Damon lay with Keara's body in his arms. She had been "asleep" for hours. He was starting to panic. What if this wasn't going to work on her? What if he had killed her? How could he live with himself?

He looked at her motionless face. She was breathtaking. Her porcelain skin shimmered in the moonlight coming in from the window. Her long coppery locks were fanned out across his arms. Her strawberry lips were slightly apart. Her tongue peaked out, teasing him a little.

He was already desperately in love with her. He wasn't sure how it had happened so fast. But, this was the way he was made. When he fell for Katherine many years ago, he had fallen fast and hard. And he loved her for over a hundred years.

Damon was many things, but he was fiercely loyal and when he loved someone, he loved that person without reservation.

Now, he loved Keara.

Finally, she took a minuscule breathe. If he would have been human, he would have missed the tiny movement of her chest. She was coming back to him.

Her jade eyes opened and stared into his face. At first she seemed like she didn't know who he was. She didn't say a word and just stared. After a brief moment, she grabbed the nape of his neck and pulled him down to her. She kissed him with eagerness. He let the taut breath he was holding go.

"Damon," she breathed.

"Thank god, Keara." He paused. "I didn't think you were going to come back to me."

She stroked his cheek. "Of-course, I would come back to you. I love you."

His heart fluttered at those words. She loved him. He felt light as air.


Later that night, Keara was sitting at the couch in front of the colossal fireplace sipping blood from a crystal glass. Damon had given her one of his blood bags. She was alone for the moment. Elena and Stefan had made up and were on their way to Elena's house to give Damon and Keara privacy. Damon had walked them out to their car.

Keara looked around the house. It was incredible. So many different works of art, so many books and sculptures from different cultures surrounded her. She wanted to experience the places that made these masterpieces. She wanted to make the most of her life now that she actually had a long one to live.

Speaking of making the most of her life…she noticed that her senses were unbelievably heightened. She could hear that Stefan and Elena had just left the driveway and that Damon was walking back to the house. She could actually hear the coals in the fire hissing above the roar of the actual fire. She could smell Damon's cologne as he got ready to open the door. She could see tiny dust motes dancing in the air around the fire. She could feel the tiny grooves of the glass in her hand. It was unbelievable.

She was going to make the most of this vampire thing.

Damon opened the door and was by her side in a second. He was holding her hand and kissing her fingertips. The feeling of just this tiny act sent shivers through her body.

"How do you feel?" Damon questioned.

She smiled mischievously up at him. "I feel incredible." "But, I want more." She pouted her lips at him.

"You want more what?" Damon was curious.

"I want more blood." She stated matter of factly.

Damon got up to get another blood bag, but she stopped him.

"No, Damon. I want blood from the vein." She looked up at him and pouted. It would have been funny except he knew that this wasn't good. She didn't have the control to take blood from a person yet and he knew killing someone would devastate her.

"I think that we should continue with the blood bags for a while." He said cautiously.

"Fine," she huffed. "Go get me another one then."

When Damon returned upstairs with blood bag in hand, Keara was no where to be found.

"Shit," he cursed.