~Author's Note~

Hello everyone. I know that I have been a horrible author for not updating in months again. I would like to thank everyone who has been with me to the end of this story. It was a pleasure having all of you here. Amelia Valentine, AGirlWorthFighting4, RainFurr26, Sunrise, Lady Bug Lover, Trelaney, Young-Justice-Freak, DJFics, Insane-Lane, and RusCanBrokebackMountain: Thank you for your reviews and support for my story. Thank you everyone for your follows and favourites. Thank you so much; you guys are amazing and please enjoy this last chapter.

Sincerely; for the last time in Delphic,

Your horrible Author/Updater,

~Ms. AtomicBomb

May 10th 1866

It was a wonder how she had even gotten to this point. A long black dress clung to her body, her heart fluttering in her chest; she was ecstatic. To think that she lived as a slave for many years of her life whilst her sister had already started a family, but now it was her turn to live a happy life. After this, she would visit her sister and show off her new life. It was true that it took her forever to get this far, and she would never forget all that she went through because it made her who she was now.

Flowers in her hand and a veil to cover her face, she began to think; They had really chosen a beautiful day for the event, sunny and bright. No clouds in the sky and birds sang throughout. She sat still, waiting for Katerina to call upon her. She knew it would not be long, since the celebration was set to begin in a couple of minutes.

A slow and hushed knock at the door of the room, she turned her head towards it and allowed entrance. A blue dress covered Katerina, making her look as beautiful as always. There was a smile decorated on her lips and she gave a reassuring squeeze on the other woman's shoulder. "They are ready for you now." She spoke, eyes shinning with delight.

Madeline stood from the chair and gave a soft nod. "Thank you." Her hands were steady even if she was extremely nervous; this was a decision that would be with her for the rest of her life -it was important.

"You look so lovely; like the princess royale." The Ukrainian gave an even brighter smile and hooked an arm around Madeline's. "The tzar will even be jealous." She had added with a simple chuckle.

They walked in silence towards the door; a calming silence. Madeline could not explain the feelings that she was beginning to feel, she was truly happy but there were butterflies in her stomach that gave her slight anxiety. The hallway to the chapel was quite long, but it gave her time to think about everything. She had loved him all along, and now she would be able to spend the entirety of her life with him.

As the big maple wood doors swung open, music began filling the air and she had never felt so scared in her life, she was nervous; even if the woman next to her gave her loving smiles. She had prepared herself. She could not turn back now, she had come so far to end it all.

He was at the end of the runway, his eyes sparkling at the sight of her, a tender smile on his lips and a hand flying to wipe a tear from his eyes. She was gorgeous.The look in his eyes had made her calm down and she finally felt at peace with herself.

The walk felt long, and the flowers that were being scattered were distracting her a little. She was getting married to the man she loved.Something so beautiful and exciting; it was an adventure of a lifetime. No matter how many problems they would have, they would work through them together. They would do everything to stay together and in love; nothing would tare them apart because they were strong.

She had remembered everything, yet nothing at all. It was all so overwhelming. The way he had agreed to love her for eternity and the tender kiss he had given her that beautiful day. It was almost like a dream.

"Does Matthew need anything?" He called, looking over at their child, the little kid shaking his head.

"No papa." He giggled as he continued to draw on the piece of paper he had gotten from his mother.

"No colours?" The man asked with a soft smile.

"No papa, I am okay with black ink."

The door bell had rung and caught them off guard, making Madeline stand from the couch and looking at her son.

"I will go get it." Madeline smiled at her husband and child as she hurried to the door. Once she had arrived at the doorway, she opened it and smiled upon seeing her friend. "Nikolai! Luka is here!" She called and then gave a hug to the blue-eyed male in front of her.

"Luka, how have you been?" She asked and he gave a bright and caring smile.

Kissing her hand, he looked at her, "I have been great. And you?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Very good. Have you brought Aleksei and Agatha with you?" She asked eagerly, seeing hat they were not behind him.

Luka nodded in acknowledgement of his son and wife, "Yes, They are just in the carriage. May I come in?"

Madeline stepped aside and watched as he entered, a little child running in right after and a mother trying to catch up to her hyper child. "Agatha!" Madeline greeted the lady as she entered, giving her a tight hug.

"Madeline, how are you darling?" Green eyes sparkled.

"I am doing well, and yourself?" They had continued to talk and walked towards the room where Nikolai and Matthew were in. They had been invited for a lunch in the Braginsky Manor.

~The End~