A.N: Indeed, this story hasn't ended yet xD. So enjoy this chapter ~
Disclaimer : Eh... Yeah.. Wait a bit longer. Still don't own Victorious and its characters :P.
Chapter sixteen : Simple happiness
"Beck," I whisper his name quietly in his ear, making him stir softly in his sleep. I take a step back, watching him doing this cute nose twitch thing, gives me a droolly smile and keeps snoring. I couldn't help myself, but to smile at this cute sight. Who would have thought that he is this cute in his sleep? But cute or not, I've got to wake this lazy ass up, because in exact fourty seven minutes and twenty seven seconds we have to be at school.
"Beck, please wake up," I call out to him again, but this time I shake him lightly.
"No,.." he moans softly and turns around, his back facing me now. At least he is awake. If it wasn't because of liking him so much I would've just push him out his bed, I've got to stay patient.
"But we have to get to school," I take a look at my watch, shaking a bit harder.
"Mhmnn,.." I frown my eyebrows, wondering if he meant to say something or if it was just a tired moan. Without opening his eyes, he pushes my hands away.
"What?" I ask, bending down a bit, to hear it clearer.
"Tori,.. Come closer," he murmers, turning around again to face me, with closed eyes though. I can't help but to smile at how cute he is. I bend down, to get a little closer to him.
"This close enough?" I ask him.
"Nope," he replies, popping the p. I get even closer.
"And now?" he opens a single eye to look how close I am. Then he does the unthinkable, his hand shot out his blanket and grabs my wrist. Then he tugs on it, only hard enough to pull me closer to him, making our lips only a few inches apart. I really should have seen this coming.
"Morning kiss," he mumbles. I roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes," he adds, with his eyes closed again. Jaja, since when did I became so perdictable?
"Fine, but you have to get up, okay?" I tell him. All I get is an unconvincing nod. I lean in, when an evil idea pops inside me head. I take his lower lip between my teeth, tugging on it softly, not kissing him yet. Then I move to the upperlip. I place lightly a kiss on the corner of his lips. Another soft, lingering kiss at the other corner. He finally gets irritated and groans frustrated.
"Why are you teasing me so early in the morning Tor?" he asks me whiningly. I chuckle softly, brushing my lips softly against his, but still not kissing him.
"Got to punish you in some way for being so hard to wake up," then before he could say anything else I place my lips on his, kissing him tenderly. He parts his lips slightly, moving his tongue against my lips. I let him in, pushing his tongue back with my own. Don't know when, but somehow I end up in his bed, middle in a hot make out sesion when we suddenly hear someone clearing his troath beside us. My eyes go wide and I quickly roll myself out Beck's bed which was a horrible idea, because I fell down on the cold hard ground.
"Ow,.." I grunt, sitting up carefully. Hopefully nothing broke, that fall was quite painful. I pat my shoulder as if it would cure my pain.
"Sorry to inturupt you guys," this voice,... I have to bite down on my lower lip to hold back a loud groan. This voice belongs to Beck's big brother, why is he here in this room?
"No you're not," Beck snaps at him, at least he's up now and woah, since when did he got dressed? I didn't faint, did I? He then walks to me, placing his hands on both sides of me head.
"You okay?" he asks me, concerned. I give him a smile, reassuring him that everything is fine. He helps me to get up on my feet and gives his brother an intense glare, who is oddly enough also glaring back. His arm sneaks around my waist, in this possesive maner. The tension got incredible thick in this room in less than zero point one second!
"Paws off, she's off the market," Beck growls. His brother doesn't even flinch, but just stands there and glares. I do flinch though, he sounds as if he's about to set this, the discussion which about to come, with his fists.
"Mom asked me to take a look why it was taking so long, but seems like that wasn't really needed was it?" Jay says, in this tune where it sounds like he's about to kill a freaking puppy.
"Yeah, thanks for noticing that, so get out of my room now," Beck motions for the door, to punctuate his point, but it seems like the dude isn't catching the hint at all. He just stands there, crossing his arms. Can't he be the bigger man and leave his little brother alone?
"Uhm,.. Guys.. You know we have to get to school right now, if we still want to make it on time right?" I ask them, but still no movement.
"You always want to have everything for yourself," Beck suddenly says. I was ignored...
"Well, you always get everything I want!" Jay snaps at him, eyes flashing dangerously.
"Hey,.. Guys come-,"
"Oh that's why mom favors me so much?" says Beck sarcastically. I was cut off...
"She doesn't care about you, because you never listen to her!" his brother counters back.
"School starts-,"
"Oh yeah, and you're like her dog," Beck let's out a snort. Let's try it one more time.
"No, I'm being respectful towards our mom," His brother's glare gets more intense.
"You know-," again I get cut off.
"What respect?" my 'ol so matured boyfriend says. Why am I still trying?
"I'm outta here," I let out a sigh and escape the room. They probably haven't even noticed me leaving the room, that's how intensly they were argueing.
"Oh, morning honey. Where is Jay?" the guys' mother asks me, giving me one of these fake smile. It disgusts me, she looks like a phony that way. I know she is one, but she doesn't have to smile like one.
"They're talking in Beck's room," I give her an equally fake smile. I would expect her smile to drop, but she continiously smiles.
"Okay," with that she takes her leave and walks around the corner, propably going to enter Beck's room. I let my smile drop and saunter exhausted to my car. My morning has barely started and I'm already exhausted, that's unbelievable. I inhale a deep breathe, then I start the car. Just as I was about to take off, I hear soft knocking on my car window. I take a glace to my left and see Beck standing there. I really wanted to just drive away and ignore him, because I'm really, really mad at him, but I change my mind immediately when I see that 'look' in his eyes. I unlock the car doors and he gets in.
