Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. It is owned by Tite Kubo.

Upon the Frosted Heavens

Genre: Romance/General

Pairings: Hitsugaya/Rukia and some other minor ones

Rating: M

Summary: A series of one-shots centering on the two ice-controllers of Seireitei and their relationship.

(general) Warnings: There will be cursing, sex, sexual tension, dark moments, humor, AUs, OOCness, and character teasing

Story 3: Rukia is transported to an ice-palace in a fantastical world to become a bride-elect for a handsome prince. With twenty-five potential brides all fighting for position of princess things are about to get cut throat. Human reality-TV, eat your heart out.

Rating: T

Genre: Romance/Fantasy

Warnings: AU, Hinamori-poking, OOC characters, seduction, kidnapping

Be My Princess

(Part 1)

The palace walls were grand. They were beautiful as they were intimidating. It looked like something out of a fairy-tale. The walls shimmered in white and blue. It looked like everything was made of ice, ivory, and diamond. The elegant structure arched and curved around to form beautiful designs. The details were so perfect and intricate it made Rukia's fingers itch for her charcoal stick.

'Don't have any of my art supplies.' She huffed, slouching in the royal looking dinning chair. 'Could've at least let me pack before kidnapping me.' She slouched even more, ignoring the gossip of worry and the coos of awe. All around her dainty women were tittering about their worrisome predicament while getting to know each other.

There were about twenty-six of them in all if she counted right. They all came from different parts of Japan. And all the women around here were simply beautiful, almost ethereal. Almost all of them were tall and shapely with long, flowing locks and natural 'come hither' looks.

It was like she was trapped in a room with models.

'Maybe I died and I'm actually in Hell.' Rukia groaned, her insecurities gnawing at her mind to the point it gave her a headache. She was no model and she felt homely compared to the women around her. Short with too wide hips and a face as baby-ish as a twelve-year-old.

Being stuck in a room silently comparing herself to all the beauties around her really did sound like hellish qualifications.

'Would explain why I have no art supplies.' She found she missed her comforting art supplies. She wanted to have the familiar smell of canvas and paint. She needed the hermit-like life style she found so comfortable.

Why on earth was she here?

Looking around, she couldn't find anyone she was connected with and that concerned her. She was from a rather prestigious clan that did have wealth, but this didn't feel like a hostage situation. Where was the scary dark room, the threats, the forced call or video to scare her family for money?

She shuddered, remembering the terrible experience from when she was eleven.

'This doesn't fit. Ok, so what else could it be?' She tapped her fingers on the large dinning table that fit all of them and had room for at least ten more (maybe twenty). 'I can't come up with anything.'

"This place is so…wonderful." A woman who was most certainly a G-cup-size breathed out. Her wide grey eyes absorbed everything. She was one of the prettiest at the table.

"No matter how wonderful, it's concerning that we were all dragged here." Rukia grumbled, slouching more into her chair, swinging her legs. She wanted to kick something.

"Well, yes. But at least we can appreciate something so pretty." The woman continued.

Rukia found herself both loathing and enjoying the woman's optimism. She was like a child that never could grow up. "Still, we should be careful."

"Hmm!" She hummed in agreement, smiling. "I'm Orihime."

"Rukia." She smiled despite her crankiness. The girl really seemed like a sweetheart. Though Rukia wanted to pull her long orange hair out in jealousy.

"Ah, you're a Kuchiki!" Another sugary squeal came from her left. "I've seen you before. We go to the same campus."

Rukia flinched a bit. She wasn't always appreciated of her adoptive-family's fame. "Er…yeah. Who are you? I don't recognize you."

"I'm Momo." The brunette smiled. "Well, I doubt you would. I don't think we're in any of the same classes. I'm a social science major."

"Oh yeah, not for me." Rukia smiled a bit in return. She was so used to men as friends and has never been around females (not much at least). Despite the situation, she felt a bit excited to be making some girl friends. Maybe once this is over with they could all go to Chappy-land together? Maybe they could all twirl in beautiful flowy dresses and watch Disney movies and sob over Internet posts that punch you in the feels.

Rukia's eyes started to sparkle a bit. Maybe her days as a tomboy were about to meet its glorious end.

"Rukia-chan? Rukia-chan?" The two girls looked at the girl who appeared to be drooling, gazing off into space.

"Oh! Ahem! Excuse me!" She wiped her chin, embarrassed at her less than noble actions. "What was that?"

