If anyone is still reading this I thank you for your incredible patience. You can thank Kristen Stewards SNL appearance as my inspirations to picking this back up lol. As always, this is Stephanie's world I just like to mess her characters up a bit. I've finished three more chapters and have an outline for the rest so... hopefully this go around this story will find its end.

"Tell me what you want to do, sweet. It's fine if we don't go tonight, we can try again another time," Edward said as the two of them sat in their car outside of Splash. Bella hadn't said she didn't want to go, but she also hadn't made a move to exit the car or spoken a word for that matter.

Bella didn't want to let this beat her, she wanted to go to Splash. Ever since Edward came back from his meeting at Janus and told her about it, she had felt a newfound hope. She even spent hours and hours of torturous shopping with Alice trying to find the exact right swimsuit to wear, something that covered most of her scars but still looked appropriate for a place like this, a place were 99% of the guests would be wearing nothing but what their mama gave them. Kate had assured Bella that no one would judge her for choosing to wear a suit on her first visit. People at Splash were nothing if not open-minded. Still, Bella hated to stick out and wanted to find a suit that would at least fit the occasion. In the end, she ended up having Alice alter a one piece suit from Victoria Secrete and for once in her life she thought she looked good while wearing it and she was excited to show Edward. She just couldn't get out of the damn car though.

Edward hated seeing Bella in such turmoil and he felt powerless to help her. He felt powerless a lot when it came to Bella, and it absolutely infuriated him. All he wanted to do was turn the car on and take her home, protect anything that might make her uncomfortable, but he knew if he did that than Bella would feel like a failure, which might be even worse for her. Pulling at his hair, Edward leaned his seat back slightly, allowing him to stretch his legs a bit. All he could do was stare at Bella as she stared into space, refusing to make eyes contact with him. A buzz in his pocket was a welcome distraction from watching her lips tremble.

Just wait for her to be ready. Don't rush her in, but don't take her home either unless she specifically asks- Garrett.

Edward read the message and looked around instantly, wondering if Garrett could see them or if he just had a sick spidiey sense. Instantly, he saw Garrett and Kate's car pulling out of the club parking lot. Before he could reply though Garrett sent another text,

Breath Edward it will be fine.

And, so that's what he did. He breathed and he waited, while Bella did whatever it is she needed to do. Thirty minutes later Bella turned to Edward and asked, "are you ready?"

Her voice was shaky and her skin noticeably paler than normal, but her eyes were dark with a determination that made Edwards gut swell with pride. His girl was such a fighter.

"I'm ready, love," Edward replied, opening his door and quickly walking over to her side. He took her cold and sweaty palm into his, squeezing it tightly. "Everything will be fine, love and if at any point you want to leave just say the word and I will have us out of there faster than you can watermelon."

"Watermelon?" Bella laughted, "you Cullen's are so weird."

"You love it though," Edward smiled.

"I love you," Bella replied quietly as they walked into the gated building.

The lobby of splashed looked nothing like the Janus building. This looked like the lobby of your typical, though somewhat run-down, spa. There were six hard plastic waiting-room like chairs, a table with magazines, a dusty old table-top rock waterfall and a check-in counter, which had a sweet little old lady sitting behind it, complete with gray hair and granny glasses. If Edward hadn't seen Garrett coming out of here he would be sure he had gotten the wrong place.

"Hello... is this splash?" Edward asked, pulling Bella closer in to his side.

"Oh hello there! I sure hope it is, If it's not I am terribly late for work and possible a bit senieal, the lady laughed," causing Bella to giggle quietly into Edward's shoulder. She liked this strange little old lady.

"I'm Harriett and welcome to Splash Spa. I'm guessing you're young Edward Cullen, boy they do grow up fast," she tutted to herself.

Edward couldn't help but feel self conscious, this woman clearly knew of him and had perhaps even met him before. It was all so utterly strange to him.

"Um, yeah... I am. Have we met before?" Edward asked.

"Oh no dear, but I do know your mother, lovely woman. Garrett told me that you might be stopping by today. He's as in earlier for a lunch soak. Us old folks get to do stuff like that," She winked at Bella.

