The kitchen air was filled with the beautiful aroma of chicken curry and the not-so-quite-as-beautiful smell of sweat. Placing her bag down next to the fridge, Lara smiled as she took a seat at the kitchen counter while Sam sang and danced along with a song probably in the UK Top 40. Hearing the chair moving out, Sam turned to greet Lara with a smile.

"You know, I'll never get tired of seeing you in your gym wear - Even if you stink up the place."

"Love you too, Sam."

The two shared a laugh as Sam began to plate up their meal and turn the volume on the TV down a little. Lara soon identified the song as Calvin Harris Ft. Haim Pray to God, which wasn't that bad of a song. Sam gently set their plates down and pulled up her own chair, sharing another smile with Lara.

"How'd you do this time? Hope you're not overworking yourself."

Lara rolled her eyes gently, still holding a smile. "I'm not, I promise. Did an hour and a half today, with a few breaks in there so don't worry. But I think I'll change the time on when I go."

"Why's that?"

"There are only so many gym couples I can take. Plus, solitude is more my style."

Sam held her hand close to her mouth as she let out a small chuckle, swallowing her food before it went everywhere.

"You want me to come along so we can show them what's for?"

Lara slowly shook her head while Sam gave her a wink. "As fun as that sounds, I'd rather just go earlier."

"Only you would pass on the golden opportunity to make out with your girlfriend in front of people." Sam giggled as she rose from her seat to the fridge, retrieving two bottles of water. Handing one to Lara, she was suddenly met with a gentle grip on her wrist and a small smirk.

"I can think of an even better golden opportunity than making out. Consider it platinum worthy."

"Lara Croft, are you flirting with me in the most nerdish way ever?"

"Trying to."

Trailing her delicate touch lightly along Sam's arm, Lara stood and rested her forehead gently on Sam's, maintaining eye contact.

"You're such a dork."

"I prefer intellectual."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Happy to oblige, Lara pressed their lips together, softly easing her tongue into Sam's mouth. Hands began to caress each other's bodies, soft moans emitting from both mouths. Sam took charge and cupped Lara's right breast, causing the taller girl to whimper. Pleased with the effect she was having on her, Sam reached for the edge of Lara's tank top, which was still a little damp from her gym session. Slowly starting to raise it upwards, Lara broke the kiss and held Sam's wrists.

"Wait Sam-"

"Things were just getting interesting!"

Letting out a chuckle, Lara gently kissed Sam's forehead. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"And you seriously couldn't pick any other time?"

Lara stood silent for a minute, unsure of where to go from there. Shaking her head but smiling, Sam placed a kiss of Lara's lips before taking a seat at the counter again.

"I'm all ears. But once you've finished, just know I get to be on top."

Taking a few breaths and shaking of the statement, Lara began to speak.

"As I'm sure you know, it's been a whole year since Yamatai-"

"Happy anniversary!"

After sharing a small laugh, Lara continued.

"And again, as you know, I've improved a lot since then."

"A little plumper yes, but still you could use more."

Lara sighed, realising she had to get straight to the point now.

"Sam, I want to go back to my father's studies and find-"

"Woah," Sam held up both her hands as she rose. "Hold up there. You can't be serious?"

"I've waited long enough. I feel ready to go work again."

"Have you really thought this through? What if you end up going on an even more fucked up expedition than Yamatai?"

Lara shook her head. "I don't think anything can top that."

"I wouldn't put it pass 'em."

"Sam, I'm fine now. I feel ready to work again. I want to! My father was right all along with his theories and ideas and I want to see them through. It's the least I could do for never believing him. Plus, these could lead to incredible findings!"

Seeing the glint in her eyes, Sam couldn't keep her side of the argument up anymore. It had been quite a while now, and Lara's physical and mental state had improved, but she still had her moments. She then realised that if she was standing in Lara's shoes right now, she would probably be doing the same. The thought made her smile.

"Alright Sweetie, but start off slow. We don't want you taking on more than you can handle."

