It's almost two months after Ki and and Lucas's fight and Lucas was still bedridden. Ki was too strong and the chipmunk system wasn't able to cure its injuries.

Lucas was furious, but he couldn't do anything. Ki beat him up and ruined his two months.

Meanwhile the work was running in peace. Luc could re-write the AI what Lucas ruined; also he could improve it. Technically, he should've thanked it to Lucas and Ki.

Unfortunately, he couldn't integrate it into the main computer core, because it hasn't been ready yet. Simon and Rob had to work on the energy cells. - The core used as much energy as the NASA supercomputer. - The cells had to store almost 80 petajoules of energy. It wasn't safe at all, because if they had exploded the shockwave would've destroyed the half of L.A. After many days, they made no progress at all.

The wires were built inside the frame, because Chrystal bared them fast. - She didn't want to work, but Rob had made her mind up. He didn't tell anybody how, though...

The next job was building the consoles. It was the work of Luc and Jeanette. Jean was a girl, but surprisingly, she didn't need Luc's help. She was able to do the part of her work alone. It surprised not only Luc, but all of the boys.

When they were designing the organization of the cockpit the problem with the captain's chair showed up.

"Who will be the captain?" Asked Simon. Of course as soon as they heard the question, all of the boys jumped up and exclaimed. "I WILL BE THE CAPTAIN!" Simon didn't know it would happen.

A big fight took place, everybody was shouting and the attic became a place of chaos. Simon didn't want to be a part of that. But what surprised everybody the most was the fact that Ki also stayed quiet through their argument. They thought he would be the first one to be in charge.

The girls tried to stop them, but the fact is fact: Boys are stronger than girls. It was a good fact, 'till Chrystal didn't break it. She grabbed Rob's and Luc's tails and threw them away from each other.

"Guys! Stop! It's so childish." She yelled. Her mate was used to her sudden emotions, but nobody else knew she was so determinate. After a while, she continued. "Look, I think if one of you is the captain, we will die in ten minutes." The boys looked at her with peevish and angry faces, but they had to admit, she was right. "Okay, but who will be the captain, if not me or him or somebody else?" Asked Luc. Chrystal looked around and found the perfect person. "Simon." The boys' mouths opened and their eyes widened. "WHAT?! WHY?"

"Shut up, guys." Demanded Chrystal and stepped to Simon. "Do you want to be everybody's commander?" Simon wasn't sure what he wanted. He has never been in higher rank than anybody yet. "I'm not sure... what about Ki?" Chrystal bent to his ear and whispered in. "Si, just realize the facts. Those are too... wild. You're the only who is calm enough to captain a ship." Simon looked at the boys and he saw that they were watching him with angry and terrifying faces. He swallowed in scare and looked back at Chrystal. "They are just jealous of you." She said and looked at the angry boys with fifty times more frightening face. They stopped watching Simon and continued their work. "How did you do that?" Asked Simon. She smiled. "Nobody likes to mess with me."

After some more time of working on the energy cell, Simon couldn't bear it anymore. "This is pointless! Such energy source doesn't exist yet!" "Oh really?" That was Ki's voice, no doubt. They let him on the team under one condition: Ki won't be bothering anyone.

"What do you want now? Because I'm busy. We still don't have the e-" "Energy source? No offence, but I knew you guys would fail at creating one." Now, it was Rob turn to speak. "And what makes you think you are able to make it?" "Maybe the fact... that I've already built it?" They looked at him with disbelief. "HOW?" He smirked. "Let's say I broke a few rules... anyway, you want to see it?" They nodded. Ki took them to his room... where Corey and Jessica were.

"What are they doing here?" Simon immediately asked. "They were helping me... nothing else." The girls giggled at the comment. Si turned his head. "So, where is that energy source of yours?" "Right here." Ki pointed in the direction of a small tent-like structure. "So professional..." Rob said. He glared at him. "You think building a spaceship in the attic is professional?" Rob was going to say something but Corey stopped him. "Guys, stop it!" "Let's just see it." Simon said after a while, entering the tent. "Oh my god!" "What is it Simon?"

In front of them was a small,cubical object, which could fit into their paws. In the middle of it was a blue sphere of energy. "How did... it's impossible!" Simon exclaimed loudly. Rob reaction could be described like that: His lower jaw was three miles underground.

"I told you I didn't obey a few rules... of modern physics." Simon and Rob walked closer, carefully looking at the amazing piece of technology in front of them. "You realize this shouldn't... this MUSTN'T exist?" Simon asked. "Because you think humans really discovered how this universe works? They are FAR from it."

"I'm curious about one thing, though." Luc said after a few more moments of thought. "What would happen... if this would get damaged or destroyed?" "I predict that a huge black hole would be formed." Ki said without hesitation. Corey and Jessica shifted nervously. "Wait... we helped you to build a device able to create black holes?" The bespectacled chipette asked. "Don't worry. It's not that easy to destroy. I already done a few experiments involving explosives..." "Wait, you tried to blow THIS up!?" Everyone in the room exclaimed.

"You are crazy!" They said in unison again after Ki stayed quiet for a while, still smiling. "You know as well as I do that I am." Nobody argued with this statement. "We will install it after I finish the engine." Finally, something Simon and Rob were curious about. "I think you'll have to install it by yourself" Said Luc while approaching the cube. "This object is so powerful that..." He made another step but he bounced back, flying out of the tent. " own power source can't bear it." He finished, rubbing the back of his head. The scene surprised everyone, except Ki.

He walked to the cube and picked it off the ground, earning a few gasps from the small crowd. "I hereby name you... THE CUBE!"