"I was asking about your major." Momo said, another girlish giggle escaping her lips.

"Oh yes! I am an art major." Rukia beamed in some pride.


Instantly the smile fell. Rukia recognized that tone. It wasn't disproving but more of disappointed. As if art didn't live up to the expectation of what she should be. Everyone always expected her to do something with more meaning or power. As if art was just an easy-escape, something someone lazy would do.

"It's something I've always loved. It's my passion. I usually spend hours practicing and studying." Her voice remained strong. She tried not to let the hurt show through that she had been judged yet again.

"Wow Rukia-chan!" Orihime squealed. "Really? An artist…wow…I bet you will one day go to Tokyo or even New York and own your very own exhibition exhibit! Ooh, what about Sweden or-or London?"

Rukia looked at the other woman in some shock. There was no judgment, no disappointment. Orihime was really excited about the major.

Her dark violet eyes started to water.

"Y-Yeah! That's what I want." She ginned, hiding the touched emotions she was feeling. "You guys can come and visit! You know…once we're out of…this." She gestured around, frowning. She nearly forgot about their strange situation. "This really looks like some place out of a fairy-tale."

Momo, who looked a little embarrassed about being caught with an insulting tone, frowned as well. "We just came here from our bedrooms…it's scary. Certainly not real."

Rukia knocked on the pristine table. "Feels real enough, but I know what you mean. Well…hopefully SOMEONE will come and EXPLAIN things to us poor, mistreated, bored HOSTAGES!"

"R-Rukia!" Both girls gaped at her raising her voice.

Instantly all the girls were staring at her.

"What? I'm tired of this tension-building wait. We were all brought here without any explanation and from our own homes. This isn't comfortable no matter how beautiful this place is. I say we get someone to come and talk." She went back to slouching in her chair.

"But we don't know who we are dealing with! We could be hurt!" Momo explained, terrified.

"Yeah! Don't drag us down because you're impatient!" Another one hissed.

Rukia straightened her back, looking strong and prepared, like a noblewoman her family had trained her to be. "Then I will be the one to take the punishment. But we can't just wait here for hours. We all have family that will be worried about us. We need to get back to them and stop wasting time."

"You're a bold one." Another woman of incredible beauty noted. Her cat like eyes twinkled. "You're also adorable."

Rukia's nose started to grow red. It almost sounded insulting coming from a woman who was probably the most beautiful of them all. "Well, I thank you for the compliment. But now is not the time for beauty-gawking, though you are beautiful yourself." She got to her feet, shoulders back. "I'll go and ask someone. They can slap me around all they want if I did wrong."

"R-Rukia-chan! No!" Orihime pleaded, grabbing onto Rukia's paint-stained dress. "Please!" She was actually starting to tear up she was so worried. "You shouldn't go and get hurt."

"No worries. I'll be fine. Despite the Kuchiki family being noble, they are very tough and come from a long tradition of fighting. I can handle a few hits." She began to walk to the grand doors.

"Done!" The winner of Ms. Gorgeous Fabulous of the Whole Galaxy exclaimed. "Ha! I knew it! I knew if I infiltrated the herd of sheep I would find that perfect lamb!"

Rukia gave the woman a blank stare, "Uhhhhhh…what?"

"Ohohoho! And he thought I couldn't act! Well pha on him! I am brilliant as I am…full." She even posed, pursing her lips as if she was looking at an invisible camera.

"…..What?" Rukia repeated, so lost.

"Oh don't you fret my adorable princess." She then pointed a manicured nail, poking Rukia's nose, "you will be the winner. I say it is so and shall make the wager whenever anyone else is ready!"

"….." Rukia didn't even bother with a response this time. This odd woman clearly didn't hear her.

"Don't you worry, Rukia. You're going to win his heart the moment he walks in. You're totally his type. A sweetheart to his sourness, a strong female to his hardheadedness, a brat to his prickness!"

Rukia decided to inch away and try to get back to Orihime's side.

But the woman did not care about Rukia's wants and grabbed her arm and dragged her right back. "I think this is going to go perfectly!"

"Hey, wait a minute…" Words were starting to click in the short woman's head. "You…you're a part of this?!"

The woman gave her a wink and then gave a confident smirk to the rest of the women. "The name is Matsumoto Rangiku. But first name basis is a privilege I bestow on only the most worthy, which is not most of you."

