Declaimer: I do´t own neither One Piece nor Harry Potter.
Hello everyone! I have a small announcement to make, it won´t take long.
I won´t be updating this story anymore. No, I am not abandoning it, don´t even think about it! However, for the next two-three months, I won´t update. The story until now was the first part, the life of Reina in One Piece world. The second part, the life in Hogwarts, will be a whole new story, with a new title. Still thinking about it, so if you have ideas, PM or leave a comment.
Some chapters of the story are already written, but I decided to give some time. I have some small stories that I want to finish first, not to mention the rewrite of Witch in the sea that I have promised, started and completely forgot about XD. And so, the second part won´t start for a while, certainly not before I finish my exams. Probably should have announced sooner, but I was kind of busy with real life...
I know it´s not much, but to make it up to everyone even if just a little, here something many wanted to see.
Lying down on the green grass, staring absentmindedly at the clear blue sky, he tried to regain his breath. Training was everything Rayleigh had promised. It was difficult, horrible, completely out of the normal… and honestly, the dark haired boy wouldn´t have it any other way. Every day was a struggle, a chance for him to get stronger, to grow stronger. Not to mention that compared to gramp´s training, it was a paradise.
"Already done for today?" The old man asked with a smirk, as the teen closed his eyes. "Rest for now. You need to regain your strength for hunting, we are running low on food."
For a moment, the teen smiled slightly, remembering his sister´s words. Man, she was always so angry since he ate all the food. More often than not she would literally kick him out to look for food. Strangely her kicks always hurt, annoyingly enough. Then again, maybe she could use haki… she had always been the strange one.
Sitting up, his fists clenched as his heart suddenly twisted with pain, he looked at the green grass. It was the wrong color, too light, but it never failed to remind him of his sister and brother. The whole world though of them as dead, annihilated by Akainu…
Memories of the war assaulted him suddenly, a hard slap to his face. The horror of that moment, the magma fist approaching his beloved family… Every time he closed his eyes, he could see it, the moment when terror took over his whole body. Be it during day or night, the memories never let him rest, bloody red nightmares filled with rain and burning flame.
That day, the world rejoiced the death of Portugas D. Ace, son of the Pirate King.
That day, Monkey D. Garp raged wildly, screaming against the injustice, as the war took the lives of his grandchildren, of Ace and a little girl with emerald eyes the marine had loved with his heart. The death of two special beings, one hated by the world and the other forever unknown, left to be forgotten through the times.
Marineford would never be the same, everyone knew it, simply because it had been destroyed. Garp had raged for days, hitting the spot where his grandchildren had died when his attempt as Akainu´s life had been stopped. With bloodied hands, with rage in his eyes and tears running through his face, he continued to punch, until collapsing.
That day, everyone believed that they had died, Portugas D. Ace and the unknown granddaughter of Garp.
However, Luffy knew better.
As a shaky hand moved towards his neck, where a small necklace laid against his skin, he felt his heart calm down. The cold stones against his warmth were the only thing that could calm him, the prof everything was alright, that it wasn´t the end.
Neither Ace nor Reina had died that day.
Luffy knew it, as he felt the cold stones.
"This stones will always tell us if one of us is in danger!" The dark haired girl stated with a huge smile, emerald eyes shining with joy. "This way, even if we are separated by the never ending seas, we will be forever connected!"
"I see. So if one of us is in danger, the stones will heat up?" Repeating the words carefully, probably for Luffy´s sake since he was looking confused, Sabo put the necklace on.
"Yes. If the stone is hot enough to burn skin, then someone is in mortal danger." Looking rather uncomfortable, Reina tightened her hold on the small stones. "And if… if someone…" Taking a deep breath, as she focused once again on her brothers, she continued. "And if someone dies, the stone will break, becoming dust."
Even to that day, Luffy still remembered those words. Death meant the stone would disappear. Become dust, to never be found again. That´s why, as he held the stones tighter…
Luffy had three siblings, three stones on the necklace. He had then when he received the necklace… and he still had them after the war, after everyone said Ace and Reina were dead.
Luffy knew better, because he believed in Reina´s words. Because the stones were still there, still whole and cold to the touch, Ace and Reina had to be alive. Reina, his little sister with strange eyes, strange powers and strange way of thinking, always found a way to make miracles. Be it simply by creating the best meat Luffy had ever eaten, or protecting them all from the shadows.
Reina created a miracle.
The straw hat pirate believed with all his heart, mind and soul. They were alive, his siblings were alive, and one day, they would come back to him. And until then, Luffy had to grow stronger, enough to protect his whole family from anyone and anything. No one was going to take his family from him again.
"Luffy, let´s hunt."
Looking up at his teacher, the small pirate nodded as he clenched the stones. As his heart beat freely once again, the nightmares replaced with good memories, he mumbled smiling.
"Ace, Reina… come back soon, okay?"