Bella felt her body slowly relaxing in the presence of Harriett. There was just something about this woman that calmed her. This club couldn't possible be that scary if it was being run by a Betty Crocker look a like.

"Alright folks, let me give you the run down so you can go on and get to having some fun. You just need to fill out these forms and I'll get you set up with a membership card that you can take on your way out tonight. Garrett actually already paid for you to have a years entrance here so be sure to send him a thank you gift tomorrow."

Edward rolled his eyes at this news, it didn't surprise him in the least, but it still wasn't something he was very comfortable with. Quickly, he filled out the paperwork, writing in all of Bella's information for her and making sure everything they wrote down would remain completely confidential. Both Edward's and Bella's jobs could be on the line if this new hobby of theirs ever got out and Edward was damned determined to protect Bella from anymore drama.

Once the paperwork was completed, it was time for a quick tour. Harriett called into the back office to get someone to cover the desk. Bella tensed a little when she saw a beast of man come duck out of the small office.

"This is Bruno, he's a teddy bear," Harriett assured, leading Edward and Bella through frosted glass door and into the spa.

For the most part, the main floor of the spa was empty, which Edward was greatful to see. He scanned the space as quickly as he could, taking note of one naked couple cuddling on a leather sofa, and another man lounging in the jacuzzi. Nothing too terribly jarring for Bella, though it was still very early in the evening.

"This, my lovelies, is the main area of the spa. It containes, well a few spa jacuzzi of course, as well as, a sauna, a steam room, and self-serve massage room, which is over in the left corner," Harriett explained as she led them around.

Bella peaked at the message corner and saw a dark empty room lined with four massage tables and a wall of different lotions oils. It intruded her deeply as her mind was instantly filled with images of Edward laying face down and naked on a table while she rubbed oil into his back.

"Over here," Harriett pointed, pullling Bella out of her fantasy, are the changing rooms. We have three of them, a men's, a ladies, and a couples or unisex one.

"Is there a dress code?" Edward asked.

"Nah, dear. Wear whatever your are comfortable in, or wear nothing at all. There are very few rules here, but we might as well go over the ones we do have. First, respect other people's boundaries. No means no, Red means stop, all that jazz. No touching anyone without permission. If you do venture into the downstairs part of the club, An open door means feel free to come in even if someone's in there playing, an open door with a chain across means feel free to stand and watch, and a closed door means do not disturb. That's about it though, pretty much anything goes this is place to be free. Oh, but no sex in the jacuzzi because well, that's just gross," Harriett laughed.

"Downstairs? Wha... what's downstairs?" Bella stammered, surprising Edward by asking a question.

"Well, my lovely, why don't we just go have a peak and see for ourselves," Harriett smiled.

Together, the three made their way down a set of cold, stone steps about halfway down Bella's nose was assaulted with the smell of damp mildew typical of any old basement. She wasn't a fan of the smell, but for once it wasn't her that was feeling the most anxiety about the situation. Edward was nearing panic levels. This floor looked, felt, and smelled nothing like a relaxing spa. This felt more like the dungeon class he walked in on a week ago and he was not ready to be around that yet, especially not with Bella.

"I call this my cunt cavern, " Harriett giggled, shocking Bella to hear such dirty things come out of such a little old lady.

"Wait," Edward sighed, stopping and grabbing hold of Bella to make sure she stopped as well. "Is this a dungeon floor? I'm not really interested in that at the moment if it is."

"Oh no child, it's nothing like that, though that is a ton of fun and I can give you some good reccemdations for that when you are ready. This is just... well... just come on and have a look."

Slowly, Edward loosened his grip on Bella and made his way down the hall and into the cellar, which did indeed look a bit like a dungeon.

It wasn't, of course, there was no whips or chains or menacing looking leather-clad women lurking about. Instead, there was just a few dark leather sofas all arranged to face a large procector screen that was currently playing a very graphic and very loud orgy scene. Sitting on the sofa was a man dressed in women's lingerie lounging on the sofa with his yes closed as he listened to the movie and stroked himself through his pink lace panties. For the first time since arriving, Bella felt incredibly uncomfortable, not because she was bothered by the man, but because she wanted to watch him and didn't know if she should.