She walked forward, dragging Rukia around easily. This Matsumoto was frightfully strong.

"You see, you all have been chosen for a bit of a game. The lord of this world, of this very palace you are in, is reaching an age where he needs a wife so he can become the official king. But no woman will do." She sighed ever so dramatically, it was such a play for her. "No matter how far we searched, even for the thousands of years that we live, we cannot find this perfect woman. This perfect queen."

Many girls' ears were twitching and a greedy gleam sparkled in their eyes.

"So we decided to go to your world. You young ladies were the top choice for our lord's wife. Now you must prove yourself to myself, the loyal serving staff, and the prince himself that you are worthy as his bride."

Rukia gawked.

'This sounds like some sort of daydream from a deranged fanfic writer!' She tried to make a move away again, but she was crushed by Matsumoto's bosom.

"You all will meet with our prince shortly and must act like the wife you can be for him. Show him who you are and what you can provide. Despite the movies and stories they fill your head with back where you came from, it is a very stressful job being a ruler over a kingdom. Show him what you can do for him." She paced around like a regal woman.

Rukia, who was about to suffocate, was surprised this Matsumoto woman wasn't the choice for this supposed prince. Her beauty and strength felt worthy of a queen's title! Must be her severe case of the crazies that drove off the position.

"When you are dismissed, you will be returned to your home. No killing, no torturing, none of that." She flipped some of her hair behind her, that cat-like smirk remaining on her face. "But you must participate in this game. You can whine all you want to, but it won't get you out of here any faster."

"So one of us has a chance to be a princess?" Momo asked, breathless. It seems the little girl in here was swooning like the rest of them.

"No. You will be a queen should you be chosen. Now, while you have to impress many, only our lord will have the final decision. Once he says who is his wife, the rest of you will be sent back home, and then the wedding will begin."

Rukia frowned, really not enjoying the sound of this whole scenario.

"Hold up, wait one minute, and pause." She huffed, trying to pull out of the hold again. "First off, to know who you want to marry should take a bit more time. I don't think we should wait for months or years while he decides. What about our families?"

Matsumoto shrugged, but there was an uncomfortable twinkle in her eyes.

"Don't act so uncaring! We could be bringing mothers to tears because of something like this! What about our lives? What about those of us who won't be the wife, you're taking us away from our lives. Our degrees not worth anything to you?" She motioned to Momo and herself.

That scary grin turned sharper and creepier.

"Wait a minute! She isn't speaking for all of us." Another random beauty cried out, standing up.

Stupid woman with a stupid perfect swimsuit ready body.

"Oh? Then what do you have to say for yourself?" Matsumoto asked, her voice uncaring and not impressed.

"Well," She cleared her throat. "First off, we can't say we reject this prince before we get to meet him. Doesn't seem very fair. He might fall in love with one of us instantly and it be settled real quick."

A delicate golden brow arched.

"You curious about what he looks like, eh?"

She blushed, caught in the act. The nameless woman crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, "Nothing wrong with being curious. This guy could be old and creepy."

Matsumoto chuckled and cuddled with Rukia, giving her a painful squeeze when she tried to make another escape. "Well I can assure you he doesn't fit that bill. But fear not, ladies. He's coming now to meet all of you. But, you're going to hear a few rules first."

"Let go!" Rukia barked, feeling like her spine was going to break.

"Hush sweetie. Let mama-Matsumoto talk." Matsumoto continued to glare at the others. "You all will be given a chance to spend quality time with the lord. How that quality time will be spent will be up between the two of you. Just don't misinterpret any actions as declaring you the winner. Even though you are potential-brides it does not mean you are in any way his equal. You will bow your head, curtsey, listen and obey his words. You disrespect him and he has every right in this world to kill you where you stand."

Many took a giant gulp.

"Don't leave the premises of the castle or snoop around. This isn't your home yet so you have no business going around anywhere you want. Oh and if you even think about putting on an act, say to get out of this game," she grinned at the grumpy Rukia, "it will be seen through instantly. So save yourself the trouble and avoid that little scene."

"Hey, does that mean we can't reject him if he picks one of us?" Rukia gaped.

"Well, he is the soon-to-be king." She sang out. "Now then! I think you all should stand up and be ready for your prince. He is coming in right now. So get up, come on. All of you, attention!"

They scrambled up to their feet, smoothing out their outfits and straightening out their hair.

