Please excuse the fact that I'm starting ANOTHER new story… I'm really sorry guys, but I have literally no inspiration/muse for KLSR, WARS, or RNR, my other Percabeth/PJO stories… In fact I have no muse for any of my stories, other than the ones I just posted, meaning, a Galeniss/Everthorne story called One Last Hope and a Jordan/Angela story called Just One Yesterday… and maybe some inspiration for my Troyella story Miracles… Anyways. I've always been a fan of 'Bad Boy Percy' and 'Prideful Lonely Goody Goody Annabeth' so… this story will be focusing on them and how they change each other over the course of a year. This story is mostly about character development, so please don't throw a fit when it isn't Percabeth in the first couple chapters, it's going to take sometime. They're hurt, lost, lonely teens dealing with their problems in their own ways. They'll warm up to each other eventually.

So a little background before I begin. Contrary to my first statement about no Percabeth in the first chapters, technically this is the prologue, this has LOTS of Percabeth. This is a chapter placed way at the end of the year that they spend together. After this chapter we're going straight into before they meet. You'll get to see little bits of their life before the… "change". Please be patient with me and these characters. (And be patient with my updates and other stories please! They're not forgotten or abandoned!)

One last thing, I created a playlist, (whoops) full of the music that inspired this story. Yes, I did. I'll post the playlist on my profile if you want to check it out. (It's like 35 songs… sorry. But it's definitely worth your time I believe.)

Alright I'll let you get to the story.

"Where do we go from here?" Annabeth whispered into his muscular shoulder. A small tear trickled down her cheek and into the soft fabric of his shirt. He sighed, his body rippled tensely.

"I wish I knew." He answered truthfully, licking his dry lips. Her grip on his arm tightened. He shifted to wrap his strong arms around her, holding her skinny body against his. "I wish I knew…" He repeated, his voice barely husking above a whisper. She almost didn't hear him, but the pain in his voice was enough for her.

What could they do?

They lay in silence on the hood of his worn out Cadillac, only using each other as blankets against the dulling summer night. Bright California stars tinkled overhead, dancing gracefully over them and showering the two lovers in silver night light. The music coming from his stereo was quiet enough to forget about, but it was the playlist Percy had put together for her. She treasured it more than her laptop, and that was saying a lot.

"I don't want this to end." He mumbled into her soft curls, his buttery lips whispering over her skin like a faint breeze. His grip on her body tightened, getting rid of any gaps between them. Annabeth ran her hand over his chest, across his jaw, and into his unruly raven locks.

"I don't either." She murmured and placed a kiss on his Adam's apple. She peered up at him through her lashes. "Who knew we'd be like this?" She laughed airily. He smirked softly and pressed another kiss to her head.

"I sure didn't. This time last year I was dreading coming over here…" He trailed off. He had been doing other things too but those were better off left unsaid. He didn't want to hurt this moment with her, who knew when he'd get the chance to be with her like this again? Annabeth knew what he was talking about anyways, he could see it in her eyes, the war between making a joke about it or just leaving it, but the hurt there was the most painful to see. He kissed her forehead again. "I'm sorry, you know." He told her softly, against her milky skin.

"I know. I just…" Annabeth stopped and shook her head. "It's hard to think about you and other girls, regardless of what you're doing." She snorted bitterly. "It's pretty pathetic, huh." Percy slid a hand up to cup her chin and bring her face to his.

"Not at all." He answered and kissed her nose. "Besides, regardless of what happens next," he teased softly. "I'm yours." He pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling away only slightly so their breath mingled and intertwined together. "No worrying, Wise Girl."

She kissed him again before resting her head on his hard chest. He placed his chin on the top of her hair and ran a hand through her golden curls. She moved her hand down next to her head on his chest, tracing heart across his own.

"I know." She whispered. "And I'm yours." Percy scooped up her hand and pressed a tender kiss to her knuckle. "But you don't really need to worry about me going off with other guys." She laughed, but her insecurity was evident. "No one's really rushing to be with me."

