This section is the first half of a twoshot written by a friend who was part of this crazy idea. She's a bit worried that it's not very good, so be nice, ok?

Luna Lovegood decided that the first time she had ever used the Room of Requirement was one cloudy March afternoon while hot on the trail of a Blibbering Humdinger.

The Humdinger, which had stolen Luna's glove to use in its nest, had climbed high up into the upper recesses of the seventh floor corridor where the Room was housed and refused to return the glove to its rightful owner. Luna had paced back and forth beneath her target, coaxing the creature and wondering how best to get it to return her property. Offers of hot tea, a pair of spare raddish earrings, and her lucky Gurdyroot were all ignored.

Something shiny, she thought. They love shiny things.

Turning around to go in search of something suitably glittery, Luna noticed (to her surprise) that there was a door set into the wall, one which had not been present five minutes previously. Curiously, she poked her head inside, and was greeted with the sight of rows upon rows of sun catchers, all twinkling and sparkling as they caught the light which seemed to emanate from every part of the room.

The Hlibbering Humdinger was immediately entranced. Dropping Luna's glove, it abandoned its perch in the rafters to skitter inside. The creature snatched up the shimmering crystals as it darted quickly from shelf to shelf, while Luna looked on with her curious smile. Turning away, she picked up her glove and wandered away in the direction of Ravenclaw Tower.

Later on, Luna overheard several fifth years talking about the Room. When she asked them about it, they (uncomfortably) told her all of the rumors that they knew, as well as several which they made up on the spot. Fascinated, Luna decided to try to enter the Room of Requirement again the next day.

As she climbed up the moving staircases towards the corridor which housed the infamous Room, Luna mused over what to ask it for. It would have to be something good; it just wasn't worth asking the Room of Requirement for something as silly as a new set of spell books. She wasn't Hermione Granger, after all.

Turning the corner, Luna stumbled on a loose flagstone and fell to the ground. With a grunt of pain, she picked herself back up again, only to find that she'd scraped her palms, which were now bleeding slightly. Luna tilted her head to the side as she studied her cut skin, a small frown creasing her brow.

It's so difficult to wrap one's own hands, thought Luna, as the hands are the ones doing the wrapping in the first place. But I don't want to just go down to the Hospital Wing, not for something this small. I wish that there was someone nearby to do it for me. Luna frowned pensively for another minute, before letting a slow smile slip across her face. If she required a "doctor" to fix up her hands, then she knew just where to ask for one.

I need a doctor. I need a doctor. I need a doctor. Concentrated Luna, as she paced the seventh floor corridor. On her third lap, she turned to the wall...

...only to see the door of a vintage blue police box, dated around the 1960s.

Luna walked over, examining the oddity from all angles. It was definitely a police box; she had seen pictures from the kids in Muggle Studies. Though what it was doing here, when she had asked for a doctor, was a mystery. Sliding her hand across the smooth, cobalt wooden surface to grasp the cold, shining door handle, Luna tugged open the mysterious door with a jerk.

Behind lay an exceptionally odd space, even for an ever-changing room in a school of magic. Strange, curving pillars branched off from the floor around the room, and a short set of stairs led down to a sunken floor. In the room's center was a tall, round control column, with little blinking lights and more buttons, switches, and levers than most Muggle automobiles.

Just beside the central column was a man as strange as his surroundings. He wore a long, tan colored trench coat, a brown, pinstriped suit, and a bright red bow tie to match the fez perched atop his head. As Luna stepped into the room's interior, he appeared to be speaking aloud to no one in particular.

"-and how should I know how we ended up back here?" he was saying. "Last I checked, we were headed off to go and visit the dinosaurs. And I had really been hoping to talk with the Silurians while I was there, too." He frowned, as several beeps and dings emanated from the console before him, accompanied by the groaning of metal rivets from the room at large.

" I didn't check to see if we were free of that wormhole." the man muttered sheepishly. More groaning, as the room seemed to be admonishing the stranger for his mistake.

"Yes, okay, okay. I'm SORRY, alright? Look, I'll just set us up here, maybe pop my head out the door for a minute, and-" he said, spinning around to face the door and catching sight of Luna. The man stopped in his tracks, staring at the girl who seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

"Do you always talk to empty space like that?" asked Luna curiously.

"Yeah, pretty much," the man responded. "I'm the Doctor, by the way. And, you are...?"

"Luna Lovegood," replied Luna, still gazing up at the man with a slightly batty air about her.

"Well then, Luna," said the Doctor. "What are you doing onboard the TARDIS?"

"TARDIS?" asked Luna.

"My ship. Stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space." replied the Doctor.

"Well, I don't know how I came aboard your ship, Doctor. All I was trying to do was find someone to bandage my hands," said Luna, proffering the indicated appendages. "Would you help me, please?"

Grinning, the Doctor pulled out a tiny bottle of antiseptic and a roll of gauze from the pockets of his trench coat. "It would be my pleasure," he stated, moving to treat the injuries. "When am I, by the way? I was trying to reach the Jurassic Period, but I fear I might be a little off..."

"You're in the 21st century," said Luna. "Right inside Hogwarts, as a matter of fact."

"Hogwarts?!" exclaimed the Doctor in surprise. "Blimey, it's been awhile since I've been here. Is Filch still the caretaker?"

The Doctor finished binding Luna's scrapes as she replied. "Yes, Filch is still here. I believe that he's trying to scrub the words 'stupid tosser' off of his office door."

The Doctor grimaced. He and the caretaker had not parted on the best of terms, what with having met right after one of Fred and George's mad pranks.

"Well, come on, then!" exclaimed the Doctor, as he rushed back out the TARDIS door with Luna at his heels. "I want to get a good look around the old place, see what's changed since I was last here!"