Hey, hey, hey, who else can tell how unmotivated I was to finish this chapter? Really, I lost inspiration for this story a very VERY long time ago. You know I actually finished this chapter the day before Christmas and was planning to put it up later that night? Yeah, point is I've been having a bad day today but I can say that I will post the next story some time before the New Year, but no promises. But until then, here are the reviews.

Sabrina06: I don't think that is a strong enough word to describe what is happening to them.

UnlikelyPFfan: Yes, yes he does.

HyperCLM: I'm still alive.

Disclaimer: Phineas and Ferb characters belong to Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh.

Erick and story belongs to me

(Phineas's POV)

Following Erick's advice, I began searching for Adyson hoping that she might know where I could find Isabella. I know it was a long shot but it was the only real option I had and I had to find Isabella before the dance ended or else I wouldn't be able to go through with my plan.

As I was searching the school, I came across Django who was leaning against a wall in the hallway a little ways away from the gym. "Django?" I asked hoping that he might know where to find Adyson.

He looked up at me surprised. "Phineas? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." I said as I walked over to him. "Have you seen Adyson around?"

"I've seen her around but I'm not sure where she is at the moment." He responded.

"Damn." I said as I turned around. I thought to myself for a moment then turned back to Django. "Think you'll run into her soon?"

"Not sure, why do you ask?"

"I want to know if she knows where I can find Isabella."

He looked at me confused. "You haven't talked to her yet?" He asked.

"Tired." I said with a sigh. "But she ran away before I could finish."

"Django laughed." If a girl runs away from you before you confess to her then you're doing it wrong."

"I know." I retorted. "What's your excuse? I thought you and Adyson were supposed to be on a date yet here you are in this random hallway without her."

"We're just friends." He responded. "Just really good friends."

I shook my head. "You know, I thought Isabella and I would end up being friends for the rest of our lives until I found out that I was dating her, and we weren't nearly as much as a couple beforehand as you and Adyson are."

"Which universe have you been looking at?" He asked. "You and Isabella practically engaged before you started dating her alter ego."

I looked at him surprised for a moment before I shook my head. "Look, that doesn't matter, I need to get back to my search for Isabella before the dance ends."

"Well good luck." Django responded.

I turned around and started walking but just as I was about to turn the corner I Adyson also turned the corner causing us to almost crash into each other. "Oh, sorry Phineas." She said as she tried to move around me.

Wait." I said stopping her. "Adyson, do you by chance know where Isabella might be?"

She looked at me confused. "Isabella doesn't-"

"I know that Rica is really Isabella so can we skip that part please?" I asked.

She looked at me shocked again but quickly came to her senses. "Um … I don't know where she might be right now, sorry."

I sighed. "I didn't think you would but thank you anyway." I said with a nod.

"I'm sorry." She replied. "If I find out I'll-" She froze when she saw Django. "I … I'll talk to you later." She walked over to Django and I let out a small laugh.

"Hope that ends well for them." I said to myself. "But I still have no idea where to find Isabella." As I rounded the corner I froze and sighed. "I guess it's worth a look."

(Isabella's POV)

I had ran outside through the exit in the gym that was open so that people could get some fresh air during the dance. The area was currently vacant and I was sitting against a wall hugging my knees. "Why did I have to lie to him?" I asked myself. "If only I had tolled Phineas the truth from the first day then this would never have happened."

I looked down and to the side. "Phineas will never forgive me now, I've lost my oldest friend and love of my life."

"I didn't know that you had such strong feelings for me." I heard a familiar voice say. I quickly looked up to see Phineas standing there with a small smile on his face.

I immediately shot up and tried to run away but after I stood up my legs decided to stop working. "Phineas." I said quickly. I stood there in silence before I finally decided that it was time to face the music. "I guess I should have seen this coming." I said slowly. "I'm sorry I lied to you, I know that you're probably upset and I understand if-"

He interrupted me by kissing me. "I love you Isabella." He said when we parted. "In retrospect I think I should have started with that."

"No." I said softly. "I shouldn't have run." I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into another kiss. I dug my nails into his shoulders as my legs found their way around the back of his, then I worked my hands around the back of his neck and squeezed so hard that it felt like we were about to fuse together. When I finally separated from him we were both extremely out of breath. "I've been waiting for this." I said as I rested my head on his chest.

"I thought that you got to do that all the time we were dating?" He asked.

"You get my point." I responded. "All this time I was afraid that you would no longer love me if you knew what I was hiding and now I don't have to worry anymore."

"Did you really think I would breakup with you just because you were yourself Isabella?"

"I didn't want to take the chance." I said as I began to cry. "I finally had you and I didn't want to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me." He responded. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and found a beautiful silver neckless inside. "I recently realized I haven't gotten you anything for our three month anniversary."

I giggled and put it on. "I love it Phineas." I said as I nuzzled his chest again. "It's perfect."

(Phineas's POV)

I must say it felt good to finally go steady with Isabella after we've been dating three months and it was also great to finally get this whole situation straightened out "Oh, I almost forgot." I said as we walked back into the school. "Isabella, if you got a one hundred on the entrance exam, then how did you not manage to get into the fancy school?"

"Well I did get a one hundred, but my mom forgot to fill out some last minute paper work for my housing. As a result I was accepted into the school but didn't have a room."

I laughed a little. "Wow that must have been disappointing … well … at first anyway."

She smiled. "Yeah slightly, but I registered for online classes and now I take them after school every Monday through Thursday."

"So that's where you had to go after school every day."

She sighed. "Yeah and I had my school outfit and everything." She hugged my arm. "But that doesn't matter anymore now that were together."

I smiled and stopped walking to hug her back. "Yeah." I closed my eyes as we eased into the hug.

It was about thirty seconds before we parted and Isabella frowned slightly. "Sorry about … pretending to be someone else"

I smiled and took her hand. "That's okay Isabella, but I am curious, why did you pretend to be someone new?"

"Well I wore my school outfit anyway, you know why let it go to waste, when neither you or Ferb recognized me I thought that it might have made a good joke to pretend to be someone else … but then …"

"We got together and you didn't want to risk it." I finished for her. She nodded and I pulled her into another hug. "I did promise that I would always be here for you as long as you needed me right?" She smiled her beautiful smile which filled me with joy

"You did." She responded.

I also smiled. "And I always will no matter how many times you're the new girl."

And this story is finally done. I hope to get my next one started soon as planed but like I said, nop promises. So until next time, Axis23 is out, peace!

Hello, my name is Axis23 and I enjoy torturing characters.