Chapter 2:

Elena stared at Dumbledore, mouth agape, failing to come up with any more words.

"What? How?" Jeremy asked suddenly, his expression similar to Elena's.

Alaric just looked between the two siblings, wondering how the hell they knew this stranger dressed very oddly. "Is there something I don't know about?" He asked.

Elena and Jeremy quite staring at Dumbledore long enough to glance at their guardian. Slowly, Elena nodded.

"I see you two haven't told him yet." Dumbledore commented.

"Told me what?!" Alaric exclaimed, even more lost than he had been a couple of minutes ago.

Elena took a deep breath. "We should have told you sooner, but with everything there hasn't been enough time." She began. "The Gilbert's are really part of a magical bloodline, which makes Jeremy and I have magical abilities." She continued, watching as the vampire hunter's face changed from confused to shock.

"We should discuss this further inside." Dumbledore interrupted. "I have some important matters to discuss that shouldn't be overheard, and these are dangerous times to reveal secrets." He continued, stepping past them and walking inside. The three followed him, and all four took a seat in the living room.

"You ok?" Elena asked Alaric, noticing his slightly dazed expression.

"By magical abilities, do mean like a witch and wizard?" He asked. The other three occupants nodded. "It's a lot to process, but I will be." He answered. "Though I'd love to know how you three know each other." He added.

"Elena and I attended this… boarding school, shall we say, in Britain from the time we were 11 up until she was 15 and I was 13 called Hogwarts. It's a school for witches and wizards, and Dumbledore here is the headmaster." Jeremy explained.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Dumbledore said, smiling at him.

"You said you had some important things to discuss, what were they?" Elena asked, hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

"Ah, yes. As you know, Voldemort has risen once more and is gathering more followers." Dumbledore began continuing, but Alaric cut him off.

"Wait, hold on, who's this 'Voldemort'?" He asked.

"The darkest wizard ever. Basically, the wizarding world's version of Klaus." Elena explained.

"Yes. As I was saying, he is gathering strength and followers, which makes him more dangerous." Dumbledore picked back up. "I have a suspicion Klaus may join him. I'm aware of your… predicament with him, and I ask you be on high alert constantly."

"That would explain why we haven't seen him in months." Jeremy muttered. Elena kept her face neutral, knowing if Klaus joined Voldemort, Stefan would too. She may have, over the past couple of months, come to realize her only feelings for him were one of a friend, that her heart was never into the relationship, but she still didn't want him to go over to the dark side.

"That is not all I wanted to discuss, however. I wanted to tell you that the two of you may return to Hogwarts now if you wish." Dumbledore said.

Elena's jaw dropped, all thoughts of Stefan and Voldemort vanishing. Was he serious?!

"I know you are probably wondering why now after all this time, and why I had you come back here in the first place, but all I ask is that you be patient and know it was for the best; the answers will come with time." He added.

Elena longed to know why, but knew that Dumbledore wouldn't say any more on the subject and let it drop. She was too happy to have a chance to go back to care really.

"How will we catch up on all the work we missed?" Jeremy asked.

"True, you two are behind, however I have arranged for you two to stay with the Weasley's for the rest of the summer if you choose to come back; I'm sure they will help you two get up to speed in no time." Dumbledore said. Elena's heart leapt at the prospect of visiting the Weasley's, and quite possibly Hermione and Harry too. She had missed them the most out of everyone.

She wanted to go back so badly her chest ached, but she glanced at Alaric, looking for his reaction. She loved him like a father, and as much as she wanted to go back, she would stay for him.

He caught her glance. "If you want to, go. You're 18 now; you can decide to do whatever you want to. I'll be fine, I've got Damon and the others." He said.

She smiled at him in thanks. "When can we leave?" She asked Dumbledore.

"Now. It would be best to get you two there as soon as possible so you have more time to catch up. Don't worry about your things." He said. "You'll find them already there. I'll be waiting outside when you two are ready."

He left, giving them a chance to say proper goodbyes. Elena and Jeremy turned to Alaric.

"Don't freak if you get an owl." Jeremy said. "That's the only way we'll be able to contact you."

He nodded. "Do you want me to tell the others?"

Elena nodded. "It's time they knew, they deserve that much at least."

"I can imagine the looks on their faces already." Alaric said, smiling at the mental images that came from revealing to the others that their friends had been a witch and wizard their whole lives and had kept it a secret.

Elena smiled in return, before stepping closer and hugging Alaric. "Bye, for now." She said.

"Take care of yourself." He said, giving her a small hug back. She stepped back and let Jeremy say his goodbyes. The two gave Alaric one last wave in goodbye before shutting the door behind them and making their way to the middle of the street where Dumbledore waited.

He held out both arms to them and they took them, Elena bracing herself for the sucked-into-a-tight-tube feeling that came from side-apparation. She had only done it once before, and had ended up losing most of her stomach when it ended. Sure enough, a few seconds later she felt it, and waited impatiently for it to end.

When it did, she clutched her stomach, but thankfully didn't lose it.

"I hate that." Jeremy exclaimed; he too looked like he was having slight trouble.

Elena glanced up and smiled wider than she ever had for the past year since the accident with her parents. Standing in front of them was the Burrow, looking like it always had.

They followed Dumbledore up to the door, and waited for it to open as he knocked, excitement coursing through them both.


Alaric sighed as the door closed behind Elena and Jeremy, all of the information he'd just learned repeating itself over in his head. The two kids he'd agreed to take in, who had started to feel more like his own kids somewhat, were really a witch and wizard, and had never told anyone.

And now it was up to him to break the news to the others that Elena and Jeremy weren't what they said they were.

This is going to be fun. He thought sarcastically as he began calling the others, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.


I know, it's kind of short. Anyway, my internet's been down a lot today so you can probably expect another update on at least one of my other stories very soon, since I have nothing else to do really. Or maybe a new story; I've been really wanting to write another Spike/Elena story and a NCIS/Vampire Diaries/Buffy three way crossover. So Alaric's going to tell the others- which ought to be fun, no?- and Elena and Jeremy are going to have a reunion with the Weasley's, and of course Hermione and Harry, next.