'What if' is a dangerous game to play... too bad I keep playing it.

I never was one of the 'always-secure-of-themselves' kind. That role was saved for the Serena van der Woodsens of this world. I was the girl who wondered whether or not to eat the macaroon and if I could handle another piece of fruit. I was the girl who was always conscious of her own body, knowing it would never be as perfect as Serena's. And was it all my fault? No. My mother always kept telling me to lose weight. No doubt she is the origin of my self-esteem problems. Her and sunshine Serena. Who would have known Chuck Bass would be the one to tell me every morning I look beautiful, even when we all know I look like crap? I always thought it would be Nate. Good, sweet, pretty Nate. Easy of the eyes, easy on the lips, easy on the everything, really. Sparks. No fireworks. It took one slip from the Archibald's to change my life forever. What if they wouldn't have been there? What if Chuck wouldn't have opened Victrola back then? What. If.

There are thousands of scenarios that would show what would have happened. Thousands. But I keep coming back to the same. 19 people. 19 changes. 19 different lives I could have lived.

A/N So! Hi! You may have noticed, this was all Blair. This is the (rather short) start of my series of 'What If'. I know it may have been done before, but it came to me and I was fascinated, so I just started writing it (:

I am a Chair fan with all my heart, so every story will have something about their fabulous relationship in it. They're always the endgame (:
So, they will always come back, even if they're not the 'what if' character, they're still the most important ones.

You might think: why would Blair seem/sound/think/play such a depressing thing? Pretty much because I wanted to show everyone Chuck and Blair are so meant to be they'd end up together in any alternative universe. Even though there are a shitload of alternative universe's, I picked 19. Some are obvious choices, some aren't. Some are really, really, really fluffy, some aren't. Actually, I'm pretty sure most will be extremely fluffy.

Enjoy and review, if you can (:

First: Serena van der Woodsen