Friendship Chapter 01: I'm sorry
It was not as if Lucy had not seen the puddle of water on the floor. It was not as if she had not known it's purpose. But still she tripped on it. Falling flat on her butt, she probably showed half the guild her panties. "Oi Lucy, are you alright? Stumbling over your own feet again?", she was soon asked by Natsu, who was grinning and laughing. She looked up to see him laughing. Nonetheless the salmon haired male held his hand out to her, and she took it, feeling herself being pulled up. She tried to scowl at him for laughing at her, but soon her lips quirked, until she began to laugh, as well.
Behind a pillar, Juvia smiled. Her love-rival had fallen for her trap, just like her plan had worked. She almost fell, when she spun around in the direction of a deep voice near her. "Why don't you just leave it out. You know she isn't your love-rival. Natsu and her are meant to be.", it was Gray, imitating a high voice, sounding bitter. 'Gray-sama is jealous?', Juvia felt her heart dropping. With his next sentence Juvia felt as if her heart ripped apart. "Stop this 'I've got to defeat my love-rival'-nonsense, before your seriously hurt her. It's not going to bring you anywhere.", and with that he turned away.
Juvia needed a few moments to comprehend what he had said. She decided it was time to give Lucy a final love-rival lesson. So she made her way out of the guild, took a waiting by Lucy's way home and waited. When the blonde finally came by, a sudden rain shower poured down. Juvia had net been the Ame-Onna for no reason, after all. Lucy was surprised at the raindrops falling down at her, but she laughed nonetheless. Without swaying from her path she began to dance in the rain, laughing. Juvia had not planned that Lucy always walked on the edge of the street, right next to the street.
She could do nothing to prevent Lucy from slipping and falling into the stream. "Lucy-san!", she called out, before coming out from behind the tree, where she had been hiding, and jumping after the blonde. She knew Lucy had the ability to swim, but due to the rainfall, the river had become a rapid stream. Becoming one with the water, Juvia quickly was able to find her quickly and get her out. She did not even feel the tears rolling down her face, until Natsu, Gray and Erza ran to them.
"Are you two alright? What happened?", Erza asked immediately and Juvia only nodded. "Yes we are, I was just on my way home, when the rainfall began. Because it was so nice, I started to dance in the rain and slipped. Those fisherman were right, I really shouldn't walk there.", Lucy smiled. Erza and Natsu laughed, at Lucy's 'clumsiness', Juvia felt Gray's scowl on her face. Gulping Juvia decided to withstand his gaze and looked up. In the back of her mind she heard Lucy inviting her to her apartment. Before they could stand up and go there Gray's deep voice told them that he wanted to talk to Juvia for a moment.
"Don't you think you went too far, this time? What if you had not been able to get her out? What if the stream had pulled her down even further? She would've drowned and it all would be your fault." His words stung like daggers in her chest. "Juvia didn't want... Juvia didn't think... Juvia thought... I- Juvia is sorry...", before she could make up another sound, she turned and run. The rain got heavier, developing to a heavy thunderstorm. Juvia did not see where she ran, but before knowing where she was, she stood in front of Gajeel's home, outside the town.
Before she was able to knock, the door already opened and Levy stood before her. "Didn't I tell you, the rainwoman would be there.", Gajeel's voice came from inside. "Gajeel, could you make some tea for Juvia? It's a storm outside...", Levy trailed off, inviting Juvia inside. The taller bluenette stepped inside without saying a word. "What's wrong? Why's it raining, rain woman?", Gajeel answered and Levy poked his side "Don't be so insensitive, Gajeel! Just because it rains, doesn't mean- " Juvia cut her off. Her voice was barely above a whisper "Juvia almost killed Lucy... but she didn't want to... it's just...", and without further ado Juvia told them everything.
"Don't blame yourself too much, Ju-chan..." Juvia was a bit confused at the nickname Levy had given her "it was an accident. And Gray's just an idiot some times. Give him some time.", Levy smiled at her. Gajeel growled "Let me kill that stripper..." "Gajeel-kun, don't... Don't do anything to Gray-sama, please. Everything is Juvia's fault.",Juvia smiled sadly.
It had become quite late, so Levy and Juvia went back to Fairy Hills, where they met Erza. The redhead, oblivious to everything that had happened asked Juvia "Where have you been? Lucy invited you... We thought you'd join us.", obviously Erza was disappointed. "That's what Gray-sama wanted to talk to me about. Juvia had already plans with Gajeel-kun and Levy-san.", she smiled and Erza nodded, leaving the two bluenettes alone.
Levy brought Juvia to her room and the two bid their goodnights. Juvia thanked Levy one last time before retreating to her room.