Full Summary: Sasuke never expected to have the children he had dreamed of as a genin, nor would he have expected the peace he felt, with her of all people. But there they were; the happy, "perfect" family. Yet all good things must come to an end. Hardship after hardship befell them, and the family he built in Middle Earth was breaking apart. At his wit's end, Sasuke has no choice but to be sucked into the struggles of the free peoples against the Power in the East. The sun has set, and night has taken over indefinitely. Warnings: OC's, character death (not a likable character), gender-bending.

A/N: This is a sequel to "The Tale of Day and Night," if any readers are not familiar with it, reading that first would be extremely beneficial to reader comprehension and acceptance of the fic. That being said, this is the first chapter in the sequel which really is just a continuation of the previous fanfic – but diverging to exclude "Nature's Daughter."

Also I took some of the dialogue from the book, if you think its boring blame Tolkien (I don't think it is but then again I love the character development revealed through the dialogue). I condensed and summarized sections and rearranged ordering. If I don't write a scene assume its the same as in the book or just assume the dialogue is the same. Anyways, enjoy ~ with love, depressedchildren


"Text" westron language

"Text" either japanese or sindarin

Kusanagi a name/title (i.e. Prancing Pony)

Chapitre un

3017 August, 28

Dawn shuddered at the wave of malicious chakra, the Kyuubi's chakra. Her sisters felt it too and they held tightly to their Ojisan. Haldarad shifted beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder; the fifteen-year-old sank into his side and sighed in relief at the comfort he provided. Ojisan watched them critically from where he sat in the rocking chair by the fireplace. He turned away, which caused Haldarad to relax and hold onto her more closely.

The twins were leaning against Ojisan's legs, their arms wrapped around him as if to prevent him from leaving them. They looked more like girls of eight or nine years than thirteen-almost-fourteen. Their eyes were so wide and with each surge of demonic chakra they shuddered and clutched tighter to Ojisan's pant legs.

Kaasan had deteriorated further and further with each passing month. She seemed to fear that the baby would die, and like a self-fulfilling prophecy it had. Ojisan tried to cheer her up; he sang to her in sindarin and visited every day. Tousan had been so supportive, so gentle, and caring yet Kaasan continued to doubt and fear. They had all watched as she slowly grew paler, thinner, sleepier…sadder.

It was exhausting, haunting, and terrible on all of them. Each day became more and more difficult to get through. Kaasan was not meant to be sad, was not meant to be so defeatist. And Dawn knew part of her mother's illness was from her regrets and lost chance at real-true love. Dawn let out a shuddering breath and turned her body into Haldarad's loose embrace. She could not bear to be torn from Haldarad, how had Kaasan lasted so long from her true-love…

It was difficult to think of her mother being in love with anyone but their father, but then, Dawn knew her parents did not love each other. Though…in the past months Dawn wasn't so sure if the dislike was reciprocal anymore. Tousan…he looked so pained, and for the past few days he looked hopeless, helpless. He was as defeated as Kaasan. He was even starting to lose sleep and he was growing paler.

In the preceding months she had caught her father muttering to himself, as if he was reviewing some scroll in his mind. He would wring his hands and rub his face tiredly. She even caught him one day asking in a small voice: Okaasan what do I do? Onii-san I need you, your guidance. Most chilling of all, she had heard him mutter what they all had been thinking: What if she dies, of Gods, what if she dies…

Dawn felt tears prick her eyes as her throat began to tighten. She gasped in some air and buried her face in Haldarad's chest. He smelled like earth and dried leaves. Normally, it was comforting but the fear of losing her mother gripped her heart like an icy hand. She felt so cold, and so sick with fear. She had mostly forgiven her mother for abandoning them and they had just started to repair their relationship when the miscarriage happened. Now her mother lost this new baby and…and Dawn wasn't sure if she would have a mother after tonight.

Kaasan had awoken in the middle of the night about two weeks ago. She had been panicking and then she began screaming. It woke all of them up and Dawn watched with her sisters as Tousan tried to calm their mother down.

But Kaasan had been screaming at him and crying, crying so hard she could hardly breathe. She had kept clutching at her stomach, and her body had shook so violently with each sob. She had kept slapping Tousan's hands away, so that eventually Tousan had to force her back down onto the bed.

The horror, the hopelessness in Kaasan's voice still haunted Dawn… I can't feel the baby anymore. It's not moving! And Tousan, when he had checked on the baby, his expression became so shut off but the pain was clear in his eyes. He had told Dawn to take her sisters and go back to bed. Before she had left, she had seen him crying with Kaasan as they held onto each other and mourned the lost life.

Now, now Kaasan was going through labor for a dead child. Two weeks and a day she carried the dead baby inside of her. It broke Dawn's heart, it broke all of their hearts. It was now, more than ever they feared she would die on them. For the past two weeks, Kaasan had just sat in bed with her arms around her large stomach as she asked why it had to die, over and over again. Tousan couldn't reach her, she shut him out along with everyone else, and she began crying herself to sleep.

It was too cruel for words.


Sasuke watched Naruto in the middle of the array sob and curse the demon inside of her. The beast was too opportunistic not to take a chance at freedom. No matter how emotionally distraught his host was, and perhaps that was the fox's plan all along. No, he wouldn't think like that, he had to stay level headed.

Sasuke had tried sedating the Kyuubi multiple times with his sharingan but it was for naught, he lost in concentration every time the blonde made a noise. He could easily imagine her dying, yet he knew the dobe was stronger than that, Naruto was stronger than that…she had to be.

The dead child was fully expelled from her body now, and the dobe had not stopped yelling at the fox - who was still desperately trying to escape while the seal was still weak. There was no attempt at swaddling the baby; it lay on the ground rotting in its birthing fluids. Sasuke couldn't bear to look at it, and neither could the dobe. Her screaming deteriorated into sobs.

Why did this have to happen to them? Why? He knew this was normal for other women – losing children that is. He also knew that it was common for women to die in child birth, he should be happy the dobe had not died yet. Yet…yet this wasn't right, it was…it was cruel. He never would have wished this pain upon the dobe before, even when the blonde was a thorn in his side and ruining Sasuke's plans.

Sasuke closed his eyes and sent a silent prayer to whatever deity would listen, please Naruto, make it through the coming months.

3017 September, 18

Aragorn was troubled by many things: the apparent disappearance of Gollum – if the missives he received rang true – from Mirkwood, the long absence of Gandalf the Grey, and most importantly the once bubbly blonde and wife of one he could consider a brother.

Often when women underwent such states of melancholy, it was best to leave them alone; yet, his friend continued day after day to try and coax his wife from their bed. It was best to be shut away from delights that could overexcite one of such a fragile state. Aragorn's thought came to a halt as Minnuial rushed into the house, a bundle of yellow flowers in her hands; it was St John's Wort if he was not mistaken.

The ranger frowned as the blacksmith went about preparing the herb. Minuial twisted and moved about anxiously. The young woman could never stay still. Aragorn sighed as Sasuke began to move toward his bedchambers.

"Friend, is not it best to leave women in a melancholy state alone?"

The man turned to him sharply with sneer distorting his features. He seemed angered by Aragorn's suggestion, but more than that, he seemed to think it was ridiculous.

