[Coming Home]: Vampire Diaries/Harry Potter (Draco/Elena/Harry)

Summary: The Gilbert's are really a magical bloodline. Elena and Jeremy attended Hogwarts until Elena's fifth year, when they were sent back under mysterious circumstances. On her 18th birthday, she can finally come back, and finds herself in love triangle between Draco and Harry.

Yes, my stories are still being worked on. As I've probably mentioned, I have a lot of ideas in my head. After this, there are only two new stories really that won't leave me alone, both which are also Vampire Diaries/Harry Potter crossovers. I also have a new NCIS/Vampire Diaries crossover that should be out soon. This takes place during season 3 of Vampire Diaries, and AU for the sixth year in Harry Potter, as Dumbledore didn't die and Draco hasn't become a Death Eater.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything (these things get really annoying after while)


Chapter 1:

Elena stared out the window longingly, waiting for any sign of an owl or letter, like she had every day on her birthday. The letter's not coming. A small voice in the back of her head whispered, but she ignored it. It's been three years; it would have come by now if it was. The voice of doubt continued, and she reluctantly admitted it was right.

The thought filled her with sadness; she had been waiting for any sign she could go back to Hogwarts, and she knew Jeremy was as well.

She had been attending Hogwarts from the time she was 11, after learning she had been born a witch due to the Gilbert's being a magical bloodline. Jeremy had joined her two years later, being born a wizard. She smiled slightly as she remembered the day she had gotten her letter.


11 year old Elena ran down the stairs, a strange letter clutched in her hand.

"Mom! Dad!" She called, spotting her parents sitting at the kitchen table. They turned and looked at her.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie." Her mom said, smiling at her. "What's that?" She asked, pointing to the letter in her hand.

"Some invitation to a school called Hogwarts. Something about it being a school for witchcraft and wizardry. It came by owl." Elena said.

To her surprise, her parents both broke out in smiles.

"That's great, honey!" Her dad exclaimed.

She looked between both of them, having no idea what was going on. "What?" She asked.

Her dad looked confused for a second before understanding crossed his face. "I never told you, did I?" He said. Elena shook her head. "Get your brother then, there's something you two should know." He continued.

Still incredibly confused, Elena headed upstairs and came back a few minutes later with a sleepy nine year old Jeremy.

The two of them sat at the table and waited for their dad's explanation.

*End Flashback*

Her dad had explained that both him and John were wizards, and because her and Jeremy were related to them, it made Elena a witch and Jeremy a wizard.

Elena had been so excited to go once she found out, and that had always been the one thing she looked forward to every year… until her fifth year, when Dumbledore, the headmaster, had sent her and Jeremy to Mystic Falls with no explanation. And now, three years later, on her 18th birthday, no letter had yet arrived saying they could return.

She sighed and headed over to her dresser. Opening one of the drawers, she pulled out her cleverly hidden wand, feeling as if a missing part of her hand had been found. She longed to use the wand, particularly on Klaus for everything he'd done to them, killing Jenna and reverting Stefan back to his old Ripper ways, but knew she couldn't.

Sighing once again, she put the wand back, knowing the others would freak if they found out she was a witch. She had never told anyone for reasons she still didn't know, and ended up telling Bonnie, Caroline, and Matt a lie about why she'd spent the last couple of school years in Britain.

She was shocked to find out Bonnie had never heard of Hogwarts once Elena realized her best friend was a witch, which lead her to believe not every witch and wizard knew about Hogwarts, particularly Wiccan witches like Bonnie.

Elena was broken out of her thoughts by her bedroom door opening. Hastily, she shut the drawer in case it was Alaric, and turned around to see it was just Jeremy.

"Happy Birthday." He told her cheerfully. "What were you doing?" He asked, eyeing the way she was standing in front of her dresser.

"Nothing." She said quickly. "Just… taking a walk down memory lane."

"Hogwarts?" Jeremy guessed, and she nodded. He sat down on her bed and sighed. "Do you think we'll ever go back?"

Elena walked over and sat down next to him. "I don't know." She admitted truthfully.

They sat in silence for a few long minutes before Jeremy broke it. "Either way, we shouldn't worry about it. It's your birthday, and Klaus has been out of our lives for months." He said.

She nodded, knowing her brother was right, and got up to follow him downstairs.

They found Alaric in the kitchen, looking like he'd just gotten up from sleeping on the couch. No matter how many times the two of them had told him he could take Jenna's room, he still slept on the couch.

"Morning." He greeted. "Happy Birthday, Elena." He added. She nodded in thanks before hunting around for something to eat.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. All three of them looked at each other. Very few people knocked or rang the doorbell nowadays; most members of the gang just walked right in.

Cautiously, Alaric went to open it, on the off chance it was Klaus for some reason, and Jeremy and Elena slowly followed. Who they saw on the other end stunned the two sibling speechless.

Standing on the porch, dressed in robes with silver stars on them, was an old man with twinkling blue eyes and half moon spectacles.

"Dumbledore?!" Elena finally managed to exclaim in shock.

The man nodded. "Happy Birthday, Miss Gilbert." Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling.


Please excuse me, but I need to get this off my chest so badly. Oh. My. God! Last night's episode of Vampire Diaries was probably the best one yet! Ah! Alaric, Jeremy, and Lexi came back! *Does happy dance while grinning like a maniac* The Jeremy/Elena scenes were awesome, and the Damon/Alaric scenes were probably my favorite ones of the night, especially when Alaric handed Damon the cure and said "Get the girl" dead serious. I was also really happy to see Lexi again, and I loved her remark about Caroline being cute and how Stefan was like 'Don't even go there." I'm also really shocked at what happened to Bonnie, about how she asked if she was dead and you saw her looking at her body, like she was having some weird out of body experience.

Now that my rant is over, it's time to get to more serious business. Let me know about this story, please, if you want to. As I mentioned above, I have two other Harry Potter/Vampire Diaries crossovers, both of which are Draco/Elena. One is another Veela!Draco/mate!Elena story, and the other is one where Elena is a vampire, and goes to Hogwarts where she meets Draco. The NCIS/Vampire Diaries crossover I'm writing is one where Tony's a vampire, and the pairing is Tony/Elena. I am still working on my other stories, it's just taking forever. Oh, and yes, all the events in Vampire Diaries prior to season 3 happened; Elena still dated Stefan and Matt and stuff.