Luckily, Harriett was in a hurry and quickly rushed the tour on to explore the other rooms of the cellar, which were simply a series of dark rooms all painted different colors and all featuring nothing but soft matted beds. One of the rooms had the door firmly closed and soft moaning could be heard from inside.

The final room was larger than all the rest and featured a large black swing in the center of it. The swing, as Harriett pointed out, "is about as 'dungeon,' as we get here at Splash, but it's all in good fun."

Edward took one look at that swing and knew he would be doing some online shopping tonight. He didn't like the openness of it here, but he sure as hell liked the look of the it, though he thought he might need to find a new apartment with sturdier walls.

"Well my lovelies, that's Splash. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we have an in house masseuse who can give you a proper massage for 30 dollar an hour, that can be done in the private massage room out front. We should be picking up in a bit, but I don't think it will be to busy tonight, so do head on up and get your feet wet in anyway you please. If you're hungry come out to lobby, I've got a full bar and fridge in the office stocked with home cooked meals from my grandson, he's an excellent chef. The bacon Mac and cheese is my favorite," Harriett gushed.

It was all a bit surreal to both Edward and Bella. A strange little place where you could get a massage, eat dinner, and watch a tranny get a blow job. It was not solely geared towards the kind of lifestyle Edward and Bella were interested in, which, in a way, took the pressure off of both of them somewhat. Edward was impressed with how at ease Bella appeared to be, and Bella was able to pull herself out of the situation and look at everything as if she was simply sitting on one of those leather couches watching a very odd movie. That is, until it came time to get changed into her swim suit, anyway.

It was just a plain white one piece suit with a few gold accents. At least, that was what it was before Alice got her hands on it. Now, the suit was a series of strips of fabric, strategically cut to cover all of Bella's scars while exposing nearly everything else. She wasn't naked, but she might as well have been. It took a lot of courage to for her step out from being the pink curtain of the couples dressing room and into Edwards awaiting gaze, which Bella found odd seeing as Edward has seen her naked many a times by now. She did it, eventually and when she did it took a lot restraint on Edwards part not to rip the shredded swim suit into even more shreds. The woman looked hot, hotter than any of the other fully naked women lounging around the spa. Edward, who had choose to wear no suit at all, would have to be careful while walking around not to bang his humongous erection into any door frames.

"Are you Ok, love?" Edward asked, taking Bella's hand and guiding her out of the dressing room.

Bella's eyes were firmly planted on Edwards hardness as she smiles and shook her head yes.

"Let's go straight to the hot tub, love," Edward instructed.

The hot tub was large and fancy with changing colored lights and built in speakers that were playing relaxing classical music. The water was hot and the jets just right. Bella settled herself on the bottom step, setting right in front of Edward and leaning into her chest and she promptly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Edward stayed diligent while she slept, scanning the room that seemed to be slowly but steadily filling up with patrons. He was impressed with the vast array of people who poured in. There were all different ages, races, and body types. Some folks would change and head directly downstairs to the playrooms, while others seemed to simply make a coffee and lounge around on the upstairs sofas as if they were simply out for a chat. Every now and then a couple or a single man would make eye contact with Edward and silently ask if they could join in the hot tub. Most folks didn't spend very long in there, seeming to use the space as a quick realx before heading off. One couple did get very raunchy, having a full on make out session right next to Edward and Bella, but even that didn't make Edward uncomfortable because no one ever got too close to them.

One woman in particular did stand out to Edward and it wasn't because she had an execidingly beautifully body, which she did, or even because of the noticeable and jarring scars that marked the left side of her face and neck, it was because she was there alone. The spa seemed to be made up of only couples and single men, accept for this woman. She sat, wrapped in a towel, reading one of Esme's books no less. Dr. Emily, of course, Edward thought.

It wasn't long before the woman made her way into the hot tub, quickly slinking off her towel and entering before Edward could even catch a glimpse of her naked body. She was the epitome of grace.

"You know," the woman said, talking directly to Edward, "You really shouldn't spend so long in a hot tub, its not recommended for more than 45 min stints and she's been out for quite some time."

