Once I've uploaded this, I'm going to go through all chapters and put in the appropriate translations at the bottom. Thanks for all your lovely reviews, and apologies for the lack of translations!

'Nyota, be a dear and get me the translations on this transmission?'

He could feel her burning glare before he even raised his head.

'Captain, I would ask you not to refer to me by my first name...'

He flashed her one of his trademark smouldering grins, hoping that his faithful first officer wouldn't catch him. Spock had some weird protective claim over her, despite the evident lack of relationship between them.

'Now now, darling Nyota, since when does a Captain take orders from a Lieutenant?'

She sucked in a deep, strained breath.

'It wasn't an order, it was a request. I reserve the use of my first name for family.'

He laughed, noticing Spock stiffen beside him. A raw nerve perhaps?

'And of course, close friends, I presume?'

As a look of bewilderment ghosted her elegant features, Jim went in for the kill. He could call her bluff on this ridiculous name game she played.

'Well, Commander Spock is hardly family now, is he? And I do recall that it was our dearest Vulcan that clued me in, Nyota.'

She measured him up with her eyes, not missing a beat, her voice casual and cool in her response.

'I would have thought, as Captain, you would have had access to my records, and that is how you found out.'

He could have sworn that he saw his first officer smile.

'I found out before I was Captain, gorgeous Nyota, after your adorable parting kiss with Commander Spock...'

'Captain! This is hardly appropriate!'

Had Spock just...snapped... at him? What fresh hell was this?

'Excuse me? Since when did my conversations require your approval Commander?'

The tension in the room was thick, almost solid, as murmurs echoed around the bridge. Kirk and Spock were renowned for their epic arguments throughout Starfleet.

'My priorities, as first officer, are to the crew, and you are clearly causing the Lieutenant some distress. I was acting on her behalf to protect further embarrassment.'

'And as Captain, Commander Spock, I call bullshit.'

They were standing now, eye to eye, Kirk standing slightly below beside his chair. Nyota had stood too, and was contemplating standing between the warring officers.

'There is no need to resort to crude language to prove a point, Jim.'

'So the point is valid?'

'It depends entirely on what you are insinuating by suggesting my motives are flawed.'

'I'm insinuating that you and Miss Uhura aren't just good friends, Spock, given your sudden need to protect her.'

Silence. The answer to a question every crew member had asked themselves at least once.

Spock shot Nyota a pained look. He couldn't lie.

Kirk smiled triumphantly, like a lion about to murder a gazelle.

'It is none of your business, Captain...'

He flashed her a grin.

'Nyota, darling, as Captain, I require knowledge of all staff relationships. Isn't that right, Commander?'

'Yes, that is correct.'

Nyota tried to casually step around Kirk, to stand beside Spock, let him know she was there for him, but she was blocked.

'So, one must enquire, is there anything I need to know?'