How to Deal with a Deaf Girl

Meeting the Host Club

I had been deaf since I was born. I got a virus that caused me to lose my hearing. I had known Haruhi for many years, actually I knew her long enough to know her mother. I had been invited to the Ouran Academy but I refused to go and went to my public deaf school. Then Haruhi got a scholarship and decided to join her so she wouldn't be alone.

I followed her mostly and we were both looking for a place to study. It's times like these where being deaf is nice, you can just sit anywhere and no worries about the noise distracting you. I so enjoyed it that much. I looked over at my hearing friend, she had learned how to sign for me, just so we could talk and I wouldn't have to awkwardly stare at her mouth.

During our search we came upon music room #3. We both thought surely that this room would be empty right? Then as we opened it red rose petals flowed past us and Haruhi and not I heard 6 charming voices welcome us. Immediately I was confused as the blonde began to make a spetacle of talking to Haruhi. I stared at him and continued to follow her uncomfortably. It got to the point where she accidentally broke a vase. My mouth formed a wide O. Then they all seemed to erupt in motion and I got even more confused.

Once they finally established what to do with Haruhi, that's when they noticed me.

"And who is this lovely lady?" the blonde asked, but I didn't catch it, I was backing towards the wall with a frightened look.

"Her name is Celesta, and she's deaf so leave her alone." Haruhi said.

The blonde male blinked at me and I could see him mouth the word "deaf".

"Yes, I'm deaf is that a problem?" I asked angrily.

"You don't seem deaf," he said stupidly.

"When you talk slow enough I can read your lips," I glared at him but he seemed uneffected.

"Oh, well I am Tamaki," he said and began to introduce the others.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's the host club, where blah blah blah blah," I didn't care I looked around.

"Sounds interesting, so what is Haruhi doing to pay back?" I asked.

"He's our dog," he said.

I snorted with laughter and you see a little caption of Haruhi saying hey!

"What's so funny?" Tamaki asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Alright so what should I do?" I asked.

"Whatever you want," he replied.

(I thought I'd write a previous rp out for you guys, it was actually sweet and hilarious)