A Titan April Fools

Hey guys! This is NOT my hiatus story, it's just a fun little Rob/Rae oneshot that might be a twoshot. Just for the hell of it, because I thought it would be fun for Robin and Raven to get tired of being serious and do something completely ridiculous. Enjoy!


April 1st, 1;00 AM, Titans Tower.

It was far too early for any reasonable person to be awake. However, the two birds in the Tower were anything but reasonable. What else would you expect from a half-demoness and the Bat's protégé? The other Titans slept on as a quiet cackle broke the silence.

"This is going to be good."

Robin and Raven had decided that being serious all the time was boring as HELL, and had agreed to make this April Fools' Day one to remember.

They hung buckets of water from the ceiling, poured oil outside doors, locked people (AKA Beast Boy) in their rooms, and- for no apparent reason- hung mistletoe over all the doorframes. Then Robin's particular talents came into play. He set a new password for the front door, locked the bathroom with a triple encryption, set all the monitors to play a continuous loop of Nyan Cat, and, just to put the icing on the cake (and prove he was the better hacker), set a program in Cyborg's mainframe that would make him sing Justin Beiber songs until someone shut him off. Which only Robin could do. Because, despite what Cyborg thought, the Teen Wonder was the best hacker the world had ever seen. The birds looked at each other.

"You think we'll get more than one bathroom in the Tower now?"

"Hope so."

Then they settled down to wait for morning.

April 1st, 9:00 AM, Titans Tower.


Starfire ran screaming into the room, soaking wet and covered in oil. Beast Boy ran in a moment later, also covered in oil.

"I didn't do it Star!" he squeaked. "By the way, the bathroom door is locked, the password for the front door has been changed, I was locked in my room, and there's mistletoe over every doorway in the Tower."

Just then, Nyan Cat burst into life on all the monitors.

"Come on!" BB yelled.

Then they heard singing.

"Baby, baby, baby, oh..."

Cyborg ran into the room looking pissed. "SOMEBODY HACKED MY SYSTEM!"

Robin chose that moment to walk into the room, look at the chaos... and laugh. Well, cackle.


"Did... you..."

"Not... just me." Robin managed to gasp between cackles. "Rae, get out here and bask in the glory of our conquest!"

Raven walked in, already laughing. The others just stared at the two, normally serious, birds laughing their heads off.

"What?" Robin asked after a while. "We're allowed to take a day off from being serious, aren't we?"

What did you think? If you guys liked it, I'm willing to write a chapter with the Titans getting used to this side of the birds, so, until next time, and

