Yo! I have created another cross-over story~ Yey! I know that in my previous cross-over I said that I will not write an another cross-over but two persons wants me to write another one so yeah...

Sorry for my horrible writing skills. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Purple Beanie

A girl with a long red orange hair which is tied into a high pony tail using a red ribbon is happily eating at her favourite restaurant.

"Kyaa!~ Sakurako-san's purple beanie is the best!" She chimed as she ate her food.

The owner, a girl with a shoulder length blond hair which is braided into a low pig tails, smiled. "Arigatou, Momoko-san."

Momoko continued eating with a big smile on her face.

After some minutes, a red haired boy walked inside the restaurant.

"Konnichiwa." He greeted.

"Welcome." Sakurako greeted back.

Momoko stopped eating for a while. Her eyes have hearts on it as she saw the red haired boy. He's a cutie! She drooled.

The boy walked to the owner. "I'm new here in this town. Maybe give me your specialty?"

When Sakurako is about to say something…

"You must try Sakurako-san's special purple beanie!" Momoko joined in.

The boy looked at her and smiled. "Oh, really? Mm..." He shifted his gaze to Sakurako. "One purple beanie please."

Sakurako nodded. "Hai."

As Sakurako went inside the kitchen…

"Welcome to Tokyo City!" Momoko happily said.

The boy chuckled. "Arigatou." He handed over his hand. "Hiroto, Kiyama Hiroto is my name." He smiled.

Momoko gladly took his hand. His hand is so soft. She slight blushed. "Momoko." She smiled back.

"So, Momoko-san." Hiroto sat on a chair. "What's the city look like?"

Momoko sat across him. "Well, the city is a peaceful place before a dark light strike the city and monsters starts appearing!"

"A dark light eh?" Hiroto said.

Momoko nodded. "Hai but thanks to the Power Puff Girls Z, the city is saved!" Momoko proudly said.

Hiroto smiled. "Power Puff Girls Z eh?"

Momoko looked at him. "Mm…? Are you a fan of them? I know that the Power Puffs are really popular."

"Mm… You may say that." Hiroto answered and Momoko smiled big.

"Here's your order." Sakurako appeared and placed the order in front of Hiroto.

"Aigatou." Hiroto thanked. He looked at his food. "So this is the special purple beanie?"

Momoko nodded. "Hai!"

Hiroto chuckled. "I hope it's sweet like you."

Momoko smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Fashion Compliment

A blond haired girl is happily skipping her way to her favourite shop.

"Ah! I'm here!" She said as she reached her destination. She walked inside and started looking at the clothes.

While she is looking…

"Ah!" She grabbed the purple jacket and pulled it but it won't budge. "Eh?" She does it again and still won't budge. She pouted because of frustration and pulled the jacket, all her might.

"What's the big idea?" She heard a cold dark voice from the other side of the rack.

"Um…" The person stopped grabbing the jacket and walked to the other side where the blond haired girl was.

The person is a white haired boy. "Oh, sorry. I thought you are a friend of mine who is always making fun of me. I apologize." He bowed.

The girl blushed of embarrassment. "N-No! It's okay, mister. Everybody makes mistake." She smiled.

The boy looked at her. "I guess you're right." He looked at the jacket. "Do you really like that jacket?"

The girl startled. "H-Hai! It's so pretty and the prize is just right!"

The boy smiled. "Let me buy it for you to show my 'apologization' to you." He winked.

The girl blushed. He's cute. She smiled a bit. "O-Okay…"

"Suzuno, Suzuno is my name. What's yours?"

"Miyako, Suzuno-san."

Suzuno smiled. "Your name is cute."

Miyako blushed. "A-Arigatou."

Suzuno took the jacket from Miyako. "Let's go to the cashier to buy this, shall we?"

Miyako smiled. "Hai!"

While Suzuno is paying the jacket, Miyako noticed something in Suzuno's clothing. He is wearing a blue jacket. Underneath his jacket is a white shirt. The zipper of his jacket is half way to the top, along with a black baggy pants and blue shoes.

Miyako smiled. "I like your clothes style, Suzuno-san."

Suzuno looked at her as he got the paper bag from the cashier. "Really?"

Miyako nodded. "Hai! It's kawaii and suits on you."

Suzuno blushed. "Arigatou."

Miyako is wearing a long sleeve blouse with a blue necktie. Underneath is a dark blue mini skirt, white socks and black shoes.

Suzuno smiled at the sight. "You too."

Miyako giggled.

Soccer Hero

A dark blue haired tomboyish girl is coolly skating on her skateboard along the street. Both of her hands are inside her pockets.

At the end of the street, two figures appeared, looking evilly at the tomboyish girl.

"Our next target?" "Yes."

The tomboyish girl casually passed the two figures when all of a sudden, one of them held her hand tight.

"What's the big idea!?" She growled.

The one who held her, smirked. "Just calm down, little missy."

"We just want you to relax." The other one continued.

The girl gritted her teeth. "Why you-!"

When she is about to punch them using her free hand, the other one pinched something on her arm to make her weak.

"Ugh!" The girl flinched. Tsk. Not this.

"Since that you are relax now." "Let us make you relax more."

The one who held her hand, held both of her hands while the other one massaged her chest.

The girl blushed. "O-Oi!"

The two figures smirked and continued what they are doing.

"Astro Break!"

A purple circular charged to the two figures and knocked them out.

The girl looked amazed. Whoa.

"You shouldn't treat a lady like that." She heard someone.

She turned around to saw a green haired boy holding a soccer ball on his side.

The girl raised her eyebrow. Is he a soccer player?

The two figures stood up from their feet. "Tsk. Let's run." "Hai." They started running.

"Oh no you think so." The green haired kicked two balls at the and they fell down.

The girl's eyes widen. Wow. That some powerful shoots.

The boy walked to her. "Are you okay?"

The girl smiled. "Hai."

The boy smiled back. "Yosh. Let's give these crooks to the police."

She nodded. "Hai."

After they gave the information to the police…

"Ne. Are you a soccer player?" The girl asked as they walked.

The boy nodded. "Hai. Soccer is my life!"

"Oh. Can we have a short play of soccer?"

The boy smiled. "Sure!"

At the field, the two started to play soccer.

"You're good at this." The boy complimented.

The girl inhaled. "Arigatou." She exhaled. "Oh yeah, thanks for saving out there."

The boy stopped dribbling. "Oh that. Your welcome!" He kicked the ball to her. "I'm Midorikawa by the way."

The girl smiled as she caught the ball. "Karou."

The two continued kicking the ball to each other.

I will stop writing this if this is horrible and such, that I promise to you. I already wrote the chapter 2 but I will wait for reviews and such... Review?

PS. I'm still in a vacation so that means I wrote this during my vacation. I have hard time looking for internet connection so I may update late. Have a nice day.