"That is the worst thing to do to someone with depression. You do not lock someone in a room with their thoughts when it's the thoughts troubling them," the blacksmith sighed and rubbed tiredly at his face. "Look, I know you Middle Earthlings don't know much about the mind and these things, but just trust me that I know what I'm doing. I know you're trying to help and…thank you," Sasuke sighed and continued on his way.

Aragorn frowned. He often forgot that these people knew much more than he about illnesses and healing them. So often he saw their skills as warriors more than their skills as healers, even the girls were being trained in healing wounds. Aragorn knew they came from some sort of advanced society that had magical devices, yet seeing them in this setting made him forget. Though it might also have been due to the fantastical nature of the devices he gleaned from his friend's grumblings. Truly, lightning from the sky used to light up a room with a simple touch of a triggering device. It was astounding and fantastical.

Minuial stood beside him with her hand on his arm as she tried to give him an encouraging smile, "Father did not mean to seem angry," Aragorn nodded, he understood this. They were all anxious about the blonde's health, and Sasuke had apologized in his own way.

Sasuke was shaking his head, he really should not be angry with the ranger, the man truly did not know any better, but damn it! Sasukee was struggling, truly he was. Part of him just wanted to give up, but he couldn't do that. The dobe wasn't meant to be like this, it was disturbing and it made him feel like the world was going to fall apart at any moment. Uzumaki Naruto, or perhaps she was now Uchiha Naruto – strange he had never thought of that once, they had had no surname when they got married – regardless, the blonde was not meant to be depressed and each passing day her condition worsened. It was terrifying, in its own way.

Sasuke opened the door and peered into the room. It smelled of stale air and he could hear the dobe breathing - that was good at least. He hoped this natural anti-depressant would kick in soon, though Sasuke did not put it past the demon to reject the chemicals as they came in. Sasuke had not been sure if the herb was safe while the dobe was pregnant so he refrained from using it, but now part of him wanted to have risked it if it would mean she'd be healthier.

Shaking his head, Sasuke set the herb mixture at the foot of the bed and moved toward the window. He pulled it back and let the autumn wind enter the house. He then noticed in the wane moonlight that the dobe was wide-awake. If not for her slowly rising chest he would have thought her dead.

"Naruto…" she was so thin, she had started to refuse all the food he gave her, he even tried making ramen in hopes that she would eat. It wasn't the same, there was no way to make miso broth but he could make a chicken broth variation. Still, it was all in vain.

He didn't like how-how helpless he felt at the moment. He didn't know what he could at this point. Would a genjutsu snap her out of it? Or would it make her worse? He wanted to scream, to rage, to shake the blonde until she returned to normal. But then he looked at her pale, almost skeletal form on the bed and hopelessness filled him. What was he supposed to do? He was hardly a medic, and not at all a psychologist. He knew he was fucked up mentally and that in itself suggested he should not help the dobe with her mental issues.

Sasuke did not like this. He hated being so-so useless. All he could do was watch as the dobe withered away before his eyes. She was leaving them all over again, but in much more permanent way.

"You need to snap out of this, for the girls," he whispered as he sat down on the bed beside her. She looked up at him and shut her sunken eyes.

"I know…it's so hard Teme…" tears glistened at the corners of her eyes, "It was dead Teme, and inside me." It was as if the horror was too great for her to understand or even let go.

"Dobe..I'm afraid we're going to lose you," he whispered, he felt Tinnu eavesdropping on them with chakra and he refrained from shaking his head. Of course her sisters also felt the spike in chakra and Sasuke could now feel Minuial listening as well. Even Dawn, who was on the roof with her ranger, was eavesdropping.

"You think I'll die?" the dobe's voice was so weak, and surprised. Had she really thought the Kyuubi alone would sustain her, perhaps it would or perhaps once its container was weak enough it could break free.

"Naruto, I don't know how to help you anymore. You need medicine, medicine that will work and therapy that I can't provide…" Sasuke took a deep breath and felt heat spread across his face at what he was about to confess, "Dobe…I can't stand to see you like this…I…" he bowed his head and bit his lip, "I don't want to lose you forever either," there was a weak chuckle beside him and cold, bony fingers grazed his face.

"Then what are you suggesting?"

"Go back to Konoha," he could not believe what he was saying but the words had left his mouth. He had been thinking about this for some time now, and in his desperation it was the only answer he could see to their problem. Perhaps seeing everyone would allow her to move on, and the medical treatment she could get there would be far superior to what he could provide.

"You'll get treatment there, treatment you need, and if the Cyclops is still there, you can get sent back to us" It was a fairly great risk but one he was willing to take if it meant the dobe wouldn't wither away like she was. And if the Cyclops was dead, he could at least pretend she didn't die like she was currently. He could imagine she was happy again, and was desperately searching for a way back to their family…

"But I won't leave the girls again," Sasuke smiled bitterly, normally he would have relished hearing that, but when the dobe looked so…so pitiable… She was just a shadow of her former self, a painful shadow.

Three sets of feet began moving toward them and the dobe sat up in alarm. "I don't think they want to lose you forever either, Naruto," the dobe flushed slightly. It was such a stark difference from her current pallor that Sasuke grimaced.

Tinnu and Dawn entered the room first but Minuial was fast behind them. "Kaasan, you have to go, if you'll get better, you have to," Tinnu rushed her words out and clutched tightly to her mother's arm as she kneeled beside her on the bed.

"Kaasan, I don't want to lose you like this, I want you to be healthy." Dawn was kneeling on the ground beside the dobe, and she clutched desperately to her other arm, "What about when I get married, I want you to be there," Sasuke flinched at his eldest talking about marriage, but the smile that light up the dobe's face was worth it.

Then Minuial made it into the room, she tackled her twin and they both landed on the blonde's lap "Kaasan, you gotta go if it means you'll get better. You still got to teach me and Tinnu all your traps and seals!"

"I think it's unanimous dobe, we want you healthy and if Konoha will provide that, then fine." She reached over their daughters and wrapped her bony arms around his neck. "Also, you could pick up some needed scrolls on medical ninjutsu and elemental testing paper," the dobe chuckled softly and nodded against his neck.

If it meant the dobe would be healthy, then he could let this happen. It was for their family. And he had told the dobe the truth. He didn't think he could take it if she died, especially like this. Sasuke refused to be alone in this world. He needed the dobe to devise horrible and humiliating deaths on suitors who would mistreat their girls, and he needed someone who knew about their advanced civilization.

Also…the soft spot created from all they had went through in this world shook to think of her dead. She gave him these beautiful daughters and she had been so horribly hurt from the death of their last two attempts at having children. In part, it was his fault that the dobe was in such a deplorable state, and damn he wished there were better anti-depressants than what he had available.

3017 September, 29

Aragorn sighed for the umpteenth time. The four hobbit travelers from the Shire stuck out like a sore thumb. Ever since he caught sight of them coming from the Downlands and talking with a Bombadil, he had tracked them into the village. How careless they were, to utter their plans in open air.

Even now, to all unfriendly eyes, it was clear they hid something especially "Mr. Underhill." Truly, the hobbit's cover was surely to be blown with such a common surname. The other Underhills of Bree were trying to figure out how exactly they were related to this Shire-ling. However, Aragorn did have to hand it to the hobbit, he was certainly quick on his feet when it came to cover stories, though the ranger noted several Greenway travelers looked at the hobbit with clear suspicion.