"Good." Percy purred. "But it's definitely their loss." He replied honestly. He knew how insecure she was about her looks. Sure she wasn't the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, she wasn't like the girls in magazines or movies, she wasn't like Calypso, but she was the most beautiful in her own Annabeth way, and that's what he found attractive. He didn't want Calypso beautiful, or Silena beautiful, or even Rachel beautiful, he wanted Annabeth beautiful. Just Annabeth. Because of that, she was the most beautiful girl in the world to him.

She snugged deeper into his muscular body, letting her mind wonder how the hell she got such a guy, such a man. She thought back to when she first met him. He was an asshole. A complete and utter asshole and a womanizer too. She had loathed him and his sparkling ocean eyes. She giggled remembering she hated his eyes more than his personality because they were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, and it wasn't fair they were wasted on such a douchebag. But Annabeth wasn't really surprised he was a womanizer, even she could see he was down right gorgeous, like a real life Adonis. She had hated that she was attracted to him.

"I used to hate how gorgeous you were." Annabeth muttered out loud. "And I really hated your eyes. I thought they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, and yet they were on some asshole who went through girls like a wolf goes through it's prey." Percy started to laugh causing Annabeth to laugh too. "I'm serious though! It really pissed me off that such good looks were on a guy like how you were! Mostly because I was so damn attracted to you." Percy began to laugh harder while Annabeth began to blush.

"That's one of the most Annabeth-like things I've ever heard you say!" He teased, still chuckling. "Only you would hate a guy because you were attracted to them!" She smacked his chest.

"So? I had other reasons for hating you too! Like the fact that you were an asshole, and because you so easily picked out my weaknesses, and because you knocked me over that first day and then yelled at me!" She argued, playfully. "And then you had to be so damn sexy and I was really attracted to you and ugh! It pissed me off so much!" Percy let out another laugh.

"In my defense to the last one, you were the one who stepped out right in front of me before I could have any chance of stopping. And then started yelling at me for being a pervert." He pointed out. Annabeth blushed, ok so it wasn't completely, or even remotely his fault… not that I'll admit it out loud anyways.

But her blush gave her thoughts away and Percy smirked, placing a kiss to her forehead. "S'ok Beth. I forgive you." She huffed,

"Whatever." They slipped into another comfortable silence, only this time Percy could almost hear her thoughts going a mile a minute and he waited patiently for her next question. "What did you think of me? You know when we first met? I know for a fact that you weren't attracted to me straight away like I was to you."

Percy bit his lip. They both knew she was right, he hadn't been attracted to her at first, he had thought she was some annoying, book-reading, goody-two-shoes and he had wanted nothing to do with her. To him, at the time, there was no point in conversing with a girl, or anyone for that matter, unless he was gonna get something out of it, and for girls that was pretty much sex. He knew from the first moment he saw her; she wasn't going to sleep with him.

"I thought, actually I knew, you weren't going to sleep with me." He began slowly, but honestly. She giggled. "I figured you were one of those book-loving, goody-two-shoes kind of girls. I thought you were pretty annoying and I really didn't want anything to do with you, but life… seemed to have other plans, huh?" He husked in her ear with a smile. She shuddered. "Besides... I was right wasn't I?" He teased. "You sure do love those books." She smacked his chest playfully.

"Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have pictured myself with you, not in a million years. It wasn't even really a matter of how much of a douche you were, but more like, you were too good-looking and so far out of my league that I wouldn't have been able to dream this up."

"Please," Percy dismissed her answer. "You were, are, so far out of my league, you don't even understand. I don't mean by like, looks or something superficial like that, but by how you are. You're so warm-hearted and kind and smart, oh-so smart, and people like you. People look up to you, people respect you, and you deserve a guy who can offer you the world and all the book and architecture museums and buildings in it." He admitted. "You're supposed to marry a doctor or a lawyer or a politician or something. Not a guy like me. You're too good for me."

She turned in his arms and pressed a passionate, fiery kiss to his lips and he wasted no time in returning it with equal passion. "That's what annoyed me so much about you I think. You were just so good, you were just such a better person than I was and that annoyed me. You were just another reminder of how low I was. You were a major threat to my façade, that I was this high and mighty guy because I was good-looking and I could fuck girls, like really well, and I smoked. But you, you are so much more than me and you didn't try. You just were. You have no idea how painful that was, how terrifying that was for me.

