
Inspired by some fanart I saw on Tumblr.

Chapter 1

Kotetsu looked at the address in his hand and turned in circles several times until he spotted the statue of the roaring winged lion and headed for it. This would be Kotetsu's third job interview this morning and hopefully it would be the one to go right; his former coworker and friend Ben had even recommended him for this one so that had to mean something.

Finally finding the entrance it took Kotetsu by surprise when he found Apollon Park was actually a zoo. Why would a zoo need a live in security guard?

Still a job was a job at that point and he should learn the details of it before he dismissed it. He went in and had to sign several papers before they would even interview him. The confidentiality agreement was particularly puzzling but he would find out soon enough.

It was a man with gray high, slightly lighter on top then it was the sides, in a suit that looked more like an executive then the manager of a zoo that came out to interview him. Right off the bat the interview was different than any Kotetsu had heard before. Instead of work history and why he left his previous job he was asked about mythology and fairy tales. The owner, Mr. Lloyds, seemed pleased with his knowledge of the subjects and, for some reason, even more pleased to learn that Kotetsu had a daughter.

"I think you'd do nicely, especially with Mr. Jackson's glowing recommendation of you," Mr. Lloyds nodded to himself and stood. "Let me show you what you'd be guarding."

"Guarding," Kotetsu followed him. "Wouldn't I just be patrolling around the zoo?"

"Oh no," Lloyds suggested to men in yellow uniforms as they walked through the zoo past the numerous cages and enclosures, "We have professional security guards for that."

"Then why do you need me?" Kotetsu almost stopped walking when he saw the sign pointing towards the tigers but shook his head and speed a little to keep up with Lloyds.

"Your police record, despite some property damage fees, spoke very highly of you. Plus you're good with animals; you never had to call animal control no matter how vicious the animal," Lloyds seemed to be avoiding answering the question, using a security card to get them into a large unlabeled building.

Kotetsu shrugged, looking around to try to take in as much detail as possible. The building was obviously new, still having the smell of fresh paints, and didn't have much in it yet but he could hear water. "Animals like me."

"Good because what we want you to guard is a vindictive little thing," Lloyd used his security card to open another door.

This new room immediately struck Kotetsu was very blue. As he walked in he realized the ground was blue tiles and the walls were painted to look like the ocean but, more importantly, there was a giant aquarium in front of him, maybe big enough for a whale.

Though he couldn't put his finger on why, Kotetsu rushed forward and raises his hands onto glass as he peered in. The ground of the tank looked like the bottom of the sea, at least in cartoons. It was full of sand but no plant life; barren and empty.

Then something caught Kotetsu's eye, something golden among all the blue.

In the corner, huddled where there wasn't any glass, was a blonde beauty. Though he was too far away to know for certain he swore emerald eyes were gazing out in his general direction.

But this person wasn't wearing any diving gear, how could they breath, let along stand the pressure of so much water.

The beauty moved a bit and Kotetsy finally noticed the tail.

"A mermaid?!"