Everyone looked at him. "The Cube? That's it?" Ki looked at them, clearly annoyed. "It's THE CUBE!" He said, holding it in his right paw. "Alright, now we have the cubic energy source." Said Simon , and Ki gave him an angry look. "I mean, THE CUBE, thus we solved the power source problem." He thought for a while. "But how can our ship handle an infinite power source?" Luc continued. "I agree with Simon, our ship wasn't originally designed with an infinite power source, even the main A.I. would... rather explode." He finished, taking his chin.

Rob looked at the nothing for a while; he was thinking. Then, a few minutes later, he found a good, but a bit crazy idea in his mind. "Guys, I have an idea, but you aren't going to like it. " The others looked at him. "Go ahead." Rob took a deep breath. "The main problem is the size. The ship is too small. If we built it bigger, the infinity of the energy source won't be a problem."

Rob was right. As he finished what he wanted to say, the others' eyes widened and gave him 'you're insane' sights. "So we should build it bigger." Said Simon and the sarcasm was clearly audible in his voice. 'Why don't we turn the whole house into a starship?"

"I told you weren't going to like it." Said Rob. Everybody, except for Ki and Chrystal, looked at him with annoyingly serious face. "You have a good point." Said Ki. "But it would be more than impossible. However..." Nobody liked, when Ki finished the sentence with 'however'. It meant he was planning on doing something crazy. "Ki, don't tell me you're planning on doing what I think." Pleaded Simon. "But what could I, of all people, be planning?" Asked Ki with a fake innocent smile. "Just tell it us Ki." Asked Rob, but Ki shook his head. "No. you have to wait 'till I install THE CUBE." The others sighed and nodded. "Okay Mr. Secret Agent."

In the morning of the next day, Ki still hasn't told the others his idea yet. But they hadn't been able to sleep all night because they had wanted to find out Ki's 'miraculous' idea. Luc and Rob were the first two, who went up to the attic to find out what was Ki's plan. As they stepped into the attic, their minds froze.

There were three cars, welded to each other. The frame of the original ship was on the top of the three cars; another frame was set up around the cars. Ki was welding the bottom part of the new, bigger ship. As he noticed the two chipmunks standing with open wide mouths, he stopped working and turned the welder off. He stood up and walked to the surprised 'munks.

"What's so surprising, guys?" He asked with a non ordinary smile. "How the munk did you carried these cars up here?" Asked Luc. "Yeah. How did you do that? As I know Luc even would've died to that." Said Rob. Ki just looked at the cars with calm sight, then he turned back at his workmates. "To tell you the truth, it wasn't me. It was THE CUBE." Rob and Luc facepalmed at the same time. "Is it even possible?" Asked the auburn furred one. Ki stepped to him and shook his head."You are talking like you aren't a scientist... what the gravity is?" "Energy?"

"That's it! What do we have? An infinite energy source. It wasn't so hard to create anti-gravity.

"Okay, but you modified the whole plan." Said Luc. "Did you draw a new set of blueprints?" Ki shrugged. "Nope. Why should I have drawn them?" They facepalmed again and sighed in disappointment. "Ki how are we going to help you if we don't know the plan or even the construction?" Asked Rob with anger in his voice. Ki laughed annoyingly. "Relax guys. I drew new blueprints, they just aren't here, because I don't need them. The whole structure of the ship is in my mind." He said, poking his head with his index finger.

"That's perfect, but we can't help you if we don't see the blueprints." Said Luc, approaching Ki "Anyway, I may fix this." He put his paw on Ki's head, then he headed to the unfinished ship hull. "We should have something more..." He searched his mind for a correct word. "...visual than the blueprints stored in your mind." He laid down his paw on the ship's hull, and in a couple of seconds, a holographic form of Ki's blueprint appeared around the ship.

"This is... unbelievable!" gasped Rob. At the opposite, Ki wasn't surprised at all. "How long will it last?" He asked, looking at the blueprints. "In fact, as long as we need it. It doesn't need too much power." At the same moment Simon entered the attic, holding some papers. He looked at the ship, froze for a while, his eyes fell out of their sockets. "Guys, did I miss something ?" He said, still looking at the ship. "Well, not much, besides the fact that Ki made some 'modifications' to our ship and Luc gave us a holographic blueprint." Said Rob. "What are those papers?" "Luc asked me to make some test for the A.I. and print them, and I think it's ready to be installed." Simon gave him the results. There were thousands of lines of code, printed on hundreds of pages, and he read them all, or rather, 'scanned' them all. "That's perfect, there's not a single error. By the way, before I make the final step, How should we call the ship main A.I.?" Asked Luc, looking at the others.

"Jarvis." Suggested Robert. "Rob it's already used in Iron Man. I know you're a HUGE fan of it, but we can't name the A.I. after Jarvis." Said Chrystal with a comforting smile. "Also, I think that Sirius is a perfect name." Luc disagreed with Chrystal. "I've read one of Rob's novels and he calls the A.I. of the ship Sirius." Rob looked at Luc with angry face. "How could you read my novel? I haven't written it yet!" Luc swallowed. He has just accidentally told the truth to everybody. He held up his paws. "Okay, okay, okay. I practiced on you. I wanted to learn mind reading and looks like I could. " Rob breathed in and out few times before he finally calmed himself down.

"Guys, back to the topic!" Said Jeanette a bit louder than she usually spoke. "So I think the creator of the A.I deserves that we name the A.I. after him." "It's very wise." Said Simon. "But we can't call the A.I simply Luc." "That would make too much confusion." Said Luc. Everyone looked at him.

"I will name it..." He begun.

A cliffhanger!

Also, the rest of the band will arrive in the next chapter! Stay tuned!