Hello everybody! This is my first attempt at a Les Miz fanfic, so bear with me. Also, it is a modern AU, and if you couldn't guess it's Eppy/Enjy. Enjoy!

"Ponine!" a voice called. Eponine Thenardier lifted up her head from her sketch and looked over as Marius Pontmercy ran toward her. She grinned, and her heart lifted up as high as the sky. "What's up, Marius?" she asked, a smile completing her words. "I need your help." He grabbed her hand, but failed to notice her blush as he dragged her towards the parking lot of Musain High.

He let her hand go next to his car and stars had begun to form in his eyes as he stared a few spots over. "Can you find out her name, 'Ponine?" he asked, pointing towards a girl standing by a nice convertible. She had long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a pretty pink dress. Eponine's eyes widened.

"So, 'Ponine? Can you go talk to her? I need to know her name!" But while Marius had meant his words to be kind, every one of them pierced Eponine like a knife. Her amber eyes filled with pain as she whispered: "Cosette."

"Cosette? Thank you, Eponine!" Marius exclaimed as he raced over to her. "Cosette." she whispered again, tears welling in her eyes. Why would he ever look at me? Why would be care? He never cared. These thoughts raced through Eponine's mind as she ran off, away from Marius, away from Cossette, away from pain.

Eponine walked slowly down the empty street. She didn't want to go back. She didn't want to go home. So, she just stood, empty and broken, on the sidewalk, ripped jeans showing her knees and too-small boots pinching her feet.

Clouds covered the sky and rain softly began to fall on Eponine, sitting on a corner of the sidewalk, arms wrapped around her knees. That was when she finally let the tears fall. Stupid Marius. He was the only thing she had, and then, he was gone.

Enjolras came out of Musain High after finishing a test. His arms were laden with books and his bag was heavy on his back. His red waistcoat blew around him in a light breeze. He pulled out his phone: 4:20. He sighed and began the long walk back to his apartment.

About halfway there, it began to rain. Sighing, he unconsciously turned toward the buildings so he could walk under the awning. That was when the sound of sobbing reached his ears. He looked over and saw a dark-haired girl, sitting, soaked, on the sidewalk, crying like her best friend had just died. He was about to brush it off and keep walking when he looked at her again and realized that he knew her.

She was Marius's shadow. Now that he thought about it, he had seen her hanging around Marius almost every time Enjolras had seen him. He sighed. "Why am I doing this?" he mumbled, and set his books down under the awning before walking over to her.

Enjolras sat down next to her, rain beginning to beat down on him, soaking his white shirt and waistcoat and plastering his golden curls to his head. She looked at him with sad hazel eyes. "Aren't you Marius's friend?" she asked weakly. "I am." he replied. "And you are Marius's shadow."

The dark haired girl smiled sadly. "Yeah. I am."

Enjolras looked at her curiously. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

She looked down, a tear rolling down her cheek in the rain. "After today, it might be."

"I've seen you around Marius a lot, but I never actually learned your name. Mine's Enjolras."

"Eponine." she replied quietly.

"Aren't you cold, sitting here in the rain?"

"Yeah, but it's better then going home."

"What's home?" he asked, a bit of concern in his heart that came out in his voice.

"What do you care, Enjolras? Nobody cares about me," she said, getting up.

"Nobody?" he asked, incredulous and a bit concerned.

A tear rolled down her cheek as her sad brown eyes gazed at him. "Yeah. Nobody." she whispered, and then began to walk down the street, leaving Enjolras to wonder.

Eponine walked down the alleyway and gagged as she smelled cigarette smoke and whiskey. Welcome home, she thought sadly. She pushed open the door to the cramped apartment she lived in. The lights were all out. She breathed a small sigh of relief and tried to creep to the room she and Azelma shared. But all her hopes were dashed when she heard a voice growl: "Where were you, whore?

"I was doing my…homework at school. S…someone was helping me." she stammered. "OH YEAH?" he shouted, and punched her in the eye. "YOU'LL DO YOUR HOMEWORK ONCE YOU'VE EARNED ME SOME MONEY!" Her father slapped her across the cheek, making tears come to her eyes. "YOU WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN, WHORE? YOU HEAR ME? NEVER AGAIN!"

Eponine ran out onto the street, eye blackening, tears coursing down her cheeks. She ran down side streets and alleyways, past shops and cars, through the pouring rain. She finally ended up in a small park, lit only by a single streetlight.

She sank to her knees, staring at the sky.

"Oh god." she whispered. "Do you care? Does anyone care? I am so alone. So, so alone."

Love you guys! Did you enjoy Chapter #1? Also, I want at least two more reviews for the next chapter because I want to know what you guys think. Bye, lovelies!