Edward smiled, looking down at his sleeping beauty. Bella almost never slept so peacefully he hated to wake her up. "I know, you're right I really should wake her, but..."

"She's so peaceful," Emily finished for him. "You two are first timers?"

"We are, how could you tell?" Edward asked.

"Not many people wear suits," Emily smiled, gesturing towards the white strings of Bella's suit peaking out of the bubbling water, "Plus, I'd be lying if I tried to pretend like I wasn't aware of who you are."

"You must know Garrett then?" Edward laughed. "I have a guess as to who you are as well, so I guess we are even."

"I'm Emily, it's nice to meet you Edward."

"Dr. Emily, the pleasure is all mine. I do have to say this is the oddest way I've ever met a professional," Edward laughed, I do hope you and Bella will be able to work together though."

"Well, whose to say what's normal?" Emily laughed, noticing Bella's nostirals flare and suspecting that she had awoken but was still playing asleep, Emily decided to give Bella some assurance. "I'm sure Bella and I will be great friends, even if we never do work together in a professional sense, sometimes friends are all we need,"

Bella had been listening to the conversation as she actively tried to force her body not to tense, so as not to alert Edward of her waking. She knew meeting Emily was a possibility today, Edward has warned her of that fact, but she hadn't expected to meet her while she was still unconscious. It left her feeling more than vulnerable, it left her feeling oddly violated, especially when Bella cracked open her eyelids a tad and noticed that her perfectly placed swim suit had shifted due to the hot tub jets, causing a bit of her scars to peak out just above the waterline. Her branded breast were not the first thing she wanted Dr. Emily to learn about her. Once a person sees something like that they can never forget it and their perception of you is forever altered.

Slinking down deeper into the water, Bella tried to slyly adjust herself as she pretended to wake up gracefully. So naturally, she slipped and slid completely underwater, bumping her head on the last step. As Edward quickly grabbed Bella back up his big hands pulled Bella's swim suit down even more, revealing the entirety of her scars for all the world to see.

I was only for a brief moment that her breast were exposed, but Bella saw Emily staring from her preferential vision. Instantly, Bella jumped up and made a shame-ruled run towards the dressing rooms, seeking solace in the women's only side this time. Edward tried to catch up to her before she ducked into the dressing room but he just wasn't quick enough.

Edward paced, for what felt like hours but was only a few seconds, outside the dressing room doors, pulling his hair out. He wasn't entirely sure what had caused Bella to flee, but he guessed she had overheard him talking to Emily about her.

You Idiot, Cullen, Edward screamed at himself, thinking it was way out of line to talk discuss anything about Bella with Dr. Emily without Bella being present and aware. Their visit to splash had been going so well too and now he had ruined it all. Just before Edward finally broke down and stormed into the girls dressing room, Emily put her hand onto his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"It's OK, Edward. Let me go have a word with her," she assured, handing Edward a towel.

"This is all my fault," Edward sighed.

"No, dear boy, this has nothing to do with you," Emily answered, knowingly before making her way into the dressing room.

Bella was easy to spot, she was hiding in a heap of damp towels next to the blow dryer station. She wasn't crying though. Instead, Bella was simply staring into the thin air, effectively shut down in classic Bella style.

"Hi Bella. It's nice to finally meet you. That looked like a nasty fall back there those hot tubs are nice but not the safest of places. How's your head?" Emily asked, crouching down just to the side of Bella.

Bella didn't respond, though Emily hadn't expected her too. Emily watched as Bella clutched a towel tightly to her chest, so tightly, that her knuckles turned to white.

"I know you are wondering if I saw... and I am not going to lie, I saw," Emily stated, very quietly. Bella showed no reaction at all.

"It's ok you, I do understand. I am not going to ask you to talk about it, I am not going to ask you to talk at all, actually. I am just going to ask you do one thing for me... please, Bella, look at me, for just a second."

Bella didn't want to look. She really didn't, but something in Emily's voice just couldn't be ignored so she peaked, just a bit and then she looked and then she stared at the dark jagged scar that started on Emily's mid forehead and spanned down her olive-skinned face, ending at the corner of her lip. Bella stared, shocked and unabashedly until finally realizing just how rude she was being.