Aragorn tore his sight away from the hobbit he was told to look for by Gandalf, and focused in on the two cloaked persons to enter the pub. He immediately noted by their strides that it was Dawn and her faithful Haldarad. He smirked around his pipe. With the cloak on no one would think the slighter figure to be the blacksmith's eldest daughter. She was just another ranger to the occupants of the Pony.

"Uncle," she greeted lowly and quickly followed his line of sight. She was ever so observant and he felt pride bubble up in his chest. She was an archer through and through. "Mother and Father left for the Old Forest," He hummed and she elaborated, "they hope that being close to where they had first landed will bring Mother back to our home country and not some other place.

"She is too weak to make travel through dangerous territory, and who will know what physical state she will be in after the travel."

That made sense he supposed, but truly it was all magic to him, what did he know. "With Mother as weak as she is, it will likely take a day to travel there, and Mother refuses to let Father carry her," the three of them chuckled slightly. The blonde had regained some of her vivacity but she was still a shadow of her former self. It may have helped that her husband and children, quite literally, forced food down her throat.

"Aragorn, is that the one you are to wait for?" Haldarad asked with a subtle tilt of his head. He nodded minutely and inhaled on his pipe again.

"Should you have left the store in your sisters' hands?" Aragorn asked his niece with a teasing smile.

"They have busied themselves with making traps and the shop has been closed since Father and Mother left," Dawn primly replied which only caused the rangers to chuckle.

"Oh yes, and nothing will stop them from opening the store again to test their traps," she glared at them from beneath her hood and turned away from them fully. Feeling in the mood to continue tormenting his niece, Aragorn smirked around his pipe more fully, "And where is your chaperone? You two have been together quite a bit without one,"

The two young lovers tensed and looked away from each other, both their faces likely flaming. He chuckled at their actions but then Dawn turned on him with a malicious little smile, "Are you one to talk Uncle, who is this I hear you sing and sigh about?" his smile fell and he sighed if only to reaffirm what his niece had said.

"Yes, you have caught me, alas our love will likely end like—" he broke himself off and frowned at the sight of "Mr. Underhill" standing upon a table and reciting a rather boisterous song.

"What?" both young people asked, their gazes transfixed upon the little hobbit.

"Dawn, you can create illusions yes?" she nodded stiffly to his question. As he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, he noted that her eyes turned red and glowed faintly in the shadow of her hood. Her eyes suddenly widened and she zeroed in on the hobbit's waistcoat.

"What is that? I felt it when I came in but dismissed it because it had been faint. But now…now there is some immense energy, a foul energy, in that hobbit's pocket," she hissed and clenched her fists closed so tightly her knuckles began to turn white.

Then it was as he suspected. "The evil will pull some trickery here; watch him carefully and keep the tavern folk from seeing anything amiss." The Greenway travelers came to mind, they must not know anything, if the hobbit truly did hold the Ring… he shuddered to think of the consequences.

He held tightly to his pipe and noted that Haldarad had his fists clenched closed as well. Dawn had her hands hidden beneath the table, but Aragorn could imagine they were held together in some strange formation.

Dawn saw it coming like a slow moving carriage crash. Her hands went through the signs and before the evil, glowing-with-energy ring could slide upon the foolish hobbit's finger, the tavern goers imagined he simply fell to the ground and was stunned for a moment.

Moving with her trained ninja reflexes, she grabbed the shaking hobbit as her illusion played out. She could see his energy and yet he was not really there anymore, not visually. She had kept Aragorn and Haldarad from her illusion which was an auditory trigger released by the hobbit's scream as he fell to the ground. The three of them would appear as if they were still sitting around their table while the little hobbit would talk about going to freshen up.

The hobbit seemed to pull out of his daze and she quickly set her hand against his mouth as she moved them into public wash area. Aragorn had moved toward his room and had motioned for Haldarad to be a guard within the tavern itself. The illusion of herself and Haldarad left the Tavern while Ojisan's illusion followed him up into the hotel part of the Pony.

She turned the hobbit around to face her and felt him tense in her arms. "Do not scream Master Hobbit sir, and I suggest you take that evil thing off your finger. It's…tainting you," she scrunched up her noise as she watched the evil chakra-energy-or whatever the hell it was- creep from the hobbit's finger to curl around the hobbit.

"W-what do you mean? You can see me?" the hobbit then shakily complied and removed the ring from his finger to place it in the pocket of his waistcoat.

Dawn deactivated her sharingan and nodded her head, "Yes I could, my eyes see energies, usually powerful energies. Listen, sir, there are a lot of bad people out there, and they've been looking for something, you have to be more careful. You must be that hobbit Uncle has been waiting for,"

The hobbit looked alarmed for a moment but before he could continue a knock came at the door. "Mr. Fr-Underhill, sir," there was a pause and the hobbit going by the name Underhill frowned slightly.

"Yes Sam?"

"Are you alright, sir? Do you need help with anything, sir?"

"No Sam, I will be out shortly," footsteps then plodded away slowly from the door and the hobbit gave Dawn his full attention once more.

"What do you mean your Uncle has been waiting for me?" there was suspicion clear in his voice and in the way his eyes narrowed. A wise one, that was good. She smiled and stooped down slightly.

"Yes, some Gandalf fellow ordered him to wait for a hobbit traveling from the Shire if Mr. Gandalf was held up by anything. I don't know the name, Uncle wouldn't tell me, though it has certainly been nice to have Uncle here for so long" Dawn straightened and smiled at the thought. He had been in Bree for six months it was the longest he had been with the yet, though it was a bitter six months to be sure.

She sighed and shook her head. Kaasan would be alright, she had to be. It hurt to think of her leaving them, but she knew it was for the best. It had to be. Kaasan would get the medical treatment she needed and she could tie up all those loose ends. But then…then there was the little voice that wondered if Kaasan would return to them after she met back up with her old lover. She tried not to think about her mother being a man and that lover being a woman because she really did not like to think of Kaasan being with anyone else but her father.

Under her breath she said a prayer, that Ojisan had taught her in sindarin, for her mother. The hobbit tensed and looked at Dawn strangely. She looked back at him with her eyes narrowed "Do you understand me?" the hobbit nodded jerkily and she could not help but frown more deeply. This hobbit understood sindarian, how strange.

"You know elvish, my lady?" he asked, his expression curious and less wary. Dawn nodded slowly, and regretted doing so when the hobbit's expression grew excited. "Who taught you? Who were you praying for?"

Dawn backed away from the other and glared at him, the hobbit quailed under the look but it was clear he still wanted an answer. "Uncle taught me and I was praying for my mother," the hobbit ducked his head quickly in shame for prying. Good.

After a pause the hobbit spoke up, "What is it your uncle wants with me?" he asked with slight hesitation and suspicion. He looked Dawn in the eye, as if he would learn all he needed to know from her eyes.

"He would like to talk, I know that much. He will likely give you advice. You haven't exactly been to careful, you know" Dawn gave him a pointed look and let her eyes flicker down to his waistcoat, the hobbit backed up slightly and gripped the ring through the pocket.