Matsumoto finally released Rukia who decided she couldn't make it back to Orihime's side in enough time to hide properly, so she took a position behind the curvy backside of the strawberry-blond.

The room went serious and still. A weird, unsettling feeling wrapped around them. It felt like the room's temperature had dropped at least twenty degrees. Although the room was still, each woman felt like their bodies were shaking and any moment their knees would buckle under themselves.

Something dangerous was approaching the door.

Rukia gulped, wondering if she could use a candlestick to knock this creature out and protect the girls. But her knees were shaking so hard she wasn't sure if she could move.

The doors opened and Matsumoto bowed, giving a sharp look to the others to do the same. They all did, too scared to fight back.

A figure entered and stood still, glaring them all down.

"This them?"

Rukia now felt her knees shake for another reason. Now that was a masculine, baritone voice. Even better than what animes and Hollywood could produce.

"Yes, my lord. These are the ones who we find should meet your requirements. They each can offer something to you; beauty, intelligence, and talent. We believe one of these women will be perfect as your bride." Matsumoto stood back up. "Whenever you are ready, you may begin to do with them as you wish."

Rukia pursed her lips. She wasn't exactly a feminist (she was raised in a very traditional, patriarchal clan after all) but she didn't see women as objects or something to be tossed around after being kidnapped.

"All of you now rise and greet Hitsugaya Toushirou-sama respectfully."

They all did as told and at least three of them collapsed to their butts.

Rukia was nearly one of them. It was a good thing her best friends and brother were hunks (her awkward harem of nothing romantic hot men) or she would've passed out.

This man, though perhaps not tall, was gorgeous and sturdy. Everything was perfect about him; sharp, strong, and predator like. He was even better than those men that were on romantic novel covers.

Dark emerald eyes they actually shimmered and changed. One moment they seemed dark and mysterious and the next they were a bright, terrifying blue. His face was sharp and masculine. But his hair was a snowy white but certainly did not make him look like an old man. His skin was smooth and his body was in its top form.

He looked strong. It wasn't just the power that could suffocate a normal person like her. His body matched it and looked both appetizing and freighting. There were muscles that peeked under the tight shirt and looked ready to hold and protect his perfect bride.

'Whoa there. Let's not get too romantic.' Rukia pulled her hormones back in and stared at the man. Though handsome his face carried a look of boredom and irritability. It was a very familiar expression. 'Bya-nii-sama has a rival with this dude. Sour but perfect. Dunno why…but it makes me want to punch him in the pretty-boy face.'

It made it worse as the majority of the women rushed to his side, giving him their best curtsies and fluttering their eyes.

'Really, throw a sexy man into a herd of woman and you have a fangirl battle of epic proportions.' But she couldn't deny that he was quite possibly the sexiest man she has ever seen. And the man was oozing sexuality, power, and pheromones that tugged at every woman's heart and left them a drooling mess.

'I guess I can't really blame them. It seems like this is only nature working.' She crossed her arms over her chest and gave a glare to Matsumoto who was looking at her expectantly.

Rukia hissed, still hiding from the rest of the group. "What?"

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself? You are also a bride-elect. You are required to meet him."

Rukia looked over at the man who looked miserable surrounded by the fawning women and then back over to the blond. The situation intimidated her. "I don't wanna."

Matsumoto only grinned at the response. "You don't have much of a choice, you know."

"Look, can't we just skip my turn? You and I both know that it wouldn't be me even if I wanted the position. Look at me and then look at them. No hormonal man in their right mind would pick me." Rukia placed her hand on her hips, staring stubbornly. She already had to sit for thirty minutes with these models, now she had to compete with them? NO. WAY. "Your king won't care for me."

"I believe I can speak for myself in what I want and what I'm attracted to." A husky voice purred from behind her ear.

Rukia yelped and jumped into Matsumoto's arms. She grabbed on to the woman and spun around, covering her heart in terror.

The king was right behind her when he had just been surrounded by those women about thirty feet away from her seconds earlier. She blinked owlishly at him and then over at the group who looked just as stumped.

Matsumoto laughed and hugged her tightly. "Isn't she cute, my lord? I wager this is the one!" She painfully pinched her cheeks, pulling them away from her face. "Needs a bit of a lesson that no one is allowed to insult a bride-elect of the prince, even the bride-elect herself."

"Ow! OW! OW! OWWIE!" Rukia cried. "I-It hurts! S-Stop that!"

