Co-written by Project66 and Zoe tabbycat.

"Are you trying to tell me that this boy is a child of the mythological Greek god, Poseidon?" Angela's face dropped in disbelief, "Sweety, you've tried to convince me with crazier stories."

"There's no explanation to why his bones have such a high account of salt in them," Bones explained, "And I know for a fact that this is him because I've seen him before."

"Well the killer could have had the bones soaked in salt water," Hodgins reasoned, not yet believing Brennan's story. She shook her head.

"The salt water would have dehydrated the little amount of human tissue that was left on the body."

Hodgins nodded to himself. It made sense.

"She does have a point," Hodgins agreed, "The tissue matches the same amount of salt as the bones, but it has no physical effect on the tissue."

Angela turned to look at her husband, the look of astonishment still very much present.

"Are you seriously playing along with this?" She questioned. Hodgins held up his hands in defense.

"Do you have any other explaination?" He asked. Angela opened her mouth, but then closed it, realizing she didn't have an answer to Hodgins' question.

"No, no I don't," she looked back to Bones," but that doesn't mean I believe it, yet."

"I don't blame you, finding out a child is the son of a legend is a lot to handle," Bones start wrapping things up," I've got to go inform the family with Booth, now."

There was a collective nod. Everyone said they're goodbyes and then the screen went black. Slowly, Bones closed the lid to the computer, thinking carefully about the conversation she would have to have with Percy's mom.

Booth walked into the room, staring at Bones' movements.

"You gonna be alright?" He asked gently. She nodded in response.

"It's just so hard," she started, "You don't realize it, but he meant so much to so many people. It's difficult to digest that he's really gone."

Booth swayed between his two feet, unsure about what to say.

"He must be so lonely," Bones mumbled to herself.

"Hmm?" Booth asked, not hearing what she said. Bones waved him off, unable to repeat that thought.

"Um, shall we go then?" He nodded through the doorway he was standing gently. She took a deep breath and followed Booth.

"So let me get this straight," Booth said, slightly amused. "You say he is the son of Poseidon, but we're going to a strawberry farm?"

"That's correct," Bones said, "I don't see the problem." She focused her stare at the road ahead of her. A large strawberry field loomed in front of them. Hills and hills of red glazed over the ground.

"Why haven't we contacted the family? As soon as you figured out who the victim was, you bolted out of the lab faster than the Road Runner." Booth asked. He temporarily ignored the fact that she told him that the victim was apparently a son of a god from the Greek mythologies.

Bones rolled her eyes to his comment, not in the mood to follow along with his jokes.

"Take a right here."

She indicated to a small dirt road that lead into the woods.

"If you say so," Booth mumbled, not convinced as to where they were going. He turned the steering wheel all the way to the right as Bones indicated.

After a couple of seconds, Bones asserted, "Stop the car."

"Why?" Booth asked, not doing as he was told.

"Because it's the rational thing to do. When you reach a destination, you stop," Bones persisted, "Stop the car." Booth rolled his eyes and reluctantly pulled the car to a halt.

"Now what?" Booth asked as Bones started to get out of the car.

"Now, we walk."

Bones didn't wait for Booth to catch up. He quickly got out of the car, racing after his girlfriend.

He easily fell into the same footsteps as her, mimicking the way she walked.

"So what are we doing in the woods again? Did you take me out here to kill me?" Booth joked half-heartedly. When Bones didn't respond, he grew worried, "Right Bones?"

"Huh? Oh of course not," she murmured, coming out of daydreaming, "I told you before, we're meeting the family."

"Yes, Bones, I'm aware. You've mentioned that before. I was hoping you'd give me a little bit more on the details this time around."

"If I explain it to you, you wouldn't believe me. It's better to show you," she dismissed Booth's questions.

"Try me," Booth tested.

"I'd rather not waste energy on such an ineffective activity," Bones marched forward. Booth rolled his eyes and followed in pursuit.

Bones marched forward, letting Booth catch up to her. As Bones passed Thalia's tree, Booth stopped, his head flying backwards.

"What the-?" Booth tried to move towards Bones, but was stopped again due to an invisible force stopping him from getting any further. He put his hands against the invisibleshield and looked worriedly at Bones.

"It's the force that keeps people out of the camp who shouldn't be there," Bones sighed, "I, Temperance Brennan, give you permission to enter camp."

Thunder rolled across the hillside. Booth looked up, but the sky was as clear as the ocean.

"What was that about?"

"Your entry into the camp," Bones said like it should be obvious. Booth shook his head, all hopes of understanding what was happening flew out the window.

They passed a giant pine tree.