"You okay?" I ask him. He gives me a weak nod, but doesn't say anything. I decide to ask this later, after classes maybe, because I really have to get to school now. I turn on the music to avoid the silence. Beck seriously looks like a zombie right now and now the guilt is rising in me. This is possible all because of his mother. She indeed entered his room. If I would have taken my time to make a conversation with her, maybe then...
I see a McDonalds on the side of the road and park the car.
"What you doing Tor?" Beck asks me, looking up at me still with the sad look in his eyes.
"I'm hungry, let's have some food," I tell him, unbuckling my seatbelt and also his, because it seemed like he wasn't about to move at all.
"But we have to get to school in a few minutes," he sighs. 'Yeah, and who's fault is that?' I swallow these words back and quickly dig for other words in my mental lexicon.
"What school?" I smile at him, motioning to the McDonalds with my head. He finally catches the hint and gives me a small smile, small, but a smile nonetheless.
"Thanks," he says, before opening the door and getting out of the car. I do the same and we get inside the building.
"You do the ordering," I tell him, he gives no counter comment at all, only a nod. I give him a worried look, but he just smiles back at me. I suppose I can talk to him later. Looking around I see it's not that paked, but there are a few people here and there. I make my way through the tables and get to a table for two at the window. I hesitate for a second, pondering some more, before searching for another table. One at the other side.
I sit down and take a glance at Beck, wondering where he was in the line. Surprisingly he was already done with ordering and made his way to the table I am sitting at.
"Smart choice, miss Vega," he says, making me chuckle.
"I did some thinking," I reply him, grabbing a fry from the plateau before he sat down. He frowns his eyebrow, but let a smile spread on his face.
"So greedy for fries?" he asks me. I giggle and pick up another one.
"Hay hay, burger first," he tells me, stealing the fry away from my hand and places a burger in front of me. Truth be told, I'm not hungry at all, but I would feel bad if I don't eat this.
"Yes daddy," I roll my eyes playfully.
"Good girl," Beck says this with a deeper voice, making me chuckle. We just eat for the next few minutes, without exchanging any words. Even without saying anything, I still feel this as a small part of my happiness in the memory box inside my head.
"Why don't you ask?" Beck questions me suddenly after a while. I give him an odd look ; saying I don't get what he meant with that question, "you know, what happened in my room."
"If you wanted to tell me, you would have already told me," I explain, being careful with my words. He looks up at me and studies me for a second before letting his eyes glance down at the tray on the table again. I just feel like this answer didn't really please him.
"I see," he mumbles without looking up. I wonder if that was meant to be heard by me. I place my feet firmly on the ground, pushing against the tiles to push my chair backwards. I walk around the table and stop when I reach behind Beck's chair. I let my arms slide down his neck, hugging him tightly from behind.
"Beck, I love you," I whisper softly in his ear, deep inside wondering if this would even work. For one second I really thought that saying the most important three words weren't enough, because he is so quiet, it irks inside my chests as if someone is squeezing my heart, but when I see his cheeks moving upwards, forming cute round apple cheeks, I could finally breathe again. The arm that was hanging down his chair a second ago, just moved upwards, placed on my arms, hugging me tightly back.
"I love you too Tor," he whispers softly back," but how about we get out here and have some fun instead?" I hesitate for a second, if I say yes, he will be happy, but the risk of getting caught is also higher. I nod slowly, but hesitantly, with a lot of what if scenarios playing off in my head.
"Don't worry Tor, trust me," Beck tells me, with such a certainty that I immediately trust him and all the uncertain questions flies away in a mere second.
"I will," I reply him. He takes my hand and we run off the parking, right pass our car. It took me zero point one second to realize that the reason why we ran pass our was because he didn't want to be closed inside the car right now. We both love fresh air and taking walks. I can't believe how connected I feel with Beck, it's as if he is the last lost puzzle piece that completed the work 'Happiness'. I tighten my hand in his, hoping that the time would actually stop at this moment ; so I won't have any stress, so Beck would always smile like this, so we live in a never ending dream. Beck turns his head, looking deep into my eyes with a sweet smile plastered on his face. I give him an equally big smile. I should leave these thoughts aside for now and have fun with Beck.
"Where are we going Beck?" I ask him, breathing getting heavier by each step.
"You're tired already?" Beck questions me, with a wide grin on his face. Still a big tease isn't he?
"I am fine," I reply him, which even surprises me, I didn't know that I could even get a few words out mouth. I know I am breathing heavily, but it isn't because I am tired, honestly my stamina is quite good, it's totally because I ate a few minutes ago and whenever I run with a full stomach it starts to hurt. The kind of hurt where it feels like someone is poking the inside of your stomach with a sharp needle. Beck suddenly stops running and kneels down.
"What are you doing?" I ask him. Standing there awkwardly.
"Are you an idiot?" He says, but he still can't contain that wide grin on his face. I stand there, staring at his back while letting the gears in my head turn. Another minute passed by when it finally hit me what he is trying to do.
"Ooooh!" I giggle and climb on his back, hugging him tightly around his neck. He places his hands under my popliteals and stands up.
"Finally," he let's out a fake sigh. I give him a playful pinch on his arm,"ouch." He chuckles softly. I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder, quietly dozing away. Beck is so warm, he gives me this feeling of safety.
"Are you asleep Tor?"
"Mhnm," he chuckles softly.
"I can always carry you like this, wherever we are, whenever you want," he whispers softly. I give sleepy chuckle and a quiet nod.
"Thanks Beck," I whisper softly before falling asleep.