Hello everyone. For those of you that read this story and actually like it, I apologize for the inconvenience of deleting this story. Disclaimer: I don't own s**t... except for Durgon.

The training area of the Dragon Temple was nothing to scoff at.

All around the massive room were apparatuses, machines, and all of the like used to train all the makings of a dragon. In the center was a large, circular ring, large enough for instructors and even the guardians to duke it out with ample space. The students and instructors occupying all stopped whatever they were doing when they saw the group enter.

Durgon followed behind the guardians, next to Voltia, who was walking awfully close to him. As the group made their way to the ring at the center of the room, the students made way, gathering around said ring, knowing that whenever the guardians were present, let alone all of them, something interesting was about to happen.

The group stopped at the edge of the ring, accompanied by the other dragons, who all gathered around.

"If you're half the fighter you say you are, then show us, Durgon. Step forward." Terrador instructed. Durgon complied, stepping into the ring, walking towards the center. Now that everyone got a good look at him, murmurs went about the crowd, most of which doubting him, but he was all too happy to prove them wrong.

Around Durgon appeared his enemies, which consisted of ten orcs lead by an orc hero. Thinking into it, the orcs appeared as formidable as the Saurians he's faced in the past, and not counting any of the enhanced subspecies, especially from the dark aisles. The orc hero was around the size of an ogre, but wielded a cudgel like a cyclops, and it didn't look like it was built for any kind of speed, such as a cyclops.

This'll be easy.

"Are you ready?" Terrador asked. Rising to his hind legs, fists clenched, Durgon nodded. With that, the arena was surrounded by a magic field preventing anyone from getting in or out.

"Begin." came Terrador's announcement as the orcs all surrounded him. The one behind him decided to strike first, charging with his ax raised. Durgon whipped around, grabbing the handle before kicking the orc back. Two of them charged, so Durgon lunged for one, cleaving it in half as it raised its weapon, and then swept the other as it neared him, and then bought his ax down upon its head, crushing it. The orc hero decided to cut in as it charged with its mace at its side. Durgon lunged for a cluster of four orcs, using blocks and wide attacks to keep them at bay, but as the orc hero was upon him, he rolled under its legs as it swung, making short work of the four orcs. Once Durgon was back on his feet, he observed that there was only three more orcs left along with the orc hero. All three of the lesser orcs charged. Durgon blocked the first, turning his back towards the second to deflect its attack with Dragon's Faith on his back, and caught the third's ax in mid-swing. He then twisted the ax out of the third orc's hand and used it to decapitate the first orc before he kicked away the third orc and shifted his attention to the second. As he swung, the orc blocked the first ax, but was cleaved in the side with the second. That only left one more. Using the entirety of his ungodly draconian Arisen strength, Durgon spun, hurling one of his axes, slicing the last orc vertically clean in two. The ax was thrown so hard and fast that once it hit the wall, it shattered on impact. Right after he did this, he rolled out of the way of the mace of the remaining orc hero. With him left, he unsheathed Dragon's Dogma, the gleaming blade slicing through the air with an audible whirring sound. The orc raised its weapon and bought it back down again, but with Durgon's vastly superior speed, he jumped back, dodging it. Before the orc could raise it again, Durgon jumped up and ran up the length of the mace and the orc's arm before jumping up and doing a Full Moon Slash, effectively decapitating the behemoth. As the head fell from its shoulders, Durgon clung to the shoulder and leaned back to throw off the balance, making the limp corpse fall to the ground, shaking the grounds as it did so. Durgon emerged victorious, sheathing his blade, and once it clicked in its sheath, he was met with the roaring cheers of the surrounding crowd as the corpses of his enemies along with the barrier around the arena disappeared.

He walked back to the guardians, holding back a scoff at the lack of challenge. As far as he was concerned, he had just took down ten Saurians and a cyclops. After the roar of cheers, the crowd slowly dispursed and went back to what they were doing, but not sending several shouts Durgon's way. The warrior replied in kind with simple waves before making back to the group.

