Hi, so I'm willing to bet that most of you are confused as to why I stopped the rewrites of my other version of this and started a new one all together. Well to tell the truth … I kinda added a few chapters in the middle of this story. So because I can't really put the new chapters in the old story and I've come up with some new ideas, I've decided to repost this story as an extended version of the old one. Don't worry, other chapters (like this one) will have additional things in them, so it's not like you will be reading the same story again. I'm also celebrating one of my finals being over by redoing my very first story that I finished. And by that I mean my first story that I finished that doesn't lead into another or isn't a one shot because all my one shots are horrible. If you don't like me doing this then tell me and I will delete this and get rid of the extra chapters and get back to my other stories. Ether way, the last version of this story isn't getting updated again. If you've read that one then please don't spoil this one. Also if enough people want me too then I will write this story from Isabella's POV after the extended edition is done and post it as a new story.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone except Erick (he won't appear until later in the story but he is mentioned in this chapter)

(Phineas's POV)

The alarm clock went off signaling the start of a brand new day. The only thing was that this wasn't a normal summer day, "Common Ferb, wake up! Today's our first day of junior high!" That's right summer was over and we were starting our first year of junior high school at Danville Junior High.

Ferb however was not as excited as I was, "Phineas how can you be so excited about school?" He asked as he rolled out of bed (literally he rolled off the bed still in his covers). Ferb had started talking more when we 'graduated' grade school but was still silent at times.

I gave him a small smile as I changed into my new clothes that our mom got us for junior high school. "I'm not ecstatic that summer is over, but being pessimistic about school isn't going to make it go any faster, or make it less boring." I turned around to show off my new wardrobe. I was wearing an orange hoodie over my old orange striped shirt along with longer pants that were more suited for fall.

Ferb got up off the floor and dusted himself off. "I know that, but there's still the fact that almost none of our friends are going to the same school as us."

I froze at the thought. "That's right." I whispered. Erick and Baljeet were going to a fancy prep school, Buford had transferred to adjacent area junior high, and Isabella … "Hey Ferb were was Isabella going again?"

Ferb stood there for a moment trying to remember. "Last I checked she was trying to get into that fancy all girls school. If you remember the last time we saw her she was on her way to take the entrance exam."

"Ya." I said half halfheartedly while staring at the ground with an empty feeling in my chest. "She definitely passed, there's no way she couldn't after all the studying she put into it." I sighed and took a seat on my bed. "So she's not going to be going to school with us for a while." I tried to put on a smile and looked up at Ferb. "But hey, we can still see everyone on the weekend's, right?"

Ferb shook his head. "Only Buford will be able to come on the first one, Baljeet and Erick told us that they have an entrance seminar the first weekend, and as for Isabella, her school is about two hours away, and her mom won't be able to bring her to Danville until Thanksgiving."

I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and started to the kitchen, "Well there's still Django and the fireside girls right?"

Ferb followed me to the kitchen. "The only fireside girls that are going to the same school as us are Katie, Milly, and Ginger. The rest are going to the same school as Isabella."

"Well then it looks like we need to find some more friends don't we?"

Ferb sighed and pulled a pack of pop tarts out of the cupboard. "Easier said then done."

"Don't be so pessimistic. I'm sure that we'll make a friend before the first class starts." I said as I opened a cabinet and pulled out two packs of pop-tarts "After all, it's only as difficult as you make it."

"Whatever." Ferb said as I tossed himone of the packs, "Do you plan to find a new best friend?"

I shook my head and walked over to the front door. "Not a chance, Isabella will always be my best friend, and there's no one who can ever replace her. Even if I wont be seeing her as much as I used to."

I saw Ferb start to frown. "I mean best friend outside of my family, you're my brother so how can I honestly compare the two of you?"

Ferb let out a small laugh. "Good save bro."


We were getting off the bus as I looked to the place that would be our prison- I mean place of learning for the next two years. "Smell that Ferb? It's the smell of a world of possibilities opened to us by education."

Ferb slowly followed me off the bus. "Smells more like gasoline to me."

"Well there's that too." I said as we began walking. After a moment my attention quickly shifted to someone off in the distance. A girl probably about our age with long black hair tied in a ponytail, wearing glasses, a plain blue shirt, and jeans. From the looks of it, I assumed that she had been dropped off where the buses pull in. Who is she? I thought as I continued to stare.

"Phineas?" My brother asked waving his hand in front of my face.

I didn't answer, I just ran over to the girl to introduce myself. "Hi my name is Phineas, what's yours?" I was probably too excited, because she took a step back in fear grasping her chest. "Sorry." I quickly added, "It's just that not many of my friends are going to this school and I wanted to make some new ones before the first day was over. Hopefully some before class even started, hence why I'm here."

She seemed to calm down a little as I slowed down my rate of speaking, She looked around herself as if sh thought I was talking to someone else. "Me?" she asked.

"Well yeah, I need to make some more friends before class starts and I was kinda hoping that you would want to be friends."

She looked around like she was worried about something then looked back to me with a shy expression. "Why are you asking me of all people?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Well I've never seen you before and I like making friends with people I've never met before. That way there's no awkward moments when you finally decide to become friends."

She let out a small laugh. "My names-"

"PHINEAS!" My brother interrupted. "You shouldn't be running off like a-" He took a look at the girl I was talking to and stopped mid sentence. "Oh my apologies young miss. I hadn't noticed that my brother had made a new friend already." He paused and looked at me, "So Phineas aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Oh." I said in shock, "This is my brother Ferb, and Ferb this is … I'm sorry I still haven't caught your name."

"My name?" She asked a little confused "Oh my name yes, it's … um ... Rica."

I stared at her for a few moments. "Well it's nice to meet you Rica" I said with a smile.

It was at that moment that the bell rang signaling the start of our first class. "Oh I must get going to class I'll see you later Phineas." I felt a warmth come over me as she said my name.

"Phineas? Phineas?!" My brother kept shouting, "Stop smiling like a love struck monkey and let's get to class." I quickly snapped to attention and the two of us were off to our first class.

Like I said in the last version, her names pronounced Rēsa. I hope that you like this, I will try to update it every week day or one of my other stories. I hope you enjoyed the additions. One last thing, if you can come up with something that you want to add to one of the chapters based on the previous story or have a correction, please tell me. I need to expand this story and it's really pushing the limits of my imagination.