"Then I will meet with him," the hobbit nodded his head, as if to reaffirm his own statement.

"Just like that?" Dawn could not keep the incredulity from out of her voice, the hobbit narrowed his gaze as if insulted she was second guessing his actions for him. "I meant no offense Master Hobbit, you just changed your tune so quickly," the hobbit sighed and nodded his head.

"I suppose I did, my lady. But I do not see an enemy knowing both Gandalf and being fluent in the elvish tongue. I will speak with him, though I do not trust either of you fully."

Dawn chuckled to and gave the hobbit an approving look, "That is the wisest thing I've seen you do so far." He glared at her but she just shook her head, and gave a disarming smile.

The hobbit had good fortune on his side for the moment, but it would have been too easy for this "enemy" to have done just what Dawn had. Perhaps it was the training her parents had put her through that made her so cautious and suspicious of others. The hobbit was being far from discreet.

"My uncle will visit you in your rooms to arouse less suspicion. I suggest you go there first."

The hobbit nodded and paused at the door, "My company and I are staying in the hobbit suite near the stables," Dawn nodded and motioned him to leave. She then put on an illusion, henge her father called it, to look like an ant so she could skitter past the hobbit and back into tavern. She wove through occupants and made her way to her Uncle's room.

Once at his door she cast a look about and released the illusion. Making two short raps followed by three long raps and ending with a short one, she waited for him to open his door. With a surreptitious look about her she spoke lowly as she entered the room "Mr. Underhill awaits you in the hobbit suite near the stables. Shall I accompany you so he verifies your identity?"

Dawn noted her uncle nodded and quickly left the room he had been renting. Though he spent most of his time at their shop, they hardly had the room to put the ranger up for a night.

Dawn decided to leave from his window while her uncle left the inn to move around the back toward the hobbit's window. Her uncle could be a ninja with his ability to hug the night shadows and stay unseen. Dawn quickly moved across the roof and dropped down at the hobbit's window just in time to meet her uncle.

He was shaking his head at her and she just smiled. Dawn rapped at the shutters of the window, "Master hobbit, I've brought my uncle as requested," there as the hurried tapping of feet, several pairs of feet actually.

The shutters were thrown open and three heads stuck out and looked down at her and Ojisan in shock. Mr. Underhill was in the middle with a letter in his hand, there appeared to be several post scripts as well. "Well, are we allowed in or not?" she asked which earned her a shake of the head from Ojisan.

"Dawn, these hobbits are not used to your eccentricities," she gave him a pointed look and he bowed his head, "though neither am I," he admitted.

One of the younger looking hobbits piped in, "I don't know how we're going to get you up here."

Dawn just smiled while her uncle sighed, "At least help your poor old uncle up there," she chuckled and motioned him over. He set his arm over her shoulder and she jumped onto the ledge of the window. The hobbits stumbled back and her uncle sat himself on the sill while she gracefully entered the small room.

Ojisan twisted his tall frame about so he could enter the room as well, though he grumbled as he did so. "Please Uncle, you're not in your nineties yet," she teased and he nodded slowly. It felt good to joke like this; there had been so little cheer in their house for so long. She hoped her mother would return soon and healthier than ever.

"Yes but I am close," he turned to look at the startled hobbits, "May I sit?" he asked tiredly and absentmindedly the one going by Mr. Underhill pointed to a chair.

"I'd like to know your name sir," the stoutest hobbit in the group asked, he moved hesitantly in front of Mr. Underhill, as if to protect him. Dawn recognized his voice from earlier in the wash room and recalled his name to be Sam. "And how you were able to hop up here"

Ojisan seemed to find his actions amusing but nodded his head in consent, "I am known as Strider in these parts, but that is not what you want to know is it?" the hobbits nodded in distrust and Dawn smiled from her place at the far wall. She lowered her hood and began to play with the end of her braid. This was uncle's domain, his mission; she would sit at the back for now.

"I am not partial to giving my real name, and as for my niece's abilities, it is at her own volition if she should explain them to you, Master Hobbit," her uncle stated calmly as he looked to each of the hobbits. Sam blinked several times, while Mr. Underhill seemed to regard Ojisan thoughtfully.

Ojisan turned to her and she nodded her head. It was time for her to leave. She pulled her hood back up and sat upon the window sill, "Let me know if you require my skills." She swung onto the top of the window frame and used chakra to stick to the wall. She heard the surprised gasps and chuckled as she headed back toward the shop.

Aragorn shook his head at his niece's actions. "Where'd she go?" the hobbit who had addressed them from the window asked with his mouth agape.

"Another of my nieces' skills" the hobbits would not be able to tell he had multiple nieces, but he preferred that.

"Now, I am willing to tell you what I know and give you good advice, but I ask only that you allow me to accompany you until I choose to leave," the ring bearer nodded.

"Yes, I have this letter from Gandalf that Butterbur had just given me. Oh how I wish he had given it to me sooner. None of this mess would have happened," the hobbit lamented and waved the papers about. "You certainly match the description he gave of you, but he never mentioned a niece,"

Aragorn chuckled and nodded his head, "Indeed he would not. I am a hunted man. As such I weary of distrust and long for friendship. But there, I believe my looks are against me," the hobbits nodded immediately, and the youngest of the hobbits eyed Aragorn with clear distrust while he put himself further in front of the ring bearer. "But I have made a good friend here in Bree, you met his daughter, who I view as a niece," the hobbits nodded again and Aragorn smiled fondly at the thought of his nieces.

"But come, I promised to tell you what I know and provide advice, though I knew nothing of this letter." He furrowed his brow slightly at the thought. He was sure he would have had to work to gain the hobbit's trust.

"Go on then, what do you know?" the ring bearer asked, and seemed to prepare himself for the worst. How wise of him.

"Too much; too many dark things," Aragorn answered truthfully, his face drawn into a grim mask, "But as for your business –" Aragorn looked about and moved to latch the windows shut before he moved the door and peered around, that was when another hobbit appeared, one of the "Underhill" company. No one else followed the hobbit.

"Merry!" the cheerful hobbit addressed and hugged the rather dazed newcomer. Merry eyed Aragorn warily but returned the other's hug.

"Pippin, why is that Strider fellow in our suite?" Aragorn chuckled slightly and sat back down in his former seat.

"I came to talk with Mr. Underhill, however I did witness a very curious exchange outside of Bree with old Tom Bombadil. I need not recite all that was said, but one thing interested me most. 'Please remember,' said one of the company, 'that the name Baggins must not be mentioned. I am Mr. Underhill, if any name must be given.' That interested me so much that I followed the company of hobbits here. I slipped over the gate just behind them. Maybe Mr. Baggins has an honest reason for leaving his name behind; but if so, I should advise him and his friends to be more careful." Aragorn sent the hobbits a pointed look.

Before Mr. Underhill, or rather, Baggins could leave in an upset flurry; Aragorn proceeded on, "I was looking for a Hobbit called Frodo Baggins. I wanted to find him quickly. I had learned that he was carrying out of the Shire, well, a secret that concerned me and my friends, as well as a mutual friend it seems.

