Married to my sweet Juvia-chan

Day 1. Home, sweet, Juvia.

"I want to live in your arms forever..." ~ Lee Soonkyu (SNSD SUNNY), Oh! My Lady OST

Why did he sign up for this again? Ah, yes, for that blue beauty of course.

Lyon has been asked by a man named Rover to star in a reality show called: Fiore got Married. Apparently, he is hooked up with a mysterious woman and pretends to be married with her for about a year. They're filmed but 'you wouldn't even know they were there', Rover had said.

This was going to be shot in the town of Lamia Scale, so he wouldn't feel like a dunce if it was somewhere else.

He waited anxiously outside the aquarium, one of the tourists' favourite spots in the town. He stared at the white roses in his hand, wondering if this was too fancy or who his fiance will be. He figured if he took this, maybe Juvia would see how romantic he was. Lyon knows it's bad to use the sweet girl for Juvia, but this was all fake wasn't it? Just a TV show, fanservice really with two popular mages.

However, despite the fake setup, his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest. He's never been in a relationship before, or kissed a girl. He's been kissed by one, when he was asleep, Sherry has stolen it from him. However, he never kissed back. Fear flicked him in the head, what if she doesn't like the chocolates?

The ice mage waited anxiously, kicking stray rocks and watching visitors come back and forth. Something made him jump, when he heard a familiar voice:


His heart melted at the sound, as he grinned at the water mage. Her hair fell around her shoulders, framing her perfect face. She wore the same dress she wore the first day of the Grand Magic Games, looking (if possible) more beautiful in the sunset.

"Hello, Juvia-chan~ Don't tell me, you are my sweet fiance for the year?" He purred, smoothly.

She blushed. "W-Well, a man came up to Juvia a week ago, and he said that I'm going to be married to a man. Juvia hoped it was Gray-sama, but when Juvia came, she saw Lyon here..."

Ow, that hurt a lot. Lyon hid his pain under a small smile. "Ah, well, I'm sorry, I don't live up to your expectations, Juvia-chan. I can use Ice Make magic but I'm afraid I lost my stripping habit awhile ago. I can strip for you though!"

The bluenette shook her head, crossing her arms. "No, no! No stripping!"

Lyon chuckled. "Your wish is my command, Juvia-chan," bowing comedically.

The wife pouted. "Juvia's wish is for Lyon-sama to stop calling her Juvia-chan."

"No Juvia-chan? So, wife?" He teased.

"Especially not wife!"

The ice mage frowned. Truthfully, it hurt that she said that so quickly. "Look, I'm no Gray-sama, but it seems like we're kind of stuck together. Can you at least try to be a bit cooperative?"

Feeling a bit guilty, she mumbled, "Juvia is sorry..."

"No harm done, Juviadee." He cooed, completely recovered. If he's not allowed to call her Juvia-chan or wife, then he had to get a bit creative. He liked Juviadee, like a Chickadee. Lyon chuckled to himself, the idea of a small Juvia-chick chirping: "Juvi! Juvi!"

"Here, I bought you these, my blue fairy." Lyon said, presenting the rose bouqet.

Juvia widened her eyes, her mouth gaping. "T-thank you, Juvia didn't give you anything though..."

"No present needed. Your love is enough." The white-haired man said. "Although, a kiss on the cheek would be appreciated..."

"Um..." Her expression faking thoughts, putting a finger to her chin. "Juvia doesn't think so," she pointed like a gun.

"Ow, that hurts." Lyon cringed, holding his chest as if somebody shot him. "Come, I've had a lot planned for us today."

He held out his hand, praying that she'll take it. To his surprise, she took it, intertwining them.

"Wow, that was quick." The ice mage thought aloud.

Juvia blushed. "L-Lyon doesn't like it?"

"Of course I do," he reassured, caressing gently. "And I always will, " kissing the top, staring lovingly into her eyes.

The rest of the tour was mostly Juvia gazing in awe at all the sea creatures. The large whale shark, octopus, fish. Lyon usually watched on the side, never letting go of her once.

As he continued to watch, he felt grateful for choosing the aquarium instead of the statue exhibition. That will be saved for another day, he thought. Her radiant smile fit her soft features so well, and she looked radiant under the marine light. She was the most beautiful girl in Fiore, he confirmed, ready to tell the King to make it official with a plaque. Was it possible to fall in more love with her than he already was?

This made him sad, however. No matter how strong his love for her, she would always love Gray. It always seemed that way. Gray was obviously Ur's favourite, oh and Fiore's favourite as well. The oh-so-famous Fairy Tail ice make mage with a cold heart. He was just the crazy kid who tried to defrost a demon off an island.

It felt like fate just gave him a hug when Juvia appeared in front of him like, "You've been through enough hell, here have your beloved be your wife for a year." Maybe, she would finally stop chasing the man and see the prince in front of her this whole time.

"Lyon-sama, look! The fish is waving, hello fishie-san!" She greeted, nudging him.

He chuckled. "Did you just call the fish, Mister?"

Juvia blushed, becoming shy again. "Sorry..."

"Stop saying sorry, why don't you?" The prince sighed. He tapped the glass, smirking at the striped fish. "She's mine, got it? Don't ever forget it."

The fish swam away casually when he tapped the glass. "Yeah, run away!" Lyon called out. "And never come back!"

Juvia giggled. It was like the ringing of bells, high and elegant. Hope flashed in his eyes, this was probably the best choice he made in his entire life.