"Hmm," The prince looked over her, ignoring the cries of pain. "Name."

"W-What? Gah!" Her cheeks were released, they were apple red.

"Name." He demanded, approaching her. He was taller than her by possibly three inches and yet he made it feel like she was nothing but a fragile doll.

"M-Mine?" She looked around again, still surprised. There was no other woman and she assumed he knew Matsumoto's. "Rukia."

He grabbed her chin and dragged her closer to him, looking her over.


'Oh holy cheese crap.' She gulped. Why on earth did her name coming form his mouth sound so….so….she didn't know! But she felt close to passing out. Her kneecaps started to tremble and her face grew warm. Rukia did not like this.

"Uhm," she tried to pull back but he held on tight.

It was hard to look at him in the eyes. Something stirred inside of her, physically and emotionally, that made her feel weird and almost giddy. Her heart clenched and twisted.

"Yeah, t-that's my name." She tried to move back again, but he gave her face a gentle squeeze as a warning. "I've never met royalty before. What do I call you?"

He stared at her a moment. He started from her face then trailed down her neck to the rest of her smaller body. When his eyes returned to hers he was smirking.

Rukia gulped.

"Toushirou. And you will be my favorite."

Rukia looked like a hallowed shell as she laid slump against the elegant windowsill of her princess room.

Orihime was fanning her, trying to get her to calm down and not die. "Rukia-chaaaan! Please speak to me!"

"Favorite…hahaha, favorite…I'm the favorite….oh god I think I'm gonna puke."

"I-I'll get you a bucket!" The sweet woman sobbed, frantically looking around for anything to help her friend.

"Why are you acting like this?" Momo asked. She carried an impatient tone. "Everyone else wanted what you just got. You don't seem very grateful."

It was clear to Rukia, Momo was one of those who wanted it.

"Look, I'm twenty-one, I'm about a year from finishing college, and I want to travel. Marriage doesn't really appeal to me right now." She rubbed her head, thanking Orihime once she returned with a trashcan to catch any bile that may rear its ugly head. "And while I can be a romantic I'm also a traditionalist. All I know about this guy is he's handsome and he's a king. I don't know anything about him. Seems too fast for me."

"But he's a king!" Momo sighed, exasperated.

"Yeah, I know." Rukia sighed right back. "But that doesn't matter to me. I want to know the guy. And I wanna go home. I don't want my brother to worry."

"Wouldn't the Kuchiki clan want you to marry someone like this?" Momo tried, growing frustrated.

"I…well I suppose some of them would. But I dunno, they can be a bit…wishy-washy when I'm concerned. Besides my brother, I can't seem to appease the elders no matter what I do." Rukia shrugged, no longer really bothered by it. All she needed was her big brother. "So why do something I don't wanna do to impress old farts that won't be impressed anyway?"

"Ugh! Fine!" Momo threw her hands up in the air. "It's not like you will stay the favorite anyway. Not with that attitude."

"Hey, Momo, calm down. Don't let a guy neither of us really know get us chewing each other out. I don't want to be the favorite. I wanna go home." She flopped against the wall, looking outside. It was such a beautiful view. She was at least fifty-plus feet above the ground but she overlooked a crystal lake and a pristine garden.

"I really want to draw all of this too. I've gone too long without my addiction."

Momo's cheeks bristled red. "I'm going to bed. Good night." And then walked out, huffing.

"She really is attracted to Hitsugaya-sama." Orihime whispered as if guilty of the gossip.

"I can see." Rukia groaned. As favorite she was the only one allowed to call him by his first name. A privilege that instantly got a hateful, murderous glare from every other bride-elect (besides Orihime) in the room. She was a little iffy on closing her eyes because she felt that they might sneak in to suffocate her with her pillow.

"Why aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you Rukia-chan?" Orihime tilted her head.

"Don't you want to be his wife too? Be a queen? You really look the part."

"Ooh," Orihime blushed, gushing over the compliment. "Why thank you! But no. I hope to talk to Hitsugaya-sama or Matsumoto-san later. I actually have someone I really like back home. I want to be with him."

Rukia's eyes sparkled. 'My first girl talk! O-M-G! I need to post this!' Sadly, she had no phone or computer to do that. She jumped over to the girl, holding her hands. "Who is he? What's he like? Does he like you back? When are you getting married? How many children will you have?"