Quickly, she turned her head and uttered a slew of apologies.

"Shhhh," Emily comforted, "Don't be sorry, Bella. We all have our scars to bare and they are nothing to be ashamed of."

"I just... I just didn't want you to see that first off. I don't want to talk about that, not yet.. but now, now it's out there," Bella whispered.

"It's out there?" Emily asked. "Well, my scars are always out there, Bella. There is no covering them up. So let me ask you this... have you made any assumptions about me after having seen them? Do you think you know what happened to me? Do you expect me to share my entire story with you right now?"

"Well, no..."

"Exactly. All I saw was that you've been injured in some way in the past. We all have. It's ok. I am certainty not out to drag a story out of you Bella, nor do I judge you for having a story to tell. Actually, the only thing I want to do tonight is relax and have a good time. This isn't a therapy session and I'm not your therapist. I can be one day, if that's what you want. But tonight? Tonight I'm off the clock lady," Emily laughed, causing Bella to chuckle too.

"This is dumb, I am acting dumb," Bella stated.

"It's not dumb, it's normal. There was a time in my life when I would of happily walked around with a brown paper bag over my face. No one is faulting you for your feelings, not me, and certainty not Edward; they are your feelings, feel them."

"Oh God, Edward. He must be going insane. He's never going to try anything like this again. I've ruined everything," Bella cried.

"You too really are meant to be," Emily laughed, "Edward is out there right now thinking exactly the same thing, trust me. Both of you are wrong, by the way. No ones ruined anything.

"We should go back out there. He's going to want to leave."

"Do you want to leave?" Emily asked.

Bella thought for a few seconds before quietly answering, "No... no, I don't want to leave."

"Alright then, lets get you fixed up then and get back out there. The steam room is amazing, it's really great for your pores."

Bella laughed, "You should meet Alice," she said shaking her head.

Emily fixed Bella's hair and adjusted her bathing suit, taking care not to look at her scars. She then left, giving Bella a few extra moments to compose herself while she went to calm down a frantic Edward, telling him, "to just act normal and carry on with your night."

It went against every ounce of his being not to pull Bella out of Splash and smother her with cuddles, and perhaps lock her away in his closet for the rest of their God-given lives, but he listened to Emily. When Bella emerged from the dressing room shyly, Edward simply kissed her forehead and asked he if she wanted to check out the food on offer.

Bella nodded, thanking Emily again with her eyes, before her and Edward parted ways. They ate lasagna and salad while chatting more with Harriett, whose favorite thing to chat about seemed to be a very odd combinations of vibrators and cats, though not together of course.

The end of the night was capped off by a snuggle on the sofa as Edward and Bella spided on a rather sweaty threesome that seemed to be happening in the sauna. It was absolutely fascinating to Bella, even though it didn't seem to turn her on in the way that Edward and spanking could. Still, she couldn't look away.

They had very little interaction with Emily for the rest of the night, accept for when Emily was on her way out the door. "Good night Edward, Good night Bella it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you soon. Here is my personal number, please feel free call me and we can get a cup of coffee and here is my office number if you wish."

Edward smiled and took the cards for Bella, who was still transfixed by the threesome. Once, it was over, he ushered her to the dressing room and then out to the car, with thoughts of ravishing her silly once they got home.

Bella had the same thoughts, but as soon as she got in the car the day caught up with her. It had been an emotional roller coaster and she was exhausted. So tired, that she didn't even wake when Edward carried her up stairs and put her to bed. He couldn't bare to leave her though, not after all they have been through that night, so for the first time since her punishment Edward laid down in Bella's bed and slept soundly next to her. That is, until Bella woke an hour later, screaming from one of her typical nightmares.

This time though, Bella did not jump up and try to physically run away form her Demons. Instead, she clung to Edwards strong arms and cried ever so softly as he kissed her tears away and then she kissed him back, passionately. Bella was desperate, climbing up onto Edward, quickly finding his rock hard erection ready to answer all of her needs. It was the perfect ending to a perfectly fucked up day and this time when Bella drifted off to sleep she stayed that way until morning.