"Now, do not mistake me!" he rushed on lest the hobbits believe he was lying. "I shall take more care of the secret than you do. And care is need!" Aragorn leaned forward and looked at them intently, they were alarmed, good, "Watch every shadow!" he stressed in a low voice before carrying on, "Black horsemen have passed through Bree. On Monday one came down the Greenway, they say; and another appeared later, coming up the Greenway from the south."

Merry looked troubled and rubbed at his head as if there was a tender spot on it. Aragorn's eyes narrowed.

"Now wait here a minute," the youngest in the group stood up beside Baggins, he looked indignant. "You speak of these dark things and tell us we haven't been careful. And I agree, but how do we know that either of you weren't play-acting. We told him outright that Gandalf had a friend and perhaps there's been a rumor floating about that Gandalf has a friend named Strider,"

Aragorn gave the hobbit an appraising look and smiled gently. "Fortunately for you I am the real Strider. I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will."

The young Baggins looked up at him, appraising him as well, "You have already frightened me several times tonight, yet not in a way I would imagine the Enemy would. I think an enemy would – well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand."

And indeed, Aragorn did understand. He chuckled as he nodded his head, "I see, I look foul but feel fair. Is that it?" mirth still rang in his voice and he watched as the hobbit flushed slightly at seemingly offensive language, "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wonder are lost," he stated which seemed to set the hobbits further at ease.

"I see, so these verses applied to you?" Baggins asked as he held out the second post-script in the bundle. "But how could you know them. You have never seen nor heard of this letter,"

This peaked Aragorn's interest, ah yes, the hobbit had mentioned a letter from Gandalf earlier. But he had not known Gandalf would divulge his identity, "I did not know, but I am Aragorn, and those verses go with that name."

Without hesitation, Aragorn withdrew Elendil, the blade that was broken and watched the hobbits' eyes grow wide. "It's not much use is it, but it is near the time for it to be forged anew," and it was this thought that plagued his sleep. War was upon them and he would have to take up the mantel of the king at some point. How he wished to hold it off for several more decades, yet it was of no use.

"If you will have me as your guide to Rivendell we will leave in the morning."

Merry shifted in his spot and quickly recited his encounter with one of the nazgul. Aragorn frowned, "You are lucky it had not done you more harm. And you are lucky, Frodo, my niece kept that bit of trickery from being discovered."

The hobbit furrowed his brow and looked at the ranger curiously, "Yes, I have been meaning to ask. What spell had she cast on everyone to not see my disappearing?"

It seemed all but Merry had been informed of the incident and they were looking at Aragorn intently.

"She calls it an illusion, but the art is a mystery to me. No ill will was meant, to be sure, but it has saved you for now. Other than the entrance of four hobbits coming from the Downlands, Ferny would have had little to share with the Black rider. It is possible you will be safe for this evening."

"Will they attack us?" Pippin asked in a panicked voice. Aragorn shook his head.

"No, but mischief may be done during the night, though they will have little cause to do so. Come you must not stay in these rooms tonight. I shall retrieve my niece and she will bring you safely to my rooms," Strider then moved to the windowsill. Truly it was not a great fall, but it would have been a needless struggle to climb up to it when his niece was there to help him up.

Wincing as he hit the ground too hard, Aragorn straightened and began his way toward the blacksmith shop. He came around to the back and rapped at the forge's door. Minuial was at the door with Tinnu right behind her.

"Where is your sister?" he asked and not a moment later Dawn entered the forge busy braiding her hair for bed.

"You require my assistance again?" Aragorn nodded and watched as his niece back tracked to retrieve her cloak and put her shoes back on.

The twins were watching Aragorn intently and he imagined they would break soon and ask their questions.

"Uncle, why do you not want our help?"

"We can help too!"

Aragorn shook his head and ruffled both thirteen-year-olds' hair, much to their annoyance "Because your sister creates powerful illusions and she has already been introduced to the company I have come in contact with." The twins folded their arms over their busts, as slight as they were, and grumbled to themselves. They could still act like children, which was thankful. He would not have wanted their mother's illness to diminish their natural joviality.

"So the talk went well then?" Dawn questioned, and Aragorn nodded before they exited the forge and made their way back to the inn.

Tinnu glared at the retreating figures of Nee-chan and Ojisan. It wasn't fair. Why did Dawn get to have all the fun? Then a thought suddenly came to her. Why should Dawn be the only one to help Ojisan?

Tinnu glanced over at her sister and they both began to smile. Oh yes, it would be perfect. Cackling, as their father would dub their laughter, Tinnu began to collect all the seals they had in the house. Minuial was already backing up satchels for them. An adventure was before them – they could see it, and they would not miss out on it for the world.

3017 September 30

Minuial watched as her sister got up early, her cloak hiding her face and making her appear to be a simple ranger. The sun wasn't even up yet and Tinnu was still snoring loudly on her bedroll, but Minuial had felt her older sister leave the room and was quick to spy on her.

The night had passed rather uneventfully, though it was more active than usual. All those Greenway-ers from the South were in a tizzy but they caused no trouble.

When Minuial spotted her sister heading toward the Pony she nudged her twin awake. It took a few good jabs but then she was up and blinking. As if on one brain wave they began to get ready.

They put on their most sturdy wool dresses and pulled up their favorite supple leather boots. Tinnu quickly pulled her hair into a pony tail, while Minuial braided her hair in two and pinned them atop her head. Tinnu packed what food she could while her sister gathered up their bedrolls and blankets. Minuial smirked and sealed their bedding into a storage scroll along with their spare cloaks, dresses, and blankets.

When Minuial made it down the stairs she was handed a sack with salted meat and bread, as well as some cheese. She stored it in the seal as well and took up her dao blades. She put the blades together and strapped them to her back while Tinnu attached her sword to her belt. Not for the first time did Minuial wish their father would make them some leather hunting breeches, it would make accessing kunai and shurriken so much easier. Instead they had pockets in their cloak to house their projectiles and trap wire.

The girls exited their house through the forge and jumped onto the roof where they crouched and waited in the dim rays of morning. Just as the roster began to crow they watched as Ojisan led four hobbits on four ponies through main gate and out, though something was off, they were shimmering. To the untrained eye it was the perfect illusion but not to them.

Oh Nee-chan was so tricky! Knowing their uncle, he would lead the hobbits out of one of the obscure exits and take a winding path through the wilds. Few people would have seen them leave so early in the morning and those that did would be led on a false trail. Minuial and Tinnu knew their uncle well.

Shifting, the girls double checked they had everything the needed. Weapons in one pocket, seals in another pocket, and Minuial still held their storage scroll; however, Tinnu quickly snatched it away from her. Minuial glared at her but Tinnu gave her a deadpan look. It was true, Minuial did misplace things from time to time, it would be best her sister held on to it.

Tinnu motioned her twin on since they both knew where Uncle would be taking the hobbits. The kenjutsu specialist quickly set up a trap of sorts, it was seal that would activated by Dawn's chakra when she entered the house. This seal was a way for Tinnu to know when their sister would be on their trail, for it would take seconds for the girl to notice food missing and her sisters' absence. The fifteen-year-old was likely going to the market or talking to Haldarad, one of the two. Though… Dawn could also be focusing on her illusion - that was a possibility. Whichever it was, Tinnu and Minuial would a get a few minutes head start, and they had always been faster than their older sister.

