I have this problem of starting too many stories at once…

So, each chapter, minus this one, will be each character telling a 'scary' story :D some won't be scary and just funny (*cough*SPEEDSTERS*cough*) xD it'll be in that characters POV too :3

Pairings: Dick X Wally, Tim X Jay, Jaime X Bart, Gar X Damian, Mal X Karen, Conner X M'gann, Roy X Cassie, Kaldur X La'gaan…and uh, any I can think of later ^^'

The night was chilly, the stars shining brightly in the navy blue sky. The campfire blazed high into the sky, the blue and white flames so fierce it hurt if you stared at them too long. Old brown logs were set around the fire, and a dark forest surrounded the small campsite.

"So…I'm hungry."

"Shut up, no one gives a—"

"Jay, stop being rude."

"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend, Todd!"

"Wally! Don't!"

"He isn't my boyfriend, you piece of—"

"Can we not?!" Artemis threw her hands into the air, her dark eyes glaring at Jason, Tim, and Wally.

"Don't mess with the Bat family." Dick rolled his eyes at Jason and wrapped an arm around Wally, calming the seething ginger.

"Whatever." Jay scowled, standing up and walking away from the log he had been sharing with Tim.

The ebony looked down, hiding an expression of hurt, and Conner glared at Jason's retreating back; he was protective of Tim.

"This is pointless, and a waste of my time." Damian huffed, casting a loathing look at Dick, who had blackmailed him into coming. His older brother flashed him a sweet smile, which he replied with a scathing frown.

"Lighten up, Dami!" Gar said, bouncing on the balls on his feet; he was hyper from the candy he had eaten on the bus ride to the camp.

"Whose idea was it to camp out here anyway?" Jaime grumbled, batting Bart's hand away from his scarab.

"Di—Nightwing's." Wally glanced sheepishly at the ebony next to him, who rolled his eyes at the near slip.

There was a loud crashing sound, and someone starting to swear at the top of their lungs. Damian sighed loudly and Bart looked confused as Tim slowly stood up, his blue eyes troubled. He had decided he could trust everyone with his secret ID, unlike Dick.

"I should go make sure he doesn't hurt himself," he gave a wry grin, and walked off towards the source of the sound.

"Is that safe?" Conner asked suspiciously.

"Course. Jay won't lay a finger on Tim. If Damian, myself, or anyone else went…well, you're brain would need a bandage." Dick explained, and Wally snuggled closer into his side.

"I'm cold!" he whined as an excuse, and the taller teen let him, curling his arm around the ginger.

"So, what should we do?" M'gann asked, looking excited, her hand entwined with Conner's.

"Maybe tell stories?" Cassie suggested, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, scary stories!" Wally sat up straighter, ignoring Damian's scoff of disgust.

"I don't know Walls…" Dick frowned when he was elbowed in the gut.

"I think it's a good idea!" Bart exclaimed, looking at the leader and pouting.


"Oh…fine." The ebony capitulated, with a heavy sigh.

Karen caught sight of the two missing Bat family members coming back, their shadows illuminating in the glowing fire, and called out, "Hey, what were—"

She stopped short, seeing how Jason's eyes were so dark they seemed black and Tim had a cut on his cheek, his jacket smeared with a red fluid.

"Uh, hey, what happened to your hands?" Garfield asked, a bit afraid as the Red Hood stared him down. His hands were covered in blood.

"Jason? Tim? What the hell…" Roy sighed, fiddling with a stick that was smoking and looking up at Cassie with an annoyed expression.

"S-sorry we took so long." Tim looked absolutely terrified; his blue eyes were dilated and he was pale, but no one really seemed to notice; there was blood on his lips too.

"Tis ok. We're telling scary stories!" Bart smiled.

"Who wants to go first?" Dick sighed, casting worried looks at his brothers.

"Me!" Wally announced, a smirk on his face.

So, review? Wally's 'scary' story soon to come :D
