I bring to you all an original Transformers Fictional story.

Disclaimer: The original cast of Transformers and all Copyrighted items belong to Hasbro and not to this user(Me.)However the Cosmic Peace Relaxation Spa and It's staff along with the owner Cosmic June Anderson belongs to this user because they are Ocs of hers.

Summary: Sam Witwicky is going though a lot. Having to deal with the whole Chicago incident then Carly wants some time apart, he got fired from he''s previous job and he's seeing less and less of his Supposed alien friends. But he's not down and out. Samuel James Witwicky has finally put his foot down and took the bull by the horns and takes over his own life. He's got a job in a research facility, he's getting paid more and he's able to get himself stable. Everything seems great huh? But there's a price. Sam just hasn't been able to relax lately. Agreeing to take his mother to her Spa appointment might be able to fix that especially when he gets treatment.

"Saaaaaam~" Sam cringed slightly as he answered the phone.

"Yeah mom?" Judy giggled on the other end.

"I was wondering if you could drop me off at my spa tomorrow?"

"Huh? Why me?"

"Because your father is passed out on the floor and I know he won't take me…" She sounded like she was pouting. Sam sighed.


"Oh Sam! You must be so tense form all the work you do! You should come with me! It will be like a mother son thing." Sam felt his eyes twitch before sighing and rubbing his neck. He would be lying if he denied that statement. He had been over working himself and might not have been getting enough shut eye.

"Fine but I don't think this will turn into a mother son thing…" He muttered the last part.

"Oh lovely! My appointment is a 2 pm so come by at around one thirty!" She kissed through the phone and said farewell before hanging up. Sam sighed and rubbed his face as he looked to the stack of papers around him. Ever since the relationship between him and Carly fell apart he finds himself trying to occupy himself. She had told him that they needed time apart one day and she up and left the next hour.

Sam sighed and grabbed another pen from one of the drawers since the one he had been using finally ran out. Discarding the empty pen onto a pile of used ones in the waste basket next to the desk and taking the new one he got to work. After the events in Egypt and the whole story of why an alien race would want him, let's just say things haven't been as peachy. He thought that would be it…He got a medal a girl he thought he could love and a job. That didn't last long. Then came the whole Chicago story.

Sam looked at the formulas he just jotted down before crumbling up that page and throwing it away. Grabbing a clean one he started over. After that whole story, not even a week later, he got fired and Carly decided it was time to be apart. He couldn't piece it together. He honestly couldn't. The Autobots managed to gather the remains of the fallen brothers and caught any Decepticons the could find. Many bonds were broken and Sam fears that they might never be repaired.

Looking at the new formulas he wrote down he was satisfied and added them onto another pile before leaning back in his chair and throwing an arm over his tired eyes. He sighed, reached into his pocket and looked at the time. It was ten he then made an alarm for 1 30 to get his mother. Standing from the desk he stepped out of his study and walked up to his room. Flopping onto his bed he instantly fell asleep.

(((Next Day)))

Sam closed the door to the home where he had Carly supposedly lived and locked up. He went over to his second hand car that he had purchased after the other proved to be completely useless. It was a simple black Mercedes Benz that he managed to strike a deal with someone who was selling their C-Class Coupe sport. Sam was really in luck to get below 5 grand.

Easing into the driver's seat he started the car and drove onto the main road before making way to where his parents mobile home was. Sam turned on the radio and blinked his eyes as he rolled his shoulders slightly. Bumblebee and the Autobots have gone further under the radar so the only times that He gets to even so much as barely see them is when he has to go for a check-up because of his exposure to the pillar and so forth. He really missed them but He did as for a normal life.

"I'm Sam Witwicky…when will I have a normal life…" He chuckled quietly before pulling to a stop in front of his parents parked mobile home and honking once. He waved to his mother as she peeked a head out and signalled him to hold on one second. He tinkered with the radio, switching between radio stations in a way that reminded him of how Bumblebee would mess with the radio. He smiled to himself as he turned it off and unlocked the passenger door for his mother as she came out dressed in a simple sun dress, tights and sandals with her purse in hand.

"Hello Sammy!" Judy greeted her only child as she sat and buckled herself in the passenger seat. "See you finally got a proper car." She teased and Sam couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey Mom, I take it Dad's still hanging in there?" Sam questioned as he backed out and pulled onto the road.

"Oh he's been in the bathroom ever since 5 this morning, he's damn fault thinking he could pull off 12 shots…" Sam laughed as he took in the fact that his parents are still their usual selves and over looked the fact that his father tried 12 shots.

"Shots of what? Vodka?"

"Oh I wish! He mixed his Vodka with Coca Cola! I admit it might have been an interesting attempt but he just wouldn't stop! I had to put him down." Judy supplied. "Take a right here." She pointed and Sam turned on his indicator as the slowed to a stop at a four way.

"So the self-defence classes are going well?" Sam asked as he looked around making sure it was his turn to go before turning and easing down the road.

"Then the next Left." Judy said as she grinned. "And why yes! I was able to knock my teacher to the ground and keep him there!" Sam was impressed. He had once met the teacher and his hand shake alone told Sam that he was a force to be reckoned with! Sam likes that fact that he's using his time to help people like his mother to defend themselves. Sam pulled to a stop as the light turned red and turned on his indicator. "But I'm more interested in what you've been up to Sam, I am actually shocked." Sam blinked and looked to his mother for a brief moment before focusing on the road.

"How so?" Sam questioned as he waited for the traffic light to turn green. Judy gave a smile as she folded her hands in her lap.

"Well Sammy, with all that has happened I'm surprised that you were able to bounce back. I mean…The whole...'Car' thing and then having two girls play your hart string till they snap and then getting fired from your other job that you could nail after that and then Chicago…" Judy trailed off at the end as she saw her son's grip tighten on the steering wheel.

"Well, we you realise that all you can do is face facts…I guess I finally woke up from my sleep and realised that the real world is quite a harsh world, but…" He smiled as his hold loosened. "I guess I have the right parents that prepared me for it…" He glanced to his mother before focusing on the road.

Judy could only sit there with an awed expression. Her little boy…No Today before her she just realised that her little boy has become the man that she thought he was destined to be and more. She smiled as she wiped a single tear before looking to the road.

"One more left and then it's the building at the end of the road…" She supplied as she pointed. Sam nodded and neared the turn, he turned on his indicator. "Oh and Sam…thanks." She smiled. Sam smiled and turned down the cul-de-sac.

"No problem mom…" He parked before the large white building that went around half the circle and looked as if there was more behind.

"Oh go to that gate! There's parking inside." Judy smiled as she pointed to one of the gates that had an entrance sign on it whole the other said exit. Sam nodded and did so.

I hope this was enjoyable to you all see as how I enjoyed writing it. Leave your thoughts in the reviews if you plan on writing something negative please formate it a constructive review and not a flat out flame. Flames of any kind will be exposed of by the buckets off cool refreshing 'I don't give a damn'. All are welcome to review!

R&R Please. Thank you