Shaking her, Tinnu stepped away from her work satisfied and gave triumphant smile. Using her speed, Tinnu quickly caught up with her sister before they both went full tilt after their uncle, but with their chakra suppressed lest Dawn notice something amiss too soon.

They had picked up Ojisan's trail just when the seal Tinnu set triggered and told the girl Nee-chan had found out about their disappearance. The hobbits were making good time on their ponies but it was still no trouble keeping up with them, and Ojisan had always been fast on his feet – even more so since he and Tousan started sparring.

Tinnu made a few discreet signs to her sister to convey that Dawn found out, and she saw Minuial nod. Tousan had taught them some of the Uchiha Police Corps sign language, but they had created some of their own signs when they were coordinating pranks to pull on their family.

The girls continued to act as shadows for the group, even as they felt their sister's chakra start to follow. This was sooooooo much fun!


Dawn could not believe them! They could not do this to her. Tousan was going to kill her! Well…no he wouldn't but he was going to be so disappointed; and right after he sent Kaasan home.

Why weren't they thinking, didn't they realize this was going to devastate their father to return to an empty house. Oh gods, this was horrible! She had left a note and prayed to all the deities she knew, that she and her sisters would return before their father. Maybe they could play it off as if nothing had happened.

Dawn couldn't sense her siblings but she knew they were likely tracking Ojisan. Gritting her teeth, Dawn activated her sharingan and searched the forest for any sign of her sister's passing through the area. She immediately caught onto the sight of pony hooves through a ranger's path, which was a relief. She caught onto Ojisan's trial and now had to see if her sisters had gone along this way.

Then she saw it, a bent twig and some worn off bark on one of the upper tree branches. It looked like Minuial had traveled this way, and Tinnu was likely with her. Minuail did her best to be cautious but she always left little mistakes like this behind that made it easy to track her, Tinnu hardly ever left a trace. With a smirk she hurried after sisters and Ojisan with her sharingan off lest it drain all her chakra away.

She was gaining up on them, in fact she could see them crouching along the path, out of Ojisan's awareness.

Oh no, Ojisan would be so disappointed with her too! He couldn't know she let them follow him. It could compromise his mission! She slowed down and began to mask her presence further. Tinnu and Minuial were grinning like feral animals while they cast glances back at her, taunting her. Dawn glared darkly at them and wished for the first time she had the next level of the sharingan so she could just knock the idiots out.

She gritted her teeth and continued to follow after them, and tired several times to catch ahold of one of them, but the slipped out of her grasp. They had always been faster than her, and for the first time she cursed her lack of speed. She still did not want to draw Ojisan's attention to her or her sisters.

However, her hopes were crushed when she saw the tree line diminishing into a bog. Oh no! Ojisan would find out. Dawn glanced up at the sky, half the day had past and the twins had evaded her the whole time. What if Tousan had returned by this point?

Aragorn was surprised by the time they were making, though the hobbits had already complained about the "grueling" pace he had set them at, though they really should not complain, they had ponies to ride on and carry their packs. Aragorn shifted the pack upon his shoulders and rolled his shoulders back to release some of the tension. They were nearly at the bog which was good, though they would lose tree coverage.

Frodo pulled his pony closer to where Aragorn was marching along. His long strides managed to keep him apace with the hobbits, though he was beginning to tire. He wondered how Sasuke would have fared thus far, he likely would be urging the ponies to go in a canter rather than the slow plod they were currently moving at. The blacksmith would have had no trouble keeping up with them, yet the ranger hoped his friend would be impressed with Aragorn's perseverance.

"Strider?" Frodo hesitantly drew his attention but the hobbit kept his gaze straightforward and his voice was so low the ranger had to strain to catch his words.

"Yes?" he replied in an equally low tone.

"I feel we're being followed, watched," the hobbit hissed before his eyes flickered off to the side of them, shooting into the tree branches.

Strange... the Nazgul would not have been traveling by trees yet the hobbit was so certain something was following them. Could it be Gollum? Had he caught up with them from wherever he had vanished too? No…it must be something else.

Then he caught, the briefest flicker of a shadow, and then another flicker. They had not! Aragorn halted in his march, his fists clenched at his sides in a mixture of disappointment, anger, and fear.

The horses huffed behind him and Frodo looked at him curiously, but there was anxiety in his eyes – he likely feared it was an enemy.

"Minuial, Tinnu!" Aragorn called out sternly, his eyes were set in a hard expression.

"Uh-oh!" that was Minuial, and Aragorn noted three flickers stop in the trees above them.

"Dawn!?" He couldn't believe this, how could she have allowed the twins to come this far? Pippin was trying to ask what Strider was going on about when Dawn dropped down to the ground from her perch.

She landed in a crouch, her hood still shadowed her face while she bowed her head deeply, "I am so sorry Uncle! I am. I was trying to take them home but they kept evading me!" Aragorn glared up in to the tree lines and raised an eyebrow as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Get down here," he ordered and the twins dropped down from the trees, and quickly stood up from their landing crouches. The hobbits seemed too shocked for words. "How irresponsible can you two be?" he hissed at the twins who ducked their heads at his chastisement.

"Your father will be arriving home at any moment to an empty house. With all that has been happening to him how could you disappear like that? He will also have just parted with his wife, did you two think of that?"

"Strider what are you saying?" Pippin asked as he regarded Aragorn's nieces with interest. Frodo shot Pippin a look too late and began to shake his head.

"It is a personal matter," Aragorn replied curtly before he looked back at the twins and Dawn who was half kneeling with her head still bowed. "This is dangerous mission I am on, a mission I wanted to keep your family as far away from as possible!" Minuial began to pout and had her arms folded over her chest.

"Then why did Dawn get to help!" she shouted like a petulant child and Aragorn narrowed his gaze on her.

"You are a young woman, Minuial and you should best begin acting as such," he saw Frodo grimace at his harsh treatment of his nieces, but Aragorn was too alarmed and worried for his nieces to care what the hobbit thought of him.

"What will your father do if something were to happen to any of you? Hmm? You three are his world, and with your mother gone…" Minuial glared back definitely at him, and Tinnu raised her head slowly.

"Why won't you let us help. We can fight, we're strong, we can take care of ourselves" Minuial threw her hands out to her sides in exasperation. "You let Dawn help!"

Dawn was standing by this point and she grabbed Minuial by the arm.

"That was in the safety of the village, and I know what you're doing, Minuial, I will not allow it," his niece was going to play with the hobbit's desperate need for safety to get her a place in the company.

"The longer we stay here, Ojisan, the sooner we could be tracked by those black riders," Tinnu piped in but did not back down at the glares directed at her from Aragorn or Dawn.

"We are going home now," Dawn stated, "Before Father has a heart attack,"

Aragorn was not sure what exactly a heart attack was, but he could imagine it was brought on by stress or fear.

Minuial jerked her arm out of the hold, "We can cast illusions just well as you, and we're fast, much faster than you. We'll sneak out the moment we get back and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Dawn gritted her teeth and glared harder at her younger sister, Tinnu was nodding her head to her twin's words.

