It's been over a month since McFist found out my identity; things have been getting pretty intense. I mean, every five minutes there a robot I have to fight off. But now it's the first week of March and things have been pretty quiet. But I can't let my guard down. The Sorcerer may still be planning to escape. So I need to be on high alert at all times. I can't trust anyone. Well, I know I can trust Howard. He's my best bro. I'd be nothing without him, and he'd be nothing without me.

"Cunningham, I hear there's a new girl in school and she's apparently she's a fan of the ninja. She was home schooled all her life but now her parents are letting here spend he last school years in Norrisville." A new student who's a girl, and is a fan of the ninja. Just what I need. Another ninja fan that wants the ninja to be their date to the school dances. I'm not saying I don't like all of the girls in love with the ninja, I'm just afraid that one of them might get hurt while asking me out while I'm in the middle of fighting a robot or a stanked student.

"Shweet, the ninja gets another lover fan."

"Dude, shut up! There she is." Howard points toward the front doors of the school. And in came a girl wearing an aqua blue short-sleeved shirt, and a dark blue skirt. With long brown hair with blonde highlights. She looked amazing; I couldn't take my eyes off of her amazing sea blue eyes. They sparkled every time light shimmered on them. She was true beauty.

"Cunningham snap out of it she's coming over to us!" I snap out of dreamland. I looked and new girl was coming this way.

"Um, hi I'm new here and I was just wondering if you could help me find my way to my classes?" I just stood there, looking at her. Howard gives me a shove and I react normally.

"Oh sure, mind if I take a look at your schedule?" New girl handed me her schedule and I looked at it in surprise. She was in every one of my classes. Even my homeroom! "You have the same schedule as me. I guess we're going to be seeing each other a lot now. By the way I never caught your name. I'm Randy, and this is my best bro, Howard."

"Oh, well nice to meet you Randy and Howard. My names Kaitlin, but you can call me Katy." Kaitlin. The name is even a beauty. Howard looks at me and a ware's Katy and me that we're going to be late for first period.

"Okay, lets go then. By the way, I've heard some things around the school about our science teacher. And is she really…"

"Married to that skeleton? Yeah." Howard interrupts people like he's such a know it all.

We get to first period where we have Spanish class. And I ask Katy if she wanted to sit with Howard and me.

"Well, you guys are the only people I've met. And you guys to seem kind of nice….Why not? Scoot over Howard please." Before Howard can scoot over, Katy scoots Howard away from me and sits right between Howard and me. I have to say, that may have been a little rude, but I'm sure she's just nervous. It's her first day, who can blame her. I'm going to have a little trouble focusing in class, since Katy's sitting next to me.

The bell for the end of the class rings and I escort Katy out of the classroom. As Katy, Howard, and me are walking to second period, I see the Nomicon flash red.

"Um, you guys go ahead. I have to use the bathroom real fast. I'll meet you guys there." I dash into the boys bathroom and into my usual stall and open the Nomicon. I am sucked into the Nomicon and I find myself in a forest full of pine trees. Words pop up in front of me in a blue and purple colored text.

A Ninja Must Know When It Is Okay To Surrender,

But Only When They Know It Is The Only Choice.

"Surrender to what or who? McFist? He kidnapped me, and almost exposed the ninja to Norrisville." I stop and think, I know that it must be something about the Sorcerer. The Nomicon is telling me something that I might need incase the Sorcerer escapes. I am then sucked out of the Nomicon and find myself back in the same bathroom stall I was in when I came in here.

"That's wonk Nomicon. Can't you at least give me a little bit more knowledge, you know, since I had that vision? I'm going to need all the knowledge I can get." Before I can say anything else to the Nomicon, the second bell rings. HISTORY! I'm going to be late. I fly out of the bathroom, to the end of the hallway, and into my seat next to Katy and Howard.

"Wow, that was a pretty long bathroom break Randy. I thought that boys were supposed to be quicker in the bathroom than girls?" Katy says to me with blissing voice. I could listen to her voice all day.

"Well, I uh had to get something from my locker."

"Oh. What did you need to get?"

"My pencil." I show her the pencil that was sitting on my desk.

"Oh, okay. So do you guys play Grave Puncher?" No, Honkin, Way! The most amazing girl I have ever met plays Grave Puncher. This is the cheese!

"Uh yeah we do. Me and Cunningham play everyday after school." I think Howard wants Katy to hang out with us after school.

"That's so bruce! I love Grave Puncher! I have all seven games."

"Wait, but there are only six. The seventh one doesn't come out until summer." Howard now looks like he doesn't trust Katy.

"Let's just say I know a guy. Why don't I bring it over to your house after school Randy, the three of us can play it together."

"Shweet, that'd be awesome Katy. Guess we're going to be the first people in Norrisville to play Grave Puncher Seven." I can't wait until this day is over. But it's only second period, Wonk. This is going to be the longest, most boring day of my life.