"It was one of the reasons I used your insecurities against you, I guess, I could tell you couldn't tell how good you were. So by having your insecurities exploited, you wouldn't come any closer to realizing how good you were, therefore you weren't a threat to my mask and reputation." Percy explained while Annabeth stared at him in shock. "What…? You're not mad are you?"

She giggled and shook her head, clearing the shock from her face, but the awe in her voice was every obvious. "I didn't give you enough credit, Seaweed Brain. That's actually really smart. They way you used my insecurities like that. I would've never guessed." She laughed and kissed his nose. "You're a lot smarter than I gave you credit for."

"It's still an asshole move." He muttered. "No matter how strategic it was, I still feel horrible." He rubbed his hands along her sides. "No one deserves the shit I put you through. Especially you." Annabeth blushed as Percy began to trail burning kisses along her jaw and down her neck and into the soft, sensitive tissue of her flesh. She moaned as his lips, teeth, and tongue worked their magic.

"Maybe it was…" Annabeth began, pulling away from Percy so their eyes could meet. "But I understand why you did it Percy. It was an act of self-preservation." His ocean eyes seemed to hold waves, crashing together in a war against one another. "Besides, I'm not innocent either. I said some pretty cruel things, and did some even worse things against you." They both stopped talking and just continued to stare into each other's eyes.

"Besides… I'm not out of your league. Percy… You're one of the absolute strongest people I've ever met. You've been through so much and sure, you've stumbled and fallen, but you've always gotten back up. Me… I caved. You know that." She gaze him a pointed look and he kissed her cheek, his fingers began to dance over her rips, showing her he knew exactly what she was talking about.

But he snorted sourly, his eyes betraying his self-loathing, "Right, because drugs, parties, alcohol, and sex really weren't poor choices in coping or getting attention from my mom." Annabeth winced, running a tender hand down his jaw line.

"Still! And you really don't give yourself enough credit! Percy, you're one of the most passionate, loyal, fierce, courageous, and sweetest guys I've ever known. Not to mention gifted in so many different ways. Percy you grew up alone and without actual parents, no one can really fault you for acting the way you did, or doing the things you did." She pressed another kiss to his lips. "I couldn't even begin to list all the things I love about you, but I know them all by heart and I could begin if you really wanted me too…" She murmured against his lips.

"I'd think so, with all those little notes you're always taking." She blushed, giggling nervously. "Don't be shy, it's awfully cute." She paused,

"Look at how far you've come…" He smiled against her, letting her words of comfort work the kind of magic only Annabeth knew how.

"Look at how far we've come." He purred, his voice dipping into the lower husky octaves that her knew got Annabeth flustered. Annabeth blushed and glared at him. How he made anything sound like foreplay and feel like butter melting in your mouth, she had no idea. But she was totally a victim to those lips and words they made. And don't even get her started on those eyes…

But when he laced his callused hands into her slender hers, she couldn't stop the smile, because he was, shocker, right. They had come so damn far in a long, painful but beautiful year…

A year that had once seemed never ending was coming to a slow stop.

She didn't like it. The last of this year had been heaven, heaven on earth with him, as sappy as it was. He changed her for the better; he had shown her things about life, the world, and herself she didn't know existed. Most importantly he had shown her love. The kind of love that had evaded her for all her life, a love so passionate and beautiful and almost impossible, the kind of love you only read about or watch on a screen. She didn't think this kind of blistering; burning, powerful love even existed outside of the pages of her favorite books.

And here they were, the end in sight, but still wrapped up in each other's arms. She wouldn't have it any other way. And neither would he.

"What are you going to do when you get to New York?" She asked him finally. He sighed, knowing this question was coming. He drew her in closer,

"Apologize to my mom." He stated finally. "Get the band back together. Take a photography course. Write more music. Surf some, skate some. Get a job maybe. Read some of those books you've been trying to get me to read." He shrugged. "I'll probably find Rachel and go on more bat-shit crazy protests." He chuckled shaking his head. Annabeth pressed her lips into a thin line. She wasn't Rachel's biggest fan… not that the girl was a bad person, but it was that she and Percy had history and chemistry. "No more parties though. No more girls. Just music and art and getting my life back on track." She gave him a soft peck,

"I have the upmost faith in you." He kissed her back.

