Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction and i just wanted to say that chapter 1 and 2 is more of a fill in so you can get to know about the OC character. :) Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter One:


"Akane Wait up!"said a blond girl who was running down the hall chasing after Akane.

Akane kept walking furiously down the hall heading towards the dorms. "Akane!" she stopped and turned around to see her only friend calling for her.

When Britney catched up, Akane said in a cold tone "What do you want?" She was angry, of course, and she didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even Britney.

"You should't have done that!" said Britney. "Why not? He deserved it!" Yelled Akane. She hated that people would make fun of her because she believed in demons and that's why she punched a boy in the face.

He had called her abnormal, but that wasn't why she punched him. She was used to people calling her strange and wierd. It was what he said after that. He had called her a demon. Demon. That's what pulled the trigger. The only person who understood her was Britney she believed her and supported her dream of becoming an exorcist.

Maybe things wouldn't be like that if only she hadn't said to everyone that she wanted to be an exorcist. Maybe people would treat her normally and maybe boys would ask her out on a date. She wasn't ugly, she was actually very pretty. She had long curly brown hair with beautiful dark crismon colored eyes. She shook her head at the thought. She didn't care about that anymore.

"I'm leaving England in 4 days anyway! I don't care what people will think about after today." said Akane angrily. "I'm sick of these people, thank god I'm going to Japan to become an exorcist."

Britney looked at me surprised and then suddenly broke down. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!" she yelled and threw herself in Akane's arms. "I'll miss you!" sobbed Britney. Akane hugged her friend and told not to worry.

They went back to their dorms and said their good nights. Akane entered her room and fell on her bed she was so mad at what had happened and felt she was going to explode.

Why do i even care? Why do i feel so angry if they have said worse things to me? She thought to herself. Maybe it's becasue i'm afraid that it can be true.

No. THat wasn't true. Her a demon? HA! As if. She shook her head at that thought and suddenly fell asleep.

She was walking in the woods that were behind the school. Wandering around trying to remember why she was there. Right, to clear her head. She was walking down to the dark part of the forest when she heard a noise behind her.

She turned around to see nothing. Maybe it was a small animal. Yeah probably that. She kept on walking when she suddenly heard the same noise. She was getting suspicious. She turned around again and saw a huge monkey like demon.

She knew it was a demon, it had to be. She stared at it and when it started to come close to her she opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. She was walking backwards and fell. The monkey like demon used that as an advantage. It threw itself onto Akane and wanted to bite her.

She started to wiggle and grow angry at herself. She wanted to be an exorcist why couldn't she be more courageous. Her anger grew worse because she couldn't even move the demon. Did this mean that she was weak?

That made more angry and then she remembered what the boy had called. She wasn't a demon and she wasn't weak.

All of a sudden she saw blackness and then red. Was there a fire? It didn't smell like smoke but she could see flames. One herself. She panicked. Why did she have red flames on her self? The flames didn't burn but she still was worried.

The monkey demon also looked surprised and started to stumble and scream in a high-pitched voice. Akane covered her ears, not being able to bear the sound. She started to feel weak. Like as if she had ran a marathon. She tired to stand up but it was useless.

She was still covered in flames. She tired to stand up again but she couldn't. She started to panick again. What if no one found her? What would she do? Then she was falling into blackness.

She woke up and remembered what she had dreamed. It looked so real. She looked around her room just to notice that it was her room. It was a little white hospital room.

Where was she? Why was she in a hospital bed? Maybe her dream wasn't really a dream. She looked at her body. She had a couple of bruises and bites on her arms. So her dream wasn't a dream. Then she spotted something else. Something strange.

A tail. She almost fell out of the bed, she tried to pull it of but it wouldn't come off. She yelped when she tugged on it harder.

All of a sudden she heard a laugh. She looked up and saw that there was a man, no, a clown sitting on a chair in front of the bed.

She screamed, and he only laughed harder. "Who are you?" asked Akane. She was scared and confused, to many things happening. "My name is Mephisto Pheles, i'm director of the True Cross Academy. I believe you were going to attend my school?"

She stared at the clown shocked. That was director of True Cross Academy? He looked like a clown. "I-I... Yes, i was." she said. "Well, i see that there is now a change of plans. Now that you've awaken your demon powers." said the clown.

When Akane understood what he said she jumped in shock and feel of the bed with a hard thump. "Excuse me? Did you say that i-i awaked my de-demonic p-powers?" stuttered Akane. She got up and sat on the bed with her eyes as big as saucers.

Mephisto looked at her with a smirk on his face and snapped his fingers. Suddenly there was a mirror in front of Akane. She looked at herself in awe. She had a pointy ears and sharp teeth. And not to mention the tail. It was still there. Her tail was black with a red tip.

"Now that you've seen yourself" he said and snapped his fingers again so that the mirror vanished, "You have 2 options: One i can kill you or Two you can commit suicide; your choice." He put a mischievous smile on his lips and in that moment Akane just wanted to smack it off.

Authors Note:

How was the first chapter? Is it too long? DAF;KDJ Oh by the way Akane means "deep red" and i think that it goes well since she has red flames and her eyes are dark crismon. It will get better as i continue writing i promise! fak;df

I didn't really give a good description on her appereance, she has dark brown curly hair, dark crismon colored eyes, she is tall and has a slim figure. She is really pretty but since she said she believed in demons no one cares about her and thinks that she is crazy.


~ .okumura