Disclaimer: The world and characters of Tortall belong to Tamora Pierce, not to me.

Written for SMACKDOWN at Goldenlake (fiefgoldenlake . proboards . com), for fight 1/A. Kalasin/Kaddar didn't make it to the next round, but you should come and participate anyway!


These are the seconds that belong to them.

The stare he gives her when one of his advisors starts to repeat the same sentence over and over. The quick smile she gives in reply before cutting the rambler off with an insightful comment. All the conspiratorial glances.

Kaddar grabbing her hand under the banquet table. Kally's affectionate kick when Kaddar starts to doze off during the day. Their shoulders touching as they walk through the palace.

The split second before they fall all the way into sleep. Kally's flashing eyes when she comes from the healer, telling him even in a meeting exactly what the news is. The moment Kaddar disregards propriety and jumps up to embrace her and her softly swollen stomach.

These are the seconds that eclipse all the other ones, the ones Kaddar and Kalasin spend bored, angry, hurt, or even homesick.

These are the seconds that make everything worth it.