"Thank you. It means a lot more than you know." She blushed a little. "How 'bout you huh? What are you going to do when I leave?" He bopped her nose with one of his knuckles gently, "well?"

She shrugged. "What is there to do? I hadn't really realized how boring my life was until you walked in…" She muttered. "Don't laugh at me." Percy just smiled and kissed her temple.

"Why would I laugh? I like knowing you had a normal-ish, calm life. It's better than mine. Besides, I'd rather not think about you and any other possible guy." He muttered, circling his arms and pulling her so she lay on top of his solid body.

She snorted. "How do you think I feel, hmm?"

"Sorry." He mumbled but she kissed him to let him know she wasn't mad. A little jealous perhaps, but not mad.

"I'll probably spend a lot of time at the library like I used too." She explained. "I'm joining a dance team, so that's good." Percy beamed at her, pride shined brightly in his eyes. "I dunno… I'm still on track. I'll do some designing. I'll definitely be checking out some of your music." She giggled.

"You better."

"…You'll call me right?" She asked timidly.

"As much as I possibly can, Wise Girl. But I'll send you a goodnight and good morning text everyday. And I'll write you a letter or two. And a couple songs I'm sure."

"And art?" She added slyly.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "And art. Maybe even some of my mom's homemade cookies, eh?" His eyes twinkled.

"You know you like have to now, right?" She threatened. He chuckled.

"I'll see what I can do."

They slipped into another silence, but it seemed this time Percy was checking into the music, because he began to speak,

"Here's the song for you, Beth." He kissed her head. "Everything will be alright…" He sang softly into her skin. Annabeth let the husky, tenors of his voice vibrate against her skin, almost as if he was breathing life into her. He had a heavenly voice. "But then you took me by surprise. I'm dreaming bout those dreamy eyes." She relished in the sound of his voice.

"Will you record something for me?" She asked suddenly. "Like just a few songs, and not the band, but just you and maybe a guitar? They could be covers or songs you've written I don't care, even if there's one I'd prefer…" She trailed off, but Percy knew what she meant. "Please? You can send it in the mail and stuff. But I'd like to have a recording of just your voice."

"I'd love that." He answered softly.

"Thank you," she breathed.

She didn't like this, not one bit. She could tell Thalia, Grover, and Hazel weren't too fond of this either. Of course, neither was Mr. Jackson. She watched as Percy talked quietly with his father, saying goodbye. It must've been really hard for them, only having met a year ago, even if Poseidon knew whom his son was. They're relationship had really evolved too. Maybe even more than the one she shared with Percy.

Hazel was crying into Percy's leg, the little 10 year refused to let go of him. Hazel was probably the first person in California to actually like Percy and have him like her back. Of course, Annabeth knew why, but she couldn't help but also believe, Percy was just a sucker for little girls.

Grover didn't bother to hide the fact that he was pained over Percy's departure. The two of them had such a strange relationship. Thalia however was just barely hiding her tears.

Percy made his rounds giving soft, painful goodbyes. He wrapped each of them in tight hugs and Annabeth let her mind touch briefly on the fact that Jason, Piper, and Leo were missing Percy's final goodbyes. Granted, they had been there for his goodbye party, and this was a lot more intimate.

Finally her boyfriend stepped up in front of her. She took a moment to memorize this moment. Here he was, her big, strong, goofy, loyal, gorgeous boyfriend, standing in front of her dressed how he normally was, dark jeans and a graphic T with Marilyn Monroe on it. Annabeth could tell you each of his tattoos, scars, and birthmarks.

She wrapped him in a tight hug, letting the tears come down freely. "I don't think I can… I just… maybe you could… please don't leave me." Annabeth choked out through her sobs. Percy's face was twisted in pain.

