Summary: Castiel rescued Dean from Hell, but he had to have had help right? Meet Cerberus, Former Guardian to the Gates of Hell and new member of Team Free Will. Battling the uphill battle of the Apocalypse is going to be interesting with a demon hating Hellhound around.

Eventual Pairing: Gabriel/OC (Cerberus) AU from Lazarus Rising.

Warnings: Violence, Torture, Descriptions of hell, Swear Words. Additional Warnings will be added as I go.

Disclaimer: Do I seem like I own Supernatural? Or anything affiliated with it? I have a poster on my bedroom wall people and that's about it. Cerberus though is mine, or at least the characterization of her is mine. I didn't invent the original legend. :D

Cerberus watched as the damned souls filed through the entrance that lay just beside her, and went into hell. The growling slobbering Hellhounds along with a few low level demons standing along the way discouraged any attempts to escape the fate that lay before them, though she supposed that her large bedraggled appearance also helped with that.

She shifted slightly as the position she was sitting in caused pain to shoot up her leg from the deep cut on her thigh. Chains clanked and her head leaned momentarily closer to the line of souls, startling a balding man. She read the story written in his soul and growled and snapped at the filthy pedophile. The aura around his soul turned black with fear and she shook herself out revealing cuts and burns previously hidden by thick black fur. The souls in the line moved around her warily now and she huffed to herself in satisfaction and slowly lay down on the sharp rocky floor. The floor dug into the wounds on her legs and stomach, but her hurting paws thanked her for the brief respite.

She lay like that for a countless number of hell years until a higher level demon stuck its ugly head out the door and forced her back to her feet wit the sting of a whip and scathing tongue. She stood until she could stand no longer, only to lay once again until they forced her to her feet, only to sink back down to the floor when she could stand no longer. An endless cycle that she knew would last forever as the heavy metallic chains and collars kept her next to the entrance. An endless line of damned souls trailing past her, some trembling in fear, others walking quietly, somberly to the fiery domain that lay beyond her door.

Until one day, something a little different happened. A man was dragged down by the Hellhounds, screaming as the teeth bit and tore at his flesh. He shook them off defiantly once they hit the cavern floor and went to stand at the end of the line. Nothing unusual about that, there was something about this soul though, it was tinged with fear like all the rest, but it also seemed to glow. The man wore a resigned but peaceful expression on his face. His aura was somewhat superior seeming to the other damned souls around him, like he didn't belong here.

A cursory read of the soul showed just that, Dean Winchester, hunter by trade, but nothing would point to him belonging here. The people that died as a side-effect of his trade heaping onto the sins of those who had started the problem, not he who had solved it. He had liked his women, and his alcohol but nothing to the put him on the level of the greedy damaged souls around him. Cerberus stood with great effort and craned her neck to get a better , there it was. A deal with a demon done in desperation to save a dead brother.

Hellhounds flanked him on either side as the line moved quickly forward. The message of his arrival must have traveled faster than hellfire, no pun intended, because higher level demons than those that usually stood guard with her were pouring out into the cavern, watching with greedy eyes as the hunter and entourage approached. She growled in annoyance as she was pushed to the edge of her chain by the crowd, the metal pulling on her already damaged limbs and muscles. She snapped and bit at the demons angry barks leaving her throat in quick bursts.

They let her bark for once, and she understood why a moment later when Alistair stepped out of the entrance. She shut her jaw with a snap, stopping mid-bark and cowered down to the cave floor quickly, tail tucked underneath her as he stepped nearer to her, a disapproving look on his face.

"Is that any way to treat your betters Mutt?" he asked. She knew better than to answer and kept her mouth shut, trying to curl into the rock even farther. She had crossed the chief torturer of hell once, never would she do it again. The cuts and bruises on her body would be nothing compared to the excruciating pain and damage that the demon could do.

At this point the line had moved far enough forward that the hunters soul was even with her position by the gate. Alistair was grinning now, which anyone who had ever been in his tender care, knew meant that good things were not to follow. It wasn't just Alistair that was grinning though, all the demons in attendance looked like heaven had fallen and the defeated angels were the ones they were welcoming into the torture pits of hell. Cerberus shuddered, happy demons never meant good for anyone. Who was this man that caused the demons to smile?

The group approached the waiting audience and Cerberus flinched as Alistair reached down to comb through her fur.

"Do you see that Mutt? It's the beginning of the end." he murmured, fingers fisting in her fur, Drawing a pained whine from her bruised throat.

The hunters soul reached the gate, face blank, seemingly impassive to the demons around him. Cerberus's whine drew his gaze, the look of pity in her eyes drew a cocky smile onto his lips.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright." he told her, head held high in defiance. The demon behind him growled,

"Shut up, meat, you'll change your tune once Alistair get's a hold of you!" The hunter was then unceremoniously shoved through the entrance to the torturing grounds. Alistair followed him with a confident anticipatory grin. One by one all the higher level, and even the lower level demons followed. In the end it was just Cerberus and the hounds left to watch the unending line of the damned.