Orihime didn't look surprised or miss a beat.

"His name is Ichigo. He's such a knight! But I dunno, Rukia-chan. I haven't been able to tell him how I feel." She pouted, her eyes all teary. "If we get married I want it in summer and we will have bean paste frosting over the cake! Oh children would be lovely! Maybe five?"

"Ic…Ichigo? As in Kurosaki Ichigo? The strawberry-head?"

"You know him?!" Orihime gasped.

"Know him? The little turd is always on my back! I've known him since we were seven." Rukia scoffed.

"C-Can you introduce me? I've been trying tot talk to him but he doesn't seem to understand."

Rukia shrugged, but internally was cackling like a madwoman. Now she was a matchmaker! Her path to being a girly-girl was going fantastically. "Sure, I can throw a good word in about you. Ichigo can just be dense. He's a man, you gotta forgive how slow he is."

Orihime giggled, looking so excited. "Thank you Rukia-chan!"

Rukia grinned. 'My first sleepover! We're going to chat all night, swoon, and-and….other stuff!'

Sadly her excited daydream was interrupted by a powerful knock on the door.


"My lady Rukia. The lord, Hitsugaya-sama, wishes your presences in his chambers immediately." A no-nonsense voice commanded. "Please make sure you are decent before I enter. And the lady Orihime must retire to her room now. You must not have visitors and interrupt your rest."

Rukia's jaw dropped. "H-Huh? But…"

"Oh! Yes of course. One must get their eight-hours! I'm sorry Rukia-chan. I will see you tomorrow." Her new friend smiled and left, thinking that was best. Her naivety leaving Rukia all alone.

"Lady Rukia, this way please." A tall man with greying hair and a thin mustache greeted her. He looked like a stereotypical butler. "Hitsugaya-sama is not patient. He wishes you to see him now."

Rukia held herself. "Why does he want to see me in his chambers?"

"I am in no position to question his demands. If you would please come this way." He bowed deeply, opening room for her to leave.

Rukia licked her lips in nerves and slowly walked out and followed him through the beautiful maze of the palace. Her fingers were almost burning they wanted to draw so badly. Each graceful curve and every sharp edge and how the shadows of the candles warped around.

Everything was just so beautiful.

She felt herself get lost in the details and imagining how her hands would move to draw it all out that she walked right by the grand entrance of the bedroom of the king, much to the confusion of her tour-guide.

"My lady? This is where Hitsugaya-sama resides."

"Huh? Oh! Sorry…uh…yeah sorry." She grinned sheepishly. 'This is why I live like an artist. We aren't meant to be around people!'

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, as if confused about possible future queen and knocked on the door. "My lord, your bride-elect is here."

"Send her in." That familiar knee-shaking voice ordered as the doors opened up on their own.

'I'm not going to cry like a baby. I won't start shrieking like a horror-movie-girl. I'm a tough girl. I can do this.' She whimpered, stepping back from the door that hid the seductive man.

"I said enter, Rukia."

"Please enter, my lady." The servant pleaded. "Please."

She bit her lip, feeling sick in her stomach. But it can never be told that she was not a brave woman as she walked into the room. The door slammed behind her with an angry bang.

"I do not like waiting. I do not like people stalling when my commands are concerned."

She could hear him very clear, but couldn't see him.

"Favorite or not, you are still a bride-elect and in a position beneath me. You should learn some respect."

Rukia couldn't stop the scoff.

A scoff she regretted when her arm was twisted behind her and she was shoved into a very soft bed.

"Now, why would you do something like that? I'm already displeased with you." He growled into her ear.

"You remind me of people I use to live with." She muttered, surprised she kept her voice so steady. She felt so scared at what he could do. If his hand trailed up to her neck he could snap her spine so easily. "I reacted naturally."

"Maybe I will forgive you if you apologize. Now."

"I don't think I did anything wrong." She winced when he twisted her arm. "This c-certainly is a way to woo a woman."

Now he scoffed, "I find the idea of wooing a woman such a time-waster. Everyone knows this is just a way for someone to gain more power, wealth, and social status."

"…touché. Though not everyone." She tried to wiggle out of his hold but he pressed down in a warning. She was dealing with a dominant man whose power had been crossed. Rukia has dealt with enough of these to know when to fight back and when to just remain still. "Orihime wants to go back so she can be with her man."

"Which one is she? Most all of you look alike."