"I wish I didn't have to." He husked into her ear. He then pulled away and unclasped the shark tooth necklace he always wore, seriously Annabeth hadn't see him without it. He placed into her hands. "It's not much, but please wear this. I'm not really gone. I mean, sure, New York, is a really long way from here, but you know…" He mumbled but Annabeth crushed him into another hug.

"Help me put it on…" She asked, but Percy was already pulling her hair away. His warm, rough fingers left trails of fire as he clasped the necklace onto her.

"I have one more thing I want to show you…" He whispered in that New Yorker's accent she adored so much. He turned her back around to see him lift up his shirt. She blushed when his muscular, tanned skin came into view. He lifted the shirt until a tattoo on his left rib cage came into view. Annabeth had never seen this one, but she knew it was new because of the clear bandage and the red skin around it. The words, "Remembering Sunday," were written with grey ink and just under it was a tiny owl and "Wise Girl". Annabeth clasped her hands to her mouth and threw her arms around him again.

"No matter what happens with us, I want to always remember you. You changed me, Wise Girl, I want to remember you and your beautiful grey eyes and your amazing heart. Forever."

"I'll always remember you Percy. I promise to you, I'll always love you, and if you're ever in town…" she smiled shyly. "I'll be waiting with open arms." He dipped down, his gaze was so intense Annabeth felt her knees begin to shake and give out, but he had her in his arms. They crashed their lips together passionately. But the pulled away just as quick, his lips lingering over hers.

"I love you Wise Girl." Annabeth choked, that was the first time Percy had said it first. Annabeth had always been the one to say it first.

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain."

It had been a few hours since Percy had departed on the plane back home to New York, but Annabeth was already missing him. She missed his laugh, his smile, his eyes, his teasing remarks, his soft hair, his strong arms, his touch, his lip, his voice, his tattoos, his presence, his love, she missed his everything.

She had clasped the small angel wing charm he got her a while back onto the necklace, smiling fondly through tears. It was just like the two of them. They were so different, so unlikely, but they fit perfectly.

She spent the rest of the night waiting for his text to say he had landed, by listening to all the music he left behind and flicking through all the photos they took. Some were on her phone, some were printed out, and others were on her computer or Instagram. She placed a few of them around her room, smiling sadly at each of them.

She was only in one of his old shirts, My Chemical Romance, and a pair of his boxers. It seemed so weird that she had spent her entire life without him and now everywhere she looked he was there. How the hell had she survived without his kisses, without his love, without him?

Her phone let out a little buzz that she almost missed to the music. She smiled when Percy's face flashed on the screen,

Landed safely. Love you xo

She smiled, giggling like a schoolgirl when she noticed the xo, she vaguely remembered doing the same after they told each other I love you and he made texted her.

Thank goodness. Love you too.

Annabeth paused after sending the text, before she quickly typed another.

I miss you already.

It didn't take long for him to text back.

I miss you more than you'll ever know. But I have to go, mom wants to know EVERYTHING :/

She giggled, rubbing her thumb over the necklace.

Be nice. Bye xx

Bye xxx

Annabeth laughed, shaking her head. That was such a Percy thing, trying to one-up her in something as silly as text kisses. She collapsed onto her bed, taking in a big breath of Percy's lingering scent. He always smelled good, like the ocean and sweet smoke and some kind of cologne. Closing her eyes, she left the music and thoughts of Percy lull her into a deep sleep.

Maybe… Maybe we'll make it after all.

/I'm sure that you can hear my heart beat from miles and miles away/

Damn! This turned out far longer than I expected! I could almost leave this how it is and call it a one-shot! Haha! Awesome! You probably shouldn't get your hopes up about the chapters being this long. There will probably be some but not all. I hope you guys enjoyed and will want to read on! I dunno when the next update is going to be, but hey, I have a muse, so it's all good (hopefully).

Remember, if you want to check out the playlist that inspired all this (and the one that Percy created for Annabeth) it's on my profile! (PS. The song Percy was singing was Everything Will Be Alright by The Killers and the lyric at the end of the chapter is from Maybe We'll Make It After All by Stages and Stereos!)

Tata for now!

