side. He wore a dirty mechanics jump suit, steal toed boots, and a white mask. His hair was hidden underneath fake hair, the mask had stitched to the top and back.

Rips and tears were scattered across his suit from the explosion. Michael Myers had escaped the dynamite! Now he was back with fury and anger.

(Katerina/Cats room)

"GAAAHHHHH"! Cat gasped eyes snapping open from her dreams. In panic she fell of her bed tangling herself in a blurry of comforters and sheets. Brown and red highlighted hair (Highlights which she begged her mom for though only in a few strands) were in a messy disarray of tangled knots, hazel eyes slightly confused.

Sighing the tired Latina girl untangled herself from the mess before standing up. Stretching, cracking her neck and back, Cat walked over to the revolving desk chair before plopping down. Reaching over she grabbed a hair tie to pull the curly messy locks of hair from her face.

Accomplishing the oh so hard task, Cat booted up her apple laptop. Tapping her fingers spastically on the wood desk she waited for it to load up. Cat had literally zero to none patience. Finally after eternity in her own opinion the home screen popped up.

Gliding a slender finger across the sensitive mouse she logged into Facebook. Said fingers quickly typed in her email and super long password (so she wouldn't be hacked). Cat frowned as she scrolled down the Facebook homepage. She absolutely hated the shares, likes, and stupid pictures people took of themselves acting like idiots.

Shaking her head Cat clicked her mail icon. 3 messages from Nicki were shining in red capital letters. Nicki was her best friend, out of the few she had. No one really actually liked Cat except for her family and a select few.

Yes she had Jeremy, Austin, Jack, and Kara, but Nicki was her bestest friend. The other four were recent who she befriended over the past two years having earned her trust. Nobody else really liked her because of the accidents.

Cat was somehow always there when something went wrong, usually destructive. Like the time at the talent show in 4th grade. Ashely Austen was the most popular, beautiful, and talented girl in Cat's class at the time. Everyone was friends or wanted to be friends with her, except for Cat. Cat had known her since preschool friends tell 3d grade even. But things went downhill over the summer and they had been rivals since.

Ashley was always snubbing Cat every chance she got while the latter could and would do nothing about it being rather quite spoken. But the day Cat entered the talent show Ashley began to torture and mentally abuse her. Right before her Ashley went on, though not without a few means words to the hurt girl.

Cat finally fed up and beyond upset. Watching the mean bully preform her horribly (Cats way of saying it) sung slowly Cats eyes shown bright in rage. "Somehow", the hem of the red curtains had set fire setting of the smoke alarms and showers. Everyone except Cat was drenched.

Of course were pointed at her, but no one could prove it. That was the beginning of Cat being shunned.

Letting the memory fall away she clicked on the new message link.

"Hey birdy, r u coming to the big party at Crystal Lake tonight"

"Cat u better come! The four musketeers bailed on me"

"Be there in 10 to pick you up to shop for an outfit "

Cat groaned slouching back in her chair, there was no arguing with Nicki. God she was so hard headed Nicki wouldn't take no for an answer. KNOCK KNOCK! "COME OF KITTY CAT LET'S GO"! Nicki's voice was heard from the front door.

"Maybe if I ignore her she will go away". Cat grumbled annoyed closing the laptop, walking back over to the messy bed to cuddle back into the comforters. "So comfy". She mumbled with a face full of pillow.

Click! Cat heard from downstairs through her muddled sleepy head. "God why did I tell her were the key was hidden". Was the thought coursing through her mind. The sound of scrambling feet gave cat a forewarning before she was tackled off the bed.

"KITTY I FOUND YOU". Squealed the hyperactive voice of her best friend. "I can see that". The Latina grumbling pushing the girl off her before picking herself up from the floor. "Here put this on were leaving now". Nicki announced bouncing around the room in hyper mode. Cat was holding a pair of Nike black sweats, a Team 7 hoodie, and black vans.

Cat smiled slightly at Nicki's choice she knew her to well. Making sure the bouncy blonde was looking away Cat quickly shed the night were and dressed in her friends choice of a comfy outfit. As she finally pulled the hoodie over her head, a black skaters back came fly at her from were Nicki was.

"Let's go". Cat sighed looking at her prancing friend. "YAY". She squealed bounding down the stairs and out the girl, Cat following behind.

Hope you liked so far the action starts in the next chapter this was just the base please vote for Freddy Remember it can be an OC of your own or a crossover with another story on