I do not own Kim Possible. I know, sad but true... 'sigh'
Chapter One: The Marking
Drakken's Lair...
Drakken was standing in front of the large computer screen, planning for some way to take over the world…again. Drakken walked over to his desk and grabbed a small device with lots of buttons, some type of remote it seemed, he walked over to a green-skinned woman in a green and black battle suit, sitting at the table, filing her nails. He waved the remote and started to yell, "Shego, with this remote I will be able to control any type of machine in the world!" Drakken yelled.
"Right, as if you could pull that off when 'you-know-who' shows up," Shego said looking very bored.
Drakken stopped and growled.
"Oh right, you mean Kim Possible!" he said.
"Did somebody say my name?" said a female voice.
They looked up to see a young teenager with orange hair, green eyes, a purple shirt, and black pants with purple strips on the side standing on some crates with her hand on her hip.
"Kim Possible!" Drakken said with a frown, but Shego was happy that she showed up.
'About time you got here, Kimmie,' Shego thought. 'Soon I will have you to myself.' Shego smiled at the thought.
"I won't let you get in the way of my plans! Shego! Attack!" Drakken ordered Shego.
"Right Doctor D!" Shego said, running toward Kim, tackling her from the crates.
Drakken went back to the remote, only to find it was gone.
"My remote, where is it?!" he panicked.
"Looking for this?" Ron Stoppable asked the blue colored man.
And as always the two got into a slapping fight.
Shego threw a plasma blast at Kim, who easily dodged it.
"I have to say, Shego, your attacks are getting better," Kim said to her foe
"Like I want to hurt you, Pumpkin," Shego said.
Kim stopped moving and looked at her.
"What do you mean, 'like I want to hurt you'?" Kim asked the green-skinned woman.
"Just what I said. I have other plans for you, Cupcake," Shego said with smile.
Kim ran at Shego and tried to kick her, only to be tripped by Shego, landing flat on her back. Kim looked up at the woman that had her foot on Kim's chest.
"How do you like me now, Cupcake? I thought you were going to have more skill than that," Shego said.
Kim scowled.
"Why don't you come down here and say it to my face?!" Kim suggested with a yell.
Shego smiled as she sat down on Kim's stomach and leaned over to come face to face with the young heroine.
"Like this, Princess?" Shego asked, with her lips only five inches from Kim's.
Kim started to blush like crazy. Her enemy was too close to her face.
"Shego, please back up," Kim requested.
"No, I've been waiting to get this close to you, Kimmie. And now that I have, I've got a little reward to give you for all you hard work."
Kim looked at Shego and blushed even more.
"What reward?" Kim asked.
"Just…a little…kiss for my little Kimmie." Shego said, pressing her lips to Kim's.
Kim's eyes went wider than normal as her foe kissed her. And for some strange reason, she was enjoying it.
'Mmmm, Kimme! You taste better than I thought!' Shego thought to herself.
Kim pushed Shego off her and jumped to her feet.
"Shego?! What the hell was that for?! Are you crazy?!" Kim asked, her voice a near shrill.
Shego looked at Kim and smiled with a small laugh.
"Didn't you like it? I mean, it was your first reward from me." Shego said before looking at Kim with lust in her eyes. "Kimmie, I just want you to know that you belong to me now."
"What do you mean?"
"Just what I said. The great Kim Possible belongs to me. As my foe, my toy, my treasure, and most importantly, my prize!" Shego said.
Kim ran at Shego with a fist raised in the air, trying to hit her, only for Shego to grab her and push her into some crates. Kim had her back to the crates and looked Shego in the eyes, wondering what she was going to do to her.
"Let me go, Shego!" Kim demanded.
"No, Kimmie. You don't command me, I command you," Shego said, leaning closer to Kim's ear.
Kim trembled at the feeling of Shego's breath on her earlobe, before she could protest, Shego spoke.
"Listen very closely, Cupcake. You…are…mine! I own you now! Every last inch of your body belongs to me! And soon enough, I will claim it! So I don't want you thinking that you are free on the market! You're taken and your owner's name is Shego! Do I make myself clear, Pumpkin?"
"I don't belong to you now, nor will I ever belong to you!" Kim protested.
Shego just smiled before moving down to Kim's exposed neck.
"We'll see about that, Kimmie-cub," Shego said as she sank her teeth into Kim's neck, making the heroine scream.