"Why is there a snake surrounding that pine tree?" Booth questioned, his voice quivered. In his eyes, there was a gigantic snake the size of soccer goal curled around the base of a pine tree. He switched sides with Bones so that he was the farthest away from the 'snake'.

Bones turned her head towards the tree, looking at the giant 'snake' that Booth was talking about.

"That's not a snake, Booth," Bones laughed, "It's a dragon."

"No its-" he stopped short, looking back at the thing. He rubbed his eyes, the image of the 'snake' flickering to a dragon as Bones had said. The dragon was surrounded by some mist, so the top half looked like a dragon and the rest was snake.

"I need to get my eyes checked out," he said, shaking his head for the umtenth time.

She walked towards the largest establishment within the camp: the Big House.

"Bones, you're walking so fast," Booth said, lagging behind and trying to catch his breath, "Could you slow down?"

"Not until we tell Chiron what has happened," Bones called over her shoulder. The sight of the Big House grew and grew until it was right in front of them.

She swung open the door and called out.

"Chiron!" she shouted throughout the halls. It was strange to her, the fact that there was little to no one there. She hadn't seen a single person as she had walked through the camp. However, it was around the time that kids normally go home for a bit, but she was expecting to see one particular blond in the camp…

"Who goes there?" A man half horse and top-half man walked out holding a sword threatening.

"Whoa, whoa!" Booth started to pull out his gun, "Take it easy there, gramps!"

"Booth!" Bones lowered his weapon, forcing him to put it away.

"You must be mortal," Chiron continued to wield his sword, "How did you enter the camp?"

"I am Temperance Brennan, daughter of Athena," Bones claimed, "This is Seeley Booth, he has no affiliation to any gods - well, none that I know about."

"Tempe?" Chiron sheathed his sword, all his worries disappearing as he realized who stood in front of him, "What brings you here after all these years?"

His mood lightened up as all his fear was replaced by Bone's presence. She looked glumly at Booth, not sure how to approach the reality.

"I don't know anyway to put this," she started, looking back to Chiron, "Have you seen Percy Jackson, lately?"

Chrion's face twisted into concerned, "As a matter of fact, I haven't. Annabeth's been quite worried - you remember Annabeth, right? Why, is he in trouble? Did he do something wrong?"

Bones took a deep breath, the mentioning of Annabeth brought back too many memories of this place, but the thought of Annabeth finding out what happened to Percy broke Bones' heart.

"We may have found him," Bones hesitated before finishing her sentence, "His body, actually."

"What-?" There was the sound of a tiny voice behind Bones. She whipped around, knowing the voice. A small-looking blonde was standing in the doorway behind Bones.

"Annabeth…" this wasn't how she was supposed to meet Annabeth again, not with this news.

"No…" she looked desperately at Chiron to tell her that that was wrong. She wanted someone to tell her that it was wrong, that her hero wasn't gone for good, but Chiron looked just as lost as she did.

She whirled around and took off to who knows where. Bones watched and let her go, every muscle in her body itching to chase after her, but she knew Annabeth needed some time to herself. She watched as Annabeth ran and ran away from the reality, trying to fight to grab onto something comfortable.

Bone watched as Annabeth made her way to the lake. From where Bones stood, she could hear Annabeth yell in distress for her lost boyfriend. Her heart ached for her half-sister. She remembered the many excited phone calls she had with her half-sister, and she knew just how much Percy meant to Annabeth. She whipped around and her blue eyes fixed on to Booth's confused brown eyes.

"You'll do everything in your power to help find the person responsible for this," Bones stated, gesturing to Annabeth's crying frame on the edge of the lake.

Despite being utterly confused, Booth saw the determination, and surprisingly, the guilt in her eyes. He reached out and clutched both of her hands in his larger ones. At that, Bones's shoulder started to shake.

"Long ago, I promised our mother that I will take good care of her, that I will make sure that she is happy after what happened before, but I failed her," Bones told him, looking around to see Annabeth sobbing quietly next to the lake. "I need to be able to find the person who is responsible for this."

"You definitely did not fail her, Bones. I promise, together, we would do everything in our power to make sure the person who did this to her would be found," Booth promised.

(Project 66) Yoo, so did anyone watch the Bones season premiere? I cried my eyes out - no joke. Apologizes for the late chapter ;) Thanks for all those who were patient. A foot up the ass for those who can't tell fiction from reality or choose to let a fictionally story make them incredibly angry and therefore make them lash out at those who are just trying to write a fun story for the hell of it. :) (twitch, twitch). Whatever :p

I'm looking forward to the next chapter too :D

~Project 66