Her entire weight lifted from the floor as Lara had rushed over and scooped her into her embrace, spinning her around and laughing. "Thank you Sam! Thank you!"

Once back with gravity, Sam gently curled a hair behind Lara's ear, cupping her cheek. "Just promise me you'll start slow."

"I promise."

"What are you thinking of doing anyway? You never have an idea without a plan."

Smiling, Lara left the room for a moment, returning with a worn out book. She began flicking through and commenting.

"It ranges from the pretty popular Greek islands to the pretty impossible Atlantis. Since you want me to start of slow, I believe Greece is the way to go."

"Oh wow! Alright I'm on board! When shall we go?"

Lara looked up from her book with widened eyes. "Uh…"

"Am I moving too fast? It was just a question Sweetie."


"I'll definitely need to update my camera. We can film our own little documentary!"

"Sam, you're not coming."

Silence filled the room in an instant. Nervously scratching the back of her head, Lara looked away.

"That came out harsher than I intended…"

"What the fuck do you mean I'm not coming?"

Lara looked back up, making eye contact with a very pissed off and shocked Sam.

"It's just… Like you said, something more fucked up could happen and I don't want you to be involved in that again."

"So you'd rather leave me here and go off on your own? Can't you see the fucking fault in that?"

"I can see the fucking fault in bringing you. Sam, I don't want you to get hurt again."

Sam scoffed. "And you think you'll be fine by yourself? Who knows what the hell could happen out there? I'll be worried sick!"

"I'll keep in contact."

"Oh, lucky me!"

"Sam, I don't want Yamatai to happen again. I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't."

"You seriously think being alone will help with that? Jesus fuck."

Lara let out a sigh. "It's better than risking lives."

"You're risking our relationship here! The fact that you won't let me come with you and help you? We did shit like this all the time in Uni! Now you're just throwing it away?"

"I just want to keep you safe Sam!" The distance between the two began to decrease in size.

"And I want to keep you safe! Why the hell would you keep me from coming Lara? Are you just trying to prove you can do things on your own?


"Is it so you can prove to your old man that you can d everything he couldn't? I know you feel guilty but I also know he wouldn't want you doing stupid shit like this!"

Lara grabbed Sam by the shoulders, startling her. "I can't lose you again!"

Sam watched as Lara's eyes began to well up, completely taken aback by the girl's sudden burst of emotion. Her grip had loosened, her head lowered.

"I can't lose you again. I've lost too many people I love and care about. I don't want you to be another."

Lifting her chin up gently, Sam pressed her lips to hers. Lara began to kiss back, clutching onto Sam as if at any moment she would completely vanish. They rested foreheads together, silently looking into each other's eyes.

"Lara, I want you to think about this properly. Do you honestly believe that by us being miles apart we'll be okay? And I don't just mean from injury."

Letting out a sigh, Lara lowered her head again. "No… I just… I'm scared."

"So am I, Sweetie. But we can face anything together! We made it through Uni, we beat the shit outta Yamatai! Let's just kick the world's ass together Lara."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Lara crashed her lips to Sam's, finally letting some tears fall. Sam was right; there's no way in hell either of them, especially Lara, would be able to cope without each other. Why stop the dynamic duo now? So much of her father's work is waiting for them to be discovered now.

"Shall we look at flights?" Sam smirked, taking ahold of Lara's wrist.

"Later. Right now, you owe me a passionate evening."

Lara returned the smirk and keenly let Sam lead her to their bedroom. Despite all the hell the two have encountered, Lara couldn't be happier than she is this very moment.

"Adventure always seems to find me."

Phew! That was a long wait huh? Yes I'm afraid we have reached the conclusion FINALLY. However! That doesn't mean Lara and Sam's adventure ends here :3

I will probably begin a new story of their travels around the world and junk soon. So thank you all you lovely people reading and waiting (seriously sorry for the wait) and know there will be more to come! :D