"Durgon, that was awesome!" Spyro exclaimed, walking up to him, patting his back.

"That was pretty cool." Cynder added.

"That was hot." Voltia said with a smirk which made the warrior blush under his scales, making the dragoness giggle. However, before the moment could start, the guardians walked up, being the unintentional buzzkill.

"Marvelous work, Durgon! And without Magic, flight, or fire, I might add!" Volteer complimented.

"I agree. You show great skill and potential." Terrador added.

"I must say the same. If you never told us your story, I'd say you came from an ancestry of great warriors." Cyril said.

"Your compliments I appreciate. But this body is still new to me, and I still do not know the extent of my abilities." Durgon explained.

"Well then, we will just have to find that out." Terrador suggested.

"But first, the social hours!" Voltia reminded just in time before the bell signalling the end of the training hours sounded, the students piling out of the room.

"I suggest you move along, young ones. The guardians and I have other matter to attend to regarding construction of the temple." and with that, the group left for the courtyard.


Upon arrival to the courtyard, the group, consisting of Spyro, Cynder, Voltia, and Durgon walked through the double doors to see dragons, students and instructors alike, going about their business.

The courtyard itself was like a massive birdcage, large enough for even the guardians and instructors to walk and fly around freely with ample space. Trees and rock formations of all shapes and sizes sprinkled the grassy earth, giving the place much more to do than just fly and walk around.

As the group began to walk down one of the trails, Durgon began walking off in another direction, his head hung.

"Something wrong, Durgon?" Spyro asked, he, Cynder and Voltia casting looks of concern.

"Naught is wrong. I simply need time to think. Tis a lot to take in when you're thrown into a world you do not recognize. I simply need time to... adjust, if you will." Durgon replied before walking off. They watched him walk off for a moment longer before they decided to just let him go his way and walked down the trail.


Durgon was walking along the edge of the courtyard, nicely hidden from the other students, his head hung in deep thought.

Was this his new fate? Will he fight the Sesechal again? Would he allow it? What does this realm of dragons have to do with all of this? He had no intent to fight the dragonkin he came across back in Gransys other than the will to survive, but the question still remained:

"Why am I here?" he muttered quietly to himself.

However, before he was able to ponder further, he heard the flapping of wings and a thud behind him.

"You okay there, Durgon?" Voltia asked, walking up to him. Durgon simply nodded his head as they began walking together.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Voltia asked.

"Simply walking around. Nature is a... calming sight." Durgon replied. Voltia nodded in understanding.

"I used to do the same thing when I first came here. That was, until I met Spyro and Cynder." Voltia shared. "Any friends back home?" Voltia wondered.

"Very few." Durgon muttered.

"Why not? You seem like a really nice person." Voltia reasoned, making Durgon look down, his cheeks blushing, but was hidden under his crimson scales.

"I just lost time for everything when I left to save the world." Durgon explained, his expression dropping further. It was because of his journey that all of his true friends have forgotten about him and then only saw him as that stoic hero. He's met many along the way, but few were kind, and even fewer were actually friends. He let out a long sigh, but that was before he felt a claw on his shoulder, making him stop and glance back to see Voltia, a heartwarming smile on her face before she pulled him into an embrace.

"Don't worry, Durgon. Here, you have plenty of time to make friends. And none of us'll forget you." Voltia assured as they broke apart. Durgon's sadness was lifted as he grew a smile, his expression brightening.

"Thank you, Voltia. I... needed that." Durgon said before obliviously scratching the back of his neck. Voltia only smiled and giggled at this.

"Any time. Now c'mon. Let's get back to the others." Voltia said before trotting off, Durgon not far behind.

Chapter 3 signed, sealed, and out in the field. I hope you all enjoyed, and as always, further reviews will spur me on to write further chapters. As always, have a nice day. Peace.