"Ha! I will take that as a backward compliment. She is the one with the longest hair, orange, and the biggest….assets." She cleared her throat. "Tall, grey eyes, so pretty you wanna hurl."

Behind her Hitsugaya tilted a brow. "That's one way to explain her looks."

"I'm an artist of hands, not words." She shrugged. "Can you get off? Despite your height, you're not light."

He smirked, "I think I will stay here. Besides, you're still smart-mouthing a king. I have to assert my power."

"I thought you were a prince." She jabbed back. "OW! Sorry! Gods, what are you ten? You're giving me an Indian-burn!"

"And still, you're being a brat. Can you not be a pain for a few seconds?"

"Probably. If you get off." She grumbled, trying to get her attitude under the control. She could get herself killed and she was talking back to a powerful king! A powerful king who actually had magic power!

"You're lucky I actually like your spark." He picked her up and she found herself sitting on his lap, lounging on the bed.

She froze. His speed was frightening too.

"S-So, why did you call me?"

He nuzzled into her neck, taking a moment to inhale her scent. "To get to know my favorite. If you are to be my queen, I need to know more about you."

Rukia trembled a bit but put on her mask of indifference. "W-Wha…w-what do you want to know?"

Hitsugaya looked smug. "Your voice trembled there. You scared?"

"N-No! I don't get scared. Now your questions!"

"You certainly act pompous enough to be a queen." He coughed a wheeze and looked at her in surprise. She actually elbowed him! "I don't know why I actually like that you do this."

"I don't know either. But I don't care for your own pompous act. Now what do you want to know?" Jeeze Rukia, why were you trying to kill yourself?

Hitsugaya smirked, 'Ah, now I know why. I like things that are a bit of a challenge. A nice little woman to tame.'

"Well?" She asked, sounding impatient. But the quiver in her voice gave away her fragile fear.

"You said you were an artist?"

She blinked in surprise. She had thought he would ask the typical, boring questions that would only matter at face value. "Uh…yes. I draw, paint, and sketch. I go to school for it."

"I see. Have you any work?"

Rukia frowned a bit, "None with me. When I was kidnapped I didn't get any of my stuff." She sounded sour.

"I will have everything you want brought to your room. I want to see you draw."

And for some reason her face went the most red it has ever been in its life.

"Y-You…do?" In all her life she didn't think she had ever been told that by anyone other than a teacher before.

"Of course. You will have your supplies by morning."

"Oh. Uhm…well thank you. That will make the stay here easier." She rubbed her hands together awkwardly.

"Are you cold? I apologize, I don't always know when I change the temperature."

"No. Well yes, but I actually like it. I prefer the cold winter weather." She tried to look back at him. It was still dark and it made it awkward for her to talk to him. "Can't we have some light?"

"Afraid of intimacy? You know if I chose you we would have conversations in the dark like this before we sleep."

She blushed again, "Stop with that stuff! And what do you mean change the temperature. You can make it colder?"

"Smooth transition of topic. I see you don't appreciate being embarrassed." He nuzzled against her again. "And yes, I can." He brought his hand up from her waist and to her face. It started to glow and then a flower of blue crystal bloomed from the palm.

Rukia gaped, trying not to swoon. It was hard not to when a handsome man created a flower for you right in front of your face. "O-Oh wow. That is so cool and so pretty! Can I touch it?"

He laughed, "Go ahead."

She did and pulled her hand back in shock, "It's cold!" She reached up and touched it again, stroking the details. It seems she was not the only one who was an artist. It looked like it was an actual flower. "This is stunning…so it's actually made of ice? You control ice?"


"Wow!" She breathed out again, eyes sparkling. "I would love to control ice or snow. It's my favorite thing ever. There is nothing like a day snowed in."

He squeezed her a bit. "Not many enjoy the coldness."

"They just misunderstand it. They think it doesn't mean comfort but instead isolation." She shrugged, still looking at the pretty flower. "I find it beautiful and a way for people to come together"

"Hmm, and you think I can do that?"

She scowled, "You better not be trying to make this anything awkwardly romantic. I didn't take you as the type."

"I need to put on the air of it so I can find my wife."

"Why do you need a queen? If none of us really seem like people you could live your unnaturally long life with why not just declare yourself king of everything?"

Hitsugaya chuckled, "Sadly it doesn't work that way. And everyone here wants me to start a family."

