Disclaimer: The original cast of Transformers and all Copyrighted items belong to Hasbro and not to this user(Me.)However, Reaper Spark-0987, the Cosmic Peace Relaxation Spa and It's staff along with the owner Cosmic June Anderson belongs to this user because they are Ocs of hers.

Just before we begin, I would like to thank the following people who faved, reviewed and/or followed my story:


~Guest X2 (meaning two Guests reviewed)

~shadow visor


Thank you for your support! Here's a cyber cookie! *holds out a cyber cookie to each*

Sam arrived home and entered his home and soon got a message on his phone. Taking out the device then opening the message he read it.

From: Carly

:On my way, be there in an hour or so.:

Sam felt his heart stop when he read that very message. 'W-what...?' He couldn't wrap his mind around how to feel about the fact of his 'girlfriend' returning. Two feelings were present though; uncertainty and hope. The hope that she would want to mend their relationship back together and the uncertainty if she even wants to have him in her life. 'At this point I wonder what exactly is my subconsciousness...' Sam thought as he rubbed his forehead. 'I need to put some things together and finally understand where I am and what I'll do from there on...' Sam thought as he sat down at his work space and reviewed over a few more formulas and equations. 'But first I should get these done, I have to present them tomorrow.' Sam thought setting the puzzling of his life aside for a moment.

"Hey Bumblebee!" Bumblebee looked up from his energon cube as Que, he use to go by WheelJack but now goes by the designation Que, walked up to him, holding something in his servos.

"What is it Que?" He questioned and turned to the older mech.

"You won't believe what I made! I have created life!"

"What? Really?" Bumblebee gasped as his baby blue optics were filled with a child based curiosity.

"Yes Yes Yes! I was busy moving some of my old inventions when I stumbled upon an old holding shell. It looked like a sparklings but after careful investigations it was an old minibot! But don't worry it's the shelling of one that out grew theirs." He quickly added in when he saw the horror on Bumblebee's face. Bumblebee thought he had a minibot that died in his lab and the shelling was the only thing left!

"Oh thank Primus..." Bumblebee vented with relief. Que chuckled sheepishly before continuing.

"Well yes, after looking at it then it hit me!" Que exclaimed and he opened his servos. "A sparkless cybertronian!" Bumblebee looked to the mad scientist before looking at what he held in his servos and felt his optics widen. In the mad scientist's servos, sat a small mechling, with big white optics and blue-grey colouring. He tilted his head then lifted his servo up to Bumblebee as a soft and pitched trill escaped out of his vocal processor.

"Wait, I thought you said you created life...?" Bumblebee looked from the mechling after giving the young one his digit. "If he doesn't have a spark, how is he moving?" Bumblebee questioned.

"That's what I thought but when you scan him, he registers as a sparked and functional cybertronian! And get this, he can't die!" Wheeljack said with such glee that it freaked Bumblebee a little.

"Okay...Wait what do you mean he can't die? That sounds a little Overpowered if you ask me Que..."

"You hang out with humans too much, but anyways! What I mean is, sure once you dismantle him and blow him up he just regenerates! The perfect lab partner for me!" He said and Bumblebee could finally under stand the scientist glee.

"Well at least that means you will not be needing anybots help in conducting your experiments." Bumblebee and felt relieved of not getting blown up when helping the inventive bot.

"Yes, though it may be sad that you won't be able to help me 'Bee, I think it is for the best, last thing I need is for Ratchet to wrench me to death..."

"I'm surprised his designation isn't Wrench!" Both Bumblebee and Que looked to the door as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker stepped both sporting a huge dent in their helms. "Not once have I seen him throw a ratchet at us! Only wrenches! His designation to be changed from Ratchet to Wrench!" Sunstreaker growled as he rubbed the dent. Both Que and Bumblebee looked to one another then broke into laughs as the little mech looked to the twins.

"Woah who's that?" Sideswipe said as he picked up the little mech by the scruff of his neck and held it up for him and his brother to look at. The little mech flailed and grabbed at the digits holding him and strung out a line in cybertorian. "Never seen him before, how did a minibot find its way here?" Sideswipe questioned as he tossed the small mech back to Bumblebee and Que. Bumblebee caught the mech carefully.

"Hmmm..." Bumblebee sounded thoughtful as he watched the small mech wobble then fall on his aft as he was slightly dizzy. "...Zero..."

"What was that Bumblebee?" Que questioned as the twins already found interest in something else. Meaning? They went to tend to their dents. Bumblebee petted the minibot.

"Zero, that should be his name." The small mech whirred and nodded, liking the name.

"Why?" Que asked after a minute of thought.

"Since he has Zero spark but still a living feel to him." Bumblebee said with a slight shrug but the little mech liked the name. Que hummed then nodded.

"Understandable...better than what I thought."

"What was it?"

"Sparkless Cybertronian." Que said his tone not faltering. Bumblebee was floored along with the little mech, Zero.

Okay eighth Chapter, I have a beta reader now! The name of said beta reader is DeathMatchDrunkard. They are Second Language English while I'm first but I appreciate the help!

Clue Game: Next Chapter will reveal hints of pairings and such...B3 Leave in the reviews who you think is paired up or who should be. Then when the next chapter comes out, see how well you did. ^^

Leave your thoughts in the reviews if you plan on writing something negative please format it a constructive review and not a flat out flame. Flames of any kind will be exposed of by the buckets off cool refreshing 'I don't give a damn'. All are welcome to review!

R&R Please. Thank you