"Then Ojisan can be safe too. We can put up seals around the campsite to keep unwanted peoples out"

Aragorn noted the hobbits' interest had been piqued. They had been rightly scared in their travels and the thought of such magical protection appealed to them, but Aragorn could not allow it, he could not risk his nieces.

"You will do no such thing!" Dawn hissed, her rage causing her to slip into her native tongue, or perhaps it was mix because he swore he heard a sindarin word or two mixed in. "Would you really do this to Tousan! And by the time we're home he'll be back and he's faster than both of you! We are going home now!"

"No we won't!" the twins said this in unison and though Aragorn knew not what exactly they had said he could imagine the sentiment behind it. The hobbits were shifting and he could see anxiety continue to build in Fordo's eyes.

"We'll slip away from you again and again, and we'll never get home!"

"We want to be of some help too, why do you get to be the only one to help Ojisan, huh Nee-chan!?"

"Please, stop this arguing," Aragorn and his nieces turned to Frodo who was holding his pocket anxiously. "I feel too exposed here, we must continue on," the hobbits eyes flitted about the area as he held tightly to his waistcoat pocket.

"If these three can be of so much help, Mr. Strider, why don't they help?" to Aragorn's surprise it was Sam who spoke up.

"I will not endanger my nieces' lives," he replied coldly which caused the young hobbit to flinch and duck his head.

"But Strider!" Pippin cried but was quickly silenced by Aragorn's glare.

"Uncle, we want to help!" Tinnu pleaded.

"We don't even know what your mission is, we just want to help!" Minuial explained, but their protests had given Dawn the chance to grab hold of both of her siblings.

"I will knock you both out and drag you back to Bree, am I clear?!" the twins tugged their arms out of her hold in unison and flickered out of existence to reappear behind the hobbits.

Frodo was fidgeting and Merry looked thoughtful. Aragorn narrowed his eyes on Frodo and began to shake his head as the hobbit opened his mouth.

"I know they are your nieces, but they are willing to help, and I am sure no harm will come with these protections they can offer. It is something to consider. It is also possible that their father knows of their absence and is already searching," the twins nodded adamantly and Dawn looked torn. He knew the girl wanted to help, in fact, that morning she had gave a desperate plea to come along and aide them however she could.

Aragorn had told her firmly, that no she could not, she had to be there for her father and sisters. He knew she wanted to help just as desperately as the twins but she knew how he felt; she knew he would never agree.

Merry spoke up then, "Besides, Strider, would it not put them in more danger if the enemy should…well…take it, then everyone will die, right?" and all the hobbits began to nod adamantly.

"It's six against two, Ojisan,"Tinnu stated with her head cocked to the side, consequently mimicking her sister who was grinning devilishly.

Dawn had her head bowed again, "Uncle…" Aragorn snapped his attention toward her and instantly knew she had caved "If the mission affects us so much, why don't we help you?"

"No!" Aragorn crossed his arms over his chest and the girls bowed their heads.

"Strider," he glared at the ring bearer again, "We do need the help desperately and I would feel safer with those illusions around us. We've wasted too much time here, and the yelling may have drawn attention to us."

"I can check that!" the twins called and split off in different directions to scout.

"I'll scout as well—"

"No you will not!" Aragorn snapped and Dawn paused in her jumping motion, "you will take your sisters home – that is the end of the discussion."

"I can't catch them; they're too fast for me!" she exclaimed in frustration before she jumped away to scout as well.

"Well, I guess they're helping," Pippin chirped with a shrug only to flinch at Strider's glare.

"I will not be able to forgive myself if something should happen to them. I hope you are all happy that you're endangering my nieces' lives," Aragorn moved forward, perhaps he had been too harsh on the hobbits, but the girls had outright disobeyed him and were setting their father up for more heartbreak than the smith already had to deal with.

The hobbits followed behind him somberly, heads down, and ponies kicking up a little dirt.


Sasuke dropped down from the trees and trudged tiredly toward the gate. He rubbed his face and wished to see his girls. The sun had set some time ago and the day had felt so dreadfully long.

After he and the dobe broke camp that morning, they hand continued on their way. They had made it to the hill on which Goldberry and Tombadil lived around noon; however, the strange couple was nowhere to be found.

The dobe had been so fatigued from the travel that she had asked to rest and he complied; after all, it would be last time he would get to hold her for who knew how long – possibly forever. Part of him wished to be intimate with her one last time – strangely enough, but he knew she was in no shape mentally for that. Instead he had lay down beside her and held onto the dobe, the mother of his children. She had been so horribly thin and pale, he had almost been afraid she would break, but the dobe had always been made of stronger stuff.

In some ways, that afternoon had reminded Sasuke of their first year in Middle Earth, so often they would lay on that hill, soaking in the sun and taking in all of nature. Of course, instead of thinking they would be together for a long time as they had in those years… he could not help but think that they would be parted for an indefinite amount of time.

It had taken several tries for the dobe to coat herself fully in the demon's chakra, and she could only hold it for a short time. They had practiced on clones outside of the village prior to today, and the clones had successfully returned to Konoha. Before the Kyuubi cloak faded he sent her back through the time-portal-jutsu. Her sad smile was the last he saw of her before she was sucked into its depths, her chakra connecting her back to the Elemental Lands.

Sasuke left then, as quickly as he could. Standing before the entrance of the village he rapped at the gate. It was well past sundown, several hours actually. The gatekeeper eyed him suspiciously until he recognized him.

"And what are you doing out there?"

"I left yesterday morning with my wife,"

"Oh and where is she?" Sasuke folded his arms over his chest and glared at the man. Oh yes, he remembered now, this man was one of the townsfolk who believe he had killed his wife when she left.

"She's with friends healing. Now either let me in or I will find my own way in," he was too drained, emotionally, to want to do any strenuous exercise. He had raced here and that had been enough, he just wanted to sit down with his girls and just soak in their presence.

"Alright, alright, just strange things have been happening," the gatekeeper stated which caused Sasuke to raise an eyebrow. The gatekeeper saw this and quickly elaborate, the man was always such a gossip, "Black riders, hobbits, and rangers coming and going, along with wizards. Then there was some rowdy crowds last night," Sasuke gave a 'hn' and proceeded toward the shop. He had hoped the gossip would be more interesting.

The corners of his mouth dipped down when he was outside his home of fifteen years. No lights were on. That was strange, the girls were usually up reading or working on traps/seals. He walked inside, it was cold, far too cold to be normal. No glowing embers in the fire to signify they had let it die as they went to bed – no, it was as if they had never lit a fire, but the day had been a little chilly and surely they used a fire to cook.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he noted that…that Minuial's dao blades were not resting against the wall and Tinnu's sword was not lying on the ground. Had the twins actually put their weapons away? But then he noticed the loaf of bread on the table was missing…strange. Had they eaten it all?

Then Sasuke noted the paper on the counter, he went over to it and picked it up. He moved toward the window and in the moonlight he could see his eldest daughter's scrawl.

The twins went after Ojisan when he left with his hobbit. I'm bringing them back.

The paper fluttered to the floor and Sasuke was frozen in place. Dawn was too slow to catch her sisters, but surely Aragorn had sent them away, yet then…then those girls could be so stubborn and manipulative. The ranger was supposed to be protect some hobbit, if the hobbit ever came… then the gatekeeper's words about black riders.