Rukia was silent for a moment, "Matsumoto wants kids."

He groaned, "You figured her out easily."

"Sadly, she doesn't seem like a hard person to solve." She huffed. "Why are you holding me like this?" She pinched his hand. "Stop massaging my stomach!"

He smirked, "It's a cute stomach. It's not often I see a woman with…softness." And he pinched her again. "All the women my servants have given me have all looked alike."

"D-Did you just call me fat?!" Ok, so she hasn't been able to work out for a while. She's been so into all her projects. So she got that Freshman-fifteen and her tummy (though cute and flat-ish) is maybe a bit rounder than the others (the stupid pretty models).

"I don't recall using that word. That seems a bit rude of you to say that." And then he pinched her again. "Besides I like this. I want a soft woman who is real. I'm tired of fake women who doll themselves up to hide how they really are."

"Well I can assure you this," she smacked her stomach, "hides who I really am! I actually love working out. I just…got distracted by my classes and art."

He nipped her neck, "Really?"

"Don't take that disbelieving tone with me! I do enjoy it. I was a winner at all the kendo tournaments I went to throughout high-school."

Hitsugaya chuckled, already aware of her talent. But her reaction to teasing was too enjoyable for him to just stop. All he wanted was to keep prodding her and see how she reacts.

"You certainly aren't a bore."

"Hmph, I-I'll take it as another backward compliment." She muttered, getting all embarrassed.

"Good, I meant it as one." He laid down, holding her tight to him. "Let's sleep. We'll discuss more in the morning."

"We are going to need to work on your pushy attitude." Rukia grumbled, blushing. She didn't understand why but she really felt comfy in his arms. She hadn't slept in a man's arms before, but this did feel nice.

'His arms really are meant to protect.' She thought to herself, getting very drowsy from his scent and his very comfortable hold. 'I guess I wouldn't mind this every night.'

And Hitsugaya was thinking the same thing.

Down in the hallway, in their own princess rooms (though not as extravagant as the favorite's) the other bride-elects were fuming.

Each one of them had been overlooked by a flat-chested tomboy!

This was unacceptable. A life of wealth, luxury, and a hot-bod husband was in their grasp and a little brat like this Kuchiki Rukia would not get in their way.

"She should learn that she is no queen of this world."

The other women cheered.

"This is a position for someone who is better, who deserves a man like this king. We've seen his look! He needs someone to match that image."

"And it is not that Rukia woman." Another scoffed.

"No way." The rest agreed.

"Now, starting tomorrow I think it is time to show her and the king just how worthless she is."

The rest continued to cheer and snickered. They couldn't wait to start.

Slouched in the shadows, clenching her blouse tightly, an angry and hurt looking Hinamori nodded in agreement.

Author: Rukia would so be a tumblr type of nerd. It is fact of the universe now.

Honestly, I don't mind Orihime too much. I just find her a bit overrated within the manga itself. I don't see her as original or inspiring as Rukia yet (where I left off—just getting back into it) I found at times she was replacing Rukia's lime-light and her scenes could fall a little short for me. It frustrated me that she was getting so much attention at times when I didn't find her super impressive in comparison to Rukia, who felt different, new, and strong. It's actually a bias reason why I don't really enjoy Ichigo/Orihime. It's not so much as the pairing itself, but that I would just grow bored so fast if she became the romantic interest for him. But I now might have their pairing mentioned (maybe) but it will never be a very big deal in anything I do.

Hinamori, she is a character I don't think can ever get a positive affection from me. What she has done to Hitsugaya has just been cruel and she is just ignorant of it. There was no purpose of her actions except for something purely selfish. So you can expect her to look less than positive in some of the oneshots (some will be major OOC and others will be a bit more realistic). Just as a warning/explanation for some of her future roles.

This is gonna be at two-shot! You will get some of these every so often (at most you will get a three-shot) and sometimes some of the one-shots will connect together but can stand alone from each other.

However, just to sort of underline a problem some of these one-shots might have: these are supposed to be short. Sometimes that means some aspects of the story will be rushed or a bit lacking. Many of these ideas I would love to make multi-chap fics and give more attention. But I can't take on so many projects at a time. So you'll just have to deal with shorter-versions for now! Hope it won't be a massive bother.

Also, help, I've been bitten by the Sherlock bug and want to write Johnlock stories badly! I can't take another fandom on! But they're all I want to write about D:

Please review!