Kim began to squirm, trying to shake Shego off of her. After a few seconds she stopped as she felt something going down her neck. She looked down to see plasma fall from Shego's mouth, making a mark on her.
"Shego! Please stop!" Kim begged.
Shego didn't listen. She just bit down harder. Kim screamed again, but louder this time. Moments later, Shego released the young woman and walked away.
"See ya later, my prize!" Shego said.
"What have you done to me, Shego?!" Kim demanded to know.
"You'll find out in three nights," Shego replied before leaving the hero alone with a pain in her neck.
'What did she do to me?!' Kim wondered.
Kim's Room – Three Nights Later...
Kim was taking a shower, while thinking of what had happened three days ago. First fighting Shego, taking the remote from Drakken, Shego saying she owned Kim, and the pain in her neck from when Shego bit her.
'Why did she bite me? What does she want with me? And more important, why did she kiss me?!' Kim thought.
Kim was tired, so she turned off the water, changed into her pajamas and walked into her room, only to find her window wide open. Kim looked at the window for 10 seconds before closing it.
"I have to say, Kimmie, you have a nice room here."
Shego's voice rang throughout the room. Kim looked to her bed and saw Shego sitting on it with a smile on her face.
"Shego, what are you doing here? No a better question, how do you know where I live?!" Kim demanded to know.
Shego got up and walked over to the girl, pushed her against the wall, and pinned her with her own body.
"I found out where you lived because of the little 'reward' I gave you. And I'm here because I need to talk to you."
Kim looked at Shego, anger flashing in her olive gaze. She was about to yell at Shego when one of the villainess's fingers pressed against her lips.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Kimmie. Just calm down and listen to me," Shego said. Kim nodded and listened, but her gaze was still one of anger.
"Now Kimmie, I've been wanting to talk to you without the need of a fight for some time now, but your buffoon of a friend and my idiot of a boss were preventing me from doing just that. You see, Princess, I have had my eyes on you ever seen you kicked me into that electrical tower. I think you know why, hmm, Pumpkin?" Shego asked the girl.
Kim thought back to then and no reason for this happening came to her mind, so she shook her head.
"You see, I have a reason to this. I want you. I need to have you. And I will have you no matter what anyone in this world has to say about it!" Shego hissed to Kim.
Kim looked intoShego's eyes.
"W-What do you want me for?" Kim asked.
"Allow me to show you. It's better than if I tell you," Shego said.
Saying that, Shego used her plasma to pin Kim to the wall by her feet, stomach, and wrists. She then walked away from Kim and pulled up the back of her shirt, showing the redhead a tattoo of a black dragon with green eyes.
"What is that?" Kim asked.
"Our fate, Kimmie, once I give you your second reward," Shego said walking back to Kim.
Kim looked at the woman's eyes and saw they were glowing a green color.
"No Shego! Stay away!" Kim said.
Shego placed two fingers on the mark she left on Kim's neck and looked her in the eyes.
"Open up, Kimmie. It'll be over before you know it," Shego ordered.
Kim's mouth opened without her command and now Shego was in control. Shego opened her mouth and placed her lips on Kim's. Without warning, green plasma came from Shego's mouth and into Kim's. Shego was forcing energy into Kim's body!
Kim wasn't able to move or speak, only watch as her enemy gave her energy.
'She's giving me energy? No! Why would she do this?' Kim thought to herself.
Once it was done, Shego let go of the girl.
"I hope you enjoyed that! See ya later, love," Shego said before she vanished.
Kim fell to the ground, tired, exhausted and out of energy.
"W-W-Why? Why is it only me that has to deal with her?" A thought then came to mind. "I think Shego may be in love with me," Kim said to herself.
Crawling to her bed, she fell asleep almost at once and had a strange dream.
-(Kim's Dream)-
Kim was standing in a field of flowers, wind blowing and the fragrance of flowers filled her nose.
"Where am I?" Kim asked herself.
Before long, Shego came into the picture, smiling at the redhead.
"About time you got here. I was thinking you weren't going to come and I had to hunt you down, Kimmie," Shego said as she sat down among the flowers.
Kim got into battle stance and was ready to fight for her life.
"I've gota lot of questions I'd like to ask you," Kim said.
"Okay. I'm listening, Pumpkin," Shego said.
"Why did you bite me that day?What do you really want from me? And why did you kiss me?!"
Kim now stands in front of Shego. Will she get the answers she wants? Or will she just get even more confused? You'll just have to wait and find out! Till then,
Talon Earthstone
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