"What do you want to do with this?"

The Meta-Crisis Doctor looked up upon hearing the Time Lord Doctor's whispered question. Seeing what was in the other's hand, he sniffed and shrugged before muttering, "Why are you asking me?"

"Because it's still yours." The Meta-Crisis raised an eyebrow, so he continued, "I've already got a TARDIS; I don't need another one. Since I was going to give it to you anyway, I figured–"

"To me?" Stunned, the Meta-Crisis wiped his eyes and offered, "I thought you meant to give it to Rose."

"It was going to be for both of you."

"Yeah. Right. I'm supposed to believe that you were thinking of me when you carved out that chunk of coral from the old girl's branches?"

"Yes," the Time Lord confirmed, "I was." The other Doctor snorted his disbelief at that, so he expounded, "It was for both of you, really. I know it takes hundreds of years to grow a TARDIS, but I figured you and Rose could care for it until…" He hesitated. "…until you died–"

"Thanks." The Meta-Crisis rolled his eyes.

"–and then your children would take over."

The Meta-Crisis coughed then, flabbergasted. "Ch-children?"

"You're half-human. It stands to reason that you'd be able to…"

"You thought," the Meta-Crisis began incredulously, but then he stopped. Blinking several times, he realized, "You did. You really loved her that much." Having said that, he expected the Time Lord to look away in embarrassment, but he just gave a gentle nod and a half-smile.

"I really did. Past tense. You were right."

The Meta-Crisis scoffed.

"Will you just let me talk?" the Time Lord sighed. "Honestly, do I interrupt people that much?"

"Yes, actually, you do."

"Fine. But, as I was saying, you were right; what you said on that beach? If my – your – hand hadn't been there, I would've died."

"No, the regeneration process had already started. You would've changed, and Rose would've just had to get over it."

"I could've stopped it."

"Bullshit," the Meta-Crisis declared in Gallifreyan.

"The Master refused. Who's to say I couldn't?"

"You've always sucked at regenerating. You have no control over it whatsoever."

"I was able to interrupt it halfway, wasn't I?"

The Meta-Crisis opened his mouth to retort but then closed it again in defeat and grumbled, "Obviously." The Time Lord nodded, but then the Meta-Crisis mumbled a Gallifreyan insult under his breath.

"Must you always use my native language when you curse? That's the third time you've done it and quite frankly I find it highly disgraceful."

"Your native language? As if it isn't mine too…"

"It's not."

"Excuse me?"

"You weren't loomed on Gallifrey, you were grown in the bowels of a Dalek ship at the heart of the Medusa Cascade. Therefore, no, it is not your language."

"Where I was created doesn't matter! I remember living as you! Every one of your lives! Every moment – happy, sad, exciting, frustrating, demoralizing – I may as well have lived them all myself! I am as much you as I am Donna!"

"And yet you're neither."

"Wha…" The Meta-Crisis just stared at him, open-mouthed, before he leapt to his feet and cried, "How dare you?! How dare you belittle me like that?! I AM THE DOCTOR!"

"In name only." The Time Lord didn't raise his voice, which only frustrated the Meta-Crisis more. "You are your own person, Doctor, and – while I respect your decision to continue to be called that – you need to accept that you were also right when you said we are not the same."

"Well…" The Meta-Crisis swallowed and then wiped his nose on his sleeve before conceding, "I guess… I guess you were right too, in a way; it wasn't fair to erase Rose's memories of us just because she didn't want to settle for me."

"I shouldn't have said it like that."

"It was the truth." When the Time Lord looked like he was going to interrupt again, the Meta-Crisis forestalled him by – much to his surprise – pressing a finger to his lips. "But you need to accept that it would have been just as unfair to wipe Donna's mind." He then pulled his hand away.

After a moment, the Time Lord commented, "I still don't think your way was the right one."

"It wasn't just me; like it or not, Donna chose her own fate."

"I don't like it." He opened his mouth again to continue but then stopped and took a deep breath first. "We can argue about this all night and it's not going to change anything. All I want to know is what you want me to do with this. If you don't want it, maybe I can put it back where I took it from and the old girl can reabsorb it, but I think she was kind of looking forward to having a sister."

"A sister? Why…?"

"You don't think she's jealous?"

"Jealous? Of what?"

The Time Lord looked up at the ceiling briefly and sighed before saying, "She's the last of her kind too, just like me – like I was until… well, until you came along. Now I've got a brother. Maybe she wants a sister."

The Meta-Crisis was taken aback by this declaration. "I… I'm your brother?"

"Why not?" The Time Lord shrugged. "What else would you be? My son?"

"Hah!" the Meta-Crisis exclaimed. "Sylvia hates us both enough already. If you were to suggest I was her grandson? And that would make her your mother-in-law." He smirked when the Time Lord visibly paled at the thought. "Yeah, brother works."

"So…" The Time Lord cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "So, you want to grow a TARDIS? Even if it can't be fully grown in your lifetime–"

"Actually…" The Meta-Crisis reached out and took the TARDIS cutting from his brother. "…if you shatterfry the plasmic shell and modify the dimensional stabilizer to a foldback harmonic of 36.3, you accelerate growth by the power of 59."

"I never thought of that."

"That's because you are just a Time Lord. Dumbo."

The Time Lord rolled his eyes. "Great. It figures you got Donna's mouth too. Is that why you keep cursing?"

"If you're gonna go on about it, I could always call you something else."

"No, the last thing you called me was bad enough thank you."

"What? 'Dumbo'?" The Meta-Crisis stuck his tongue out at the Time Lord, who shook his head in dismay. "Oh, you mean…" He spoke the first syllable of the Gallifreyan swearword he had used earlier – earning him a stern glare from his brother – only to finish saying a completely different and perfectly acceptable word that just happened to start the same way.

A/N: I was going to have this one be a cliffhanger, but the episode wasn't (even though it was going to be) so I guess I won't do that to you now. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of brotherly love for Valentine's Day! ;)

You know what I only just realized when I was writing this chapter? It had to be either irony or foreshadowing that Donna expressed such a strong desire not to mate with the Doctor before she agreed to travel with him since she ended up being analogous to the Meta-Crisis's mother if you consider the Doctor as his father; genetically speaking, that is what they are.

If any of you are wondering about the line that the Meta-Crisis gives here which was originally spoken by Donna at Bad Wolf Bay in the deleted scene that shows Ten giving the Meta-Crisis and Rose what he calls "chunk of TARDIS", yes it is worded differently; that's because what is said is not exactly the same as what was actually written in the script. I am going by the script. :P

Also? Wow, the Meta-Crisis has a foul mouth here; he keeps cursing in Gallifreyan – and I actually translated it into English twice! Lord, I apologize for that, and be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea, amen.