"Are you hungry, Juviadee?" He asked, swinging their arms in a frivolous manner. It was already getting dark, the street lights turning on.

She pouted. "What did Juvia say about Lyon-sama calling Juvia nicknames?"

"Actually, you said to not call Juvia-chan. I called you Juviadee." Lyon pointed out.

"Juviadee?" She asked. As in, the bird? The woman wasn't sure whether to feel flattered or not.

"Unless, you don't like that. I've got more up my sleeve, sunshine."

"Juvia likes sunshine." She decided.

"Sunshine? Alright, sunshine it is! Of course, I'm going to switch it up a bit."

"If Lyon-sama can call Juvia names, then Juvia should be allowed to call Lyon-sama names." It was only fair.

A n-nickname? From his beloved Juvia-chan? Yes, this was the best decision of his life.

"I'm flattered, just don't call me Gray-sama." He said. The last thing he needed was for the woman to picture his rival in his place as a husband.

Juvia nodded. "Of course not."

She tapped her finger to her chin, racking her brain for a good one. Then, boom! It hit her like lightning. "How about, Frosty?"

As in the snowman? "Next." He immediately answered. Lyon was not glorified snowball.

"Ice Boy?"

He snorted. "Ice Boy? That's tolerable. "

The water mage frowned. "Juvia wants Lyon-sama to like his nickname."

"What are you talking about? I love it. It's my first gift from Juvia-chan, how could I not love it?" He sighed, dreamily.



Backing away from the nickname subject to the original question, "Do you want something to eat?"

Juvia scrunched her forehead in thought. She's so cute, he thought. "Well, Juvia is kind of hungry..."

"Perfect!" He exclaimed. "We can eat at my place."

"L-Lyon's place? But, it's already so dark, by the time we finish…" The bluenette trailed off.

"We're living together aren't we? I mean, we are husband and wife so it seemed like the logical thing to do. Did you bring your suitcase?"

"C-Chotto!" She exclaimed, pulling her hand away from him. "Isn't this too quick? Can't we move in a week?"

The white-haired man frowned. "If you insist," He muttered. Maybe this was too fast, he doesn't want to feel like she was forced into this. It felt a bit disappointing, she probably wouldn't have hesitated if it was Gray. He's too insecure for his own good.

Juvia pouted, as they walked down the dark streets. "We can still eat at Lyon's…"

He perked up at this news like a puppy. Noticing his excitement, she quickly added, "Juvia isn't staying over though! J-Just dinner, and that's it…"

"Hai, hai." Lyon nodded, smiling happily.

After arriving to his apartment, when he was about to take a step into his home, Juvia pulled him back. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"J-Juvia always imagined when she got married…"

"Yes?" He was grateful that he left off, 'Gray-sama'.

"Her groom would carry her through the doorway, for g-good luck, and up the stairs into the bedroom…" She whispered the last part.

Lyon smirked, and swept the woman off her feet, bridal-style. She was as light as a feather, bouncing her teasingly as she yelled: 'kya!' in fright. To onlookers, they could've been mistaken for a newly wedded couple.

As he jogged lightly into the house, he shouted: "Ta-dah!" As he spun in circles, leaning her in, forcing the water mage to view at all his furniture.

"Going up!" The husband announced, running up the stairs. Tapping the door with his elbow, they entered the bedroom with a big, fluffy bed. He tossed his bride onto the bed, as he climbed over, sitting beside her.

As they sat in silence, he mumbled quietly, "In bed with my sweet Juvia-chan, I never thought that our relationship would go this far."

Her face flushed brightly, his suggestive tone causing fantasies to erupt in her mind. "Lyon-sama!"

The 26-year old man chuckled. "A small step for man, a giant step for Lyon!"

"No! No stepping for Lyon-sama, not stepping!"

"Don't worry too much," He said, sitting up. "We're being filmed, remember?"

"R-Right…" Juvia muttered.

Her body sprawled against the bed, blue hair falling into soft clumps, the ice mage mind went boiling hot thinking of such thoughts. He shook his head, getting off the mattress. It has only been a day, it would be barbaric to something like that.

"You stay here, I'll make you some soup." Lyon ordered.

"Juvia likes it warm please!"

He smiled, knowing many moments would come in the future. He quickly ran down the stairs, not wanting his lovely lady to be waiting too long.

After fifteen minutes of boiling, he poured it into a bowl, setting it on a plate. He carefully walked back up, not wanting to spill the meal.

"Juvia-chan~ I hope you like chicken…noodle…" His voice died down, hearing her slow breathing.

The ice mage set it carefully on the table, tip toeing to the sleeping figure. Her chest was slowly rising and lowering, her mouth slightly agape. Lyon rolled to his side, admiring her innocence. He curled a loose strand, hiding it behind her ear. Grabbing his snowflake jacket, he tucked her in quietly.

With a flick of a switch, he whispered: "Goodnight, my sweet Juvia-chan."

A/N: Did I just start a new fanfiction? I think I just did.

This idea has been itching my head for awhile and I'm sure that I'll go on with it and no leave it to collect dust. *coughoutoftheicedshellcough* Speaking of collected dust, I'm sorry for lack of updates for Ice Make: Juvia, my laptop just died on me along with the following chapters of the fanfiction. I also deleted Out of the Iced Shell, to focus on this.

Oh and yes, the chapters are going by days. I'M NOT GOING TO DO 365 CHAPTERS THOUGH. That's just suicide. I'll be skipping days if it becomes necessary, so its going to be about 15 chapters at least for this one.

...What did I get myself into.