Of Cats and Butlers

Okay here is something I came to mind at about two in the morning. I thought what if Truth decided to screw with Ed and Al out of pure boredom and sent them to the world of black butler. Well this is what I came up with so enjoy!

Chapter 1

Edward Elric and Alfonse Elric sat in the middle of a large room. Alfonse was putting the finishing touches on a transmutation circle as he spoke with his brother.

"Ed if this works you should be able to use alchemy again," Al said glancing up at Ed.

"You sure you want to go through with this Al? I mean I have been fine without it for the past year so you shouldn't worry about it to much," Ed said with a bit of worry on his face. Sure he wished he could use alchemy again but at what price would it cost to do that. He didn't want what happened with their mother to happen again.

"Ed don't worry so much. Why do think I did all that research for? Everything should just fine. I've double, triple, and quadruple checked everything so it will be fine. Besides I know how much you miss seeing a certain Fuhrer and I see the look you have when you look at alchemy books."

Ed blushed at this revelation. So even his brother knew what was really on his mind. A sudden mew of a kitten drew him out of his thoughts. Al's cat had walked into the room. Ed bent down and picked it up.

"So you finally got yourself a cat," Ed said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that's Fluffy you have there and Patches should be around here somewhere."

"Fluffy and Patches?!"

"Yeah is there something wrong with their names," Al said slightly offended.

Ed burst out laughing, "Man Al you maybe an alchemic genius but boy do you lack creativeness when it comes to names."

"Well, ha, ha, if you are done insulting my naming ability brother can you put my cat outside of the room. It's time to get to work."

"Alright, alright," Ed said as he set the cat out in the hallway and closed the door not noticing the cat fur still left on his clothes.

"Okay if you would please stand in the middle we can get started," Al said becoming serious and focused on the task at hand.

Ed went and stood in the middle of the circle. "Okay brother I'm going to start so are you ready," Al asked.

"Ready," Ed said.

Al knelt down at the edge of the circle and place his hands along the edge activating the circle. A blue light filled the room. Then suddenly the glow turned red and Ed began to scream in pain. Al took his hands from the circle hoping to stop the transmutation but it kept going. Then suddenly Al was before the gate.

"Well if it isn't Alfonse Elric," said a voice behind him.

Al turned around and saw the outline of a person but you could see where the mouth and eyes would be. Al immediately knew it was Truth.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit," Truth asked.

"I want my brother to have his alchemy back," Al said.

"Hmm, that's a tall order there brat," Truth said.

"Please, I'll do whatever it takes. So please give it back to him."

"Well I may be inclined to do what you ask but you would have to do me a favor first."

"Yes, anything just please give Ed back his alchemy."

At these words truth had a grin that would have the Cheshire Cat to shame.

"Alright, perfect. Then here is what I need you to do. Oh, and your brother will have to help as well. Okay I'm going to send you to another world of course you will both have use of your alchemy. You both will stay there until I decide you can come back. Oh, and I get to share your brother's body from time to time when I'm bored."

"Wait, I'm not sure brother would want to share his body with you. You two are not on good terms with each other."

"Oh don't worry about it he'll be fine. So good luck and don't disappoint me. Oh yeah almost forgot any changes to his apperance is intirly you fault. Ok well have fun."

"What, wait, what do you mean?!"

The gate then opened and sucked Al through the doors and into the darkness.

Yeah, I know rather short right well stay tuned it gets better.