A/N: I finished reading the book 'Salem's Lot' by Stephen King, AWESOME BOOK! You should read it, the vampires in it don't sparkle, and it inspired me to write this. Vanellope goes out to a rock concert at Tapper's one night, and the band offers for her to come with them, she accepts, but later is turned into a vampire and characters around the arcade go missing because of her. Enjoy.

Ralph paced back and forth in the middle of the night in his bedroom.

"Where is she? She said she'd be back by eleven, now she's not here at all" Ralph muttered to himself. Vanellope had gone to a concert that was being held at Tapper's and she told Ralph she'd be back by eleven 'o clock. But it was now 1:00 in the morning, two hours past when she told him, she wasn't there.

"I gotta give her a talk about arriving on time" Ralph told himself. He then heard slurping noises coming from his kitchen and the light from the refrigerator was on. He walked into the kitchen to see the fridge open, and Vanellope was eating the meat from the fridge. There was half eaten and once bitten meat next to where she was on her knees on the floor eating the giant turkey leftover from the party Ralph held a few nights ago.

"Kid, what on earth are you doing?" Ralph asked as he entered the kitchen. Vanellope turned her attention to Ralph with her cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk with turkey. She lowered her eyebrows to a threatening V shape, swallowed what was in her mouth and snarled.

"Kid, are you snarling?" Ralph asked confused. Vanellope didn't say a word. A grumbling sound could be heard coming from the nine year old's stomach and she started making gagging noises. Vanellope opened her mouth with a sinister smile and she threw up all over Ralph's tile floor. She then screeched really loudly and ran through Ralph's window on all fours, shattering the glass. Ralph was confused, what was Vanellope doing in the middle of the night, eating all the food out his fridge.

Ralph later took out a mop and bucket and cleaned up Vanellope's gastric acids that she left behind on his floor. Ralph looked into the fridge.

"The kid couldn't have saved room for some fruits or veggies, huh?" Ralph asked himself as he noticed that only the meats in the fridge were eaten, half eaten, or only bitten once were gone, but the produce such as fruits and vegetables weren't touched. As soon as all the puke was cleaned, Ralph went straight to bed.

The next day after the arcade closed, Ralph went over to talk to Vanellope. Before he could even get to the train that lead to 'Sugar Rush', he was stopped by a small figure wearing a black hoodie, a black skirt, and black striped mismatched leggings with black shoes. It was Vanellope.

"Kid, what were you doing in my house last night?" Ralph asked, wanting an answer.

"I was hungry so I went into your shack in the middle of the night after the concert and helped myself, I was gonna clean it up myself until you showed up" Vanellope said with her eyelids drooping and her voice was tense, like she was being threatened by Ralph. Ralph then noticed Vanellope's skin being pale, dull, white instead of a pasty tan like usual.

"Why are you so pale?" Ralph asked.

"I was locked out of the castle and Sour Bill wasn't there, so I slept in the meat locker at 'Burger Time'" Vanellope answered.

"And what happened to your clothes? Why are they black?" Ralph asked again. Vanellope rolled her eyes and groaned.

"I mixed some black dye in the wash" Vanellope answered again.

"By accident?" Ralph asked.

"On purpose you big idiot!" the girl shouted, so loud it echoed throughout the entire station.

"What's with this mopey, emo attitude of yours!?" Ralph asked.

"What's with you playing twenty questions with me?" Vanellope asked. Ralph was taken back, Vanellope would never give Ralph attitude, he was like a father to her and now she was acting like somebody else. Vanellope then put her black hood over her head and walked away to a different game. Ralph went over to try and talk to her but then he was stopped by something he saw posted on a bulletin board in the station. It was a missing person poster, Amy Rose from 'Sonic' was missing since just last night.

"Missing? Why on earth would she be missing? Wasn't she with Sonic all night last night?" Ralph asked himself in the form of a barely audible mutter. Ralph noticed Sonic exiting from Tapper's and walked up to him.

"Hey Sonic" he said.

"Hey Ralph, how's it going for ya?" the blue hedgehog asked him.

"Good, I heard Amy went missing"

"Yeah, it was a kidnapping" Sonic said. Ralph raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Kidnapping?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah, it took place in my own game last night when Amy was walking home from our date, all that was at the crime scene was the gold locket I gave her one year of our game's 110th anniversary" Sonic explained.

"Really?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah. Gotta go, see ya Ralph!" Sonic said as he ran into 'Burger Time' at super sonic speed. Ralph scratched his head in confusion, what was going on here? First Vanellope is pale as ice and now wearing black clothes, and now Amy's been kidnapped. This wasn't the work of any villain, all the villains were at a 'Bad Anon' meeting the night Amy was taken.

A/N: and there it is! Do you think this is better than 'Twilight'? Because we all could you some normal vampires in our lives now that those phoney sparkling vampires are gone. Please review, thanks.