Disclaimer:I don't own Hetalia, all characters belong to their respective owners.

WARNING: Mature content for mature audiences only.


I woke up today, in this hell.

It's always in his bed, my hands are cuffed and so are my ankles. He doesn't trust me free and he has a good reason not to trust me. I'm always covered in cold sweat and the bed sheets feel sticky with dried blood and semen. My legs are numb and everything is sore and hurts. He's never there, he always leaves before I wake up. Night after night, over and over, he has his fun and I can't do anything about it. I'll admit it. I scream. I yell. I struggle. But all he does is laugh, for some twisted reason he enjoys it.

He's a goddamned traitor. I was the one who helped him. I was the only one who cared, but what did he go and do? He left me; turned his back on me like he didn't even care. I thought we were allies, friends, brothers, but he obviously didn't.

When the war was over, we had lost. I thought he would've taken it strongly and admitted defeat with honor, but no of course he didn't. Instead he and that bastard France turned over, let the Axis run over me. Not only that, he fucking helped them.

They came from all directions, even Mexico and Cuba joined in. And Canada? He didn't do a goddamn thing about it, but that's Canada for you. He submitted to France in a day. I bet they fucking love each other— pun intended. Yeah, I'm strong yet I couldn't fight them all off. The thing was I didn't see them as enemies, the nations I saw were my friends. And it was true. They had been my friends, they had been my family. But that day I had no friends, I had no family. I was so stupid.

I saw his face at the invasion. His eyes were wrong, something about them just didn't seem right. He wasn't the Britain I knew anymore, he was cold, changed. He didn't waste time putting me in chains. We both knew it was the only way to keep me restrained.

I looked straight into those changed eyes that day. Those eyes were the ones I had looked up to; the eyes I had trusted; the eyes that belonged to my big brother. I didn't have to say much, just only whisper three small words.

I loved you.

For a moment I thought I saw something in those changed eyes, it was something like sadness, maybe sorrow, pity, or, even worse, regret. But it was only a moment and it was gone in a blink of an eye, then they took me away. He had turned away as they dragged me off. I don't think he could've watched.

I knew that in that single instance the Britain I knew was gone. Gone forever.

MasterSmileyFace: SOoooo... What do y'all think? ^_^

Britain: What-What did I just read? 0.o

America: Why am I the victim!? I should be the Hero!

UK: I would never do such a thing! Wh-why...Wh-what?! This is completely inaccurate! 0

MSF: Well... Blargh-Blargh-Blarghity FANFICTION. ;) Seriously though, I think Canada's next... or maybe Romano... If you're wondering, then yes I am evil! :D