Sasuke turned right around and ran toward the inn. He threw it open and noted the place was packed. His eyes scanned about but Butterbur was nowhere to be found. Growling under his breath he caught Nob as he went past, "Where's Butterbur," he hissed at the hobbit, the short one jumped and began to fumble over his words.

"B-b-butterbur is with-with—"

"Where is he?" he growled and lifted the little hobbit off the ground, much to the shock of the tavern's patrons. The hobbit gestured to the office and Sasuke decided to let the creature down gently before he practically flew across the room to the office.

He threw the door open to find an extremely tall elderly man in grey with a blue hat, looming over the rotund barkeep.

"Where did Strider go," he hissed at the barkeep and quickly had the man pressed against the wall, regardless of the onlooker.


"And why do you care for that information?" Sasuke looked over his shoulder at the glaring giant man. He was easily taller than Aragorn and that seemed a difficult feat to accomplish to Sasuke.

"My daughters followed him, and I will not sit by while-while black riders endanger them!" he knew whatever those things were they were bad, he knew Aragorn feared them and would never purposefully set his daughters in danger.

"And why would your daughters do that?" the tall man asked him yet another question, he looked genuinely interested.

"I have no time for your questions, old man. If you know something, tell me, otherwise stay out of this." Sasuke focused his attention back on Butterbur was quaking and looked ready to faint.

"I don't know anything Dû, I swear, but Gandalf does, sir, he does, just leave me alone!" the man wailed while pointing at the tall old man who was glaring at both of them.

Sasuke round upon the old man, his eyes flashing with the sharingan, the man took a step back and straightened up to his full height. "Where are they going?" he ground out. The man radiated with energy, it almost hurt his eyes – the power radiating around the man.

"Then answer my question, why would your daughters follow him?"

Sasuke folded his arms over his chest and glared up at the man, "I don't have to tell you, I could just torture the information from you,"

"I'm sure talking things out will get you answers faster," the old man replied evenly.

Sasuke smirked and let a little of his electrical aligned chakra flow to his fingertips. "Are you so sure about that?" Sasuke could smell urine and flicking his eyes to the side he saw that Butterbur had pissed himself and then fainted.

"I would like to see you try, but in the sake of expediency, answer the question. Surely it is not so dire or secret a reason?"

"They consider him their uncle, he taught two of them how to use weapons and all of them how to track and survive these lands," the man motioned for him to continue and Sasuke narrowed his gaze, "They knew he was going to leave again on some sort of mission – what do you expect they would do? They want adventure; they followed after him since I was out of town to stop them."

The old man looked down at him, "Hmm, and why should I believe you, I have known Strider many years he has never had friends."

"Well we bonded over swordplay," bit back and began to let his eyes morph into the eternal sharingan, "I am losing my patience old man, you will tell me where they are headed."

The man looked down at him and shook his head, "First tell me, has Strider disclosed his real name to you?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and glared harder at the man, "Yes he has," Gandalf waited for him to elaborate, "Aragorn son of Arathorn, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean,"

Gandalf seemed satisfied with is response and nodded his head, "Very well, I make to cut them off. I leave at first light from the Eastern gate," Sasuke clenched his fists.

"Why not follow them now!?"

"It is too dark and we both will need our rests. They know not to travel by night – that is what our enemy is doing. We leave tomorrow, refreshed and prepared for a long travel."

"So be it, but if anything happens to my daughters, it will be both your heads," with that he stormed out and began to pack. He doubted he would get any sleep tonight.

A suivre

Something extra:

Her body ached and a twig was poking her in the cheek. Groggily she tried to left herself onto her arms only to collapse to the ground. She groaned and did her best to sense what was around her.

She was in a forest but the insects and birds were different from the Old Forest, in fact they sounded like Konoha species. So she was back. She exhaled, ruffling the grass beneath her.

Naruto took a another deep breath and began to lift herself back on to her hands. Her body felt so weak, much weaker than when she left…perhaps it was because she was no longer forced into sage mode twenty-four seven.

"Yes brat, you really let your self go. Not for me on that sage mode, you'd be dead, but you were wishing that for a while, weren't you," Naruto gritted her teeth and managed to get herself into a sitting position.

Her head spun for a moment but then it stopped, "Shut up fox" she hissed mentally and was alarmed by how deep her voice sounded. In fact, her clothes weren't fitting right, granted they hadn't for several months but now they just felt wrong.

"You know you can't lie to me,"

Naruto sighed and closed her eyes tiredly. Okay, perhaps she wished she wouldn't' have to wake up again and again to the pain she felt – he pain of losing the babies. She felt so tired and sick all the time. Food lost its appeal, in fact it felt like she was shocking on it, she just couldn't eat. All she could think of was the baby… it was dead, it was mocking her. It should have been kicking and moving and hiccoughing but it was so still, so fucking still!

Naruto wrapped her arms around herself and shook in as tears began to slip down her face. It had been dead-dead!

"Yes, yes, still birth, get over yourself already and make it to your village," Naruto gasped on air and cursed the fox mentally, she didn't want to think of those two painful weeks, and then Kurama trying to escape when… Gods damn it, it had been dead that whole time, it wasn't fair!

Kurama sighed in her mind "You came here for help, and then you'll be back with your Uchiha and spewing out more babies, got it," Naruto did her best to glare but she just didn't feel like it. She wanted to sleep, sleeping was always so much better than waking. So much better…

"What about your brats? The eldest, you wanna miss her wedding?" Naruto snapped her eyes open and shook her head, "Then get your ass to Konoha"

Naruto blinked away her tears and looked about her. This was certainly the battlefield she and Sasuke had had their final show down in. She could see the decade old scars, though covered by new trees and years of leaves, there were unfilled craters here that were now little ponds. But…she couldn't remember which way Konoha was, she felt so turned around. Was it that way or that way? Which way was east?

"Just use my chakra and flare for help," the demon sighed and Naruto furrowed her brow.

"What if there are hostile enemies,"

"Then I'll take over your body and protect you, now just do it already,"

Naruto brought her hands together, strange…they were larger than she remembered and less slender. Shaking the thoughts a way, she focused on the Kyuubi's chakra and let it flare, stopped the flow and let it flare again. She repeated the action several times, doing her best to remember the Morse Code Jiraiya had trained her in.

Before long, Naruto felt two energies approach him, they were ANBU and based on the tattoo on their arm, they were from Konoha. Naruto sagged in relief let her concentration go. Her body began to pitch forward in exhaustion. She just wanted to sleep and pretend she had a beautiful little baby and her daughters. The bastard would be in her dream too, maybe the girls would torture him by bringing home boyfriends.

She was dead to the world by the time the ANBU came to halt before the blonde. They picked up the skeletal frame and began their way back to Konoha and Lady Tsunade.

So let me know if you would like little check-ins with Naruto, they will all be about that long and will come at the end of the chapter. Also a reader asked for more clear breaks, and I have been trying but ffnet just hates me when it comes to that. it's either i use the definite line break or it removes whatever I did, so I have been making breaks the system just takes them out.

Um...so next chapter will probably end with arriving at Rivendel and the next chapter will be basically like the chapter "Many Meetings" and "The Council of Elrond."