This is probably the longest chapter I've ever encoded,

well anyway it's been like forever since I've last updated so I guess this is my compensation? Hehehe sorry if it's so rushed though I'm so excited to start the Shimon Arc though Nyahahahahahahahhaha!

Please Enjoy reading :DDDD If you have any suggestions feel free to PM me or comment :DDDD

Tsuni, now known as Tsunako, woke up from what seemed like a long dream. Byakuran wore a shocked expression surprised as to how she managed to live even after taking on an attack straight to the heart. Heck even the mini-white dragon was still there sticking out. "That's impossible, I'm sure that I hit your heart, how can you be alive?" Tsuki's first reaction was of course to look at the weapon. She tore a small portion of her shirt and brought out a ring which miraculously blocked his attack. Tsuki immediately removed the dragon and replaced back the ring. Afterwards she touched the right pocket on her shorts and felt a familiar object 'my pacifier! So if it's still here then was it all really a dream?'

Tsuki slowly lifted both of her hands and saw that she was wearing her brother's mittens 'That's strange, these mittens are my brother's. Everything is starting to get even more confusing'. Reborn finally decided to intervene by saying "What are you spacing out for dame-Tsuna? Your enemy is right in front of you he can take you out any moment." 'Wait 'dame-Tsuna' as in my brother's nickname? That means what Elena and what my brother said was true! If it is true then that only means… I'm the successor in this world and everybody's memory was rewritten. Though I can't be quick to make conclusions! Ah this is so agitating.' Tsuki didn't move from her current position; she was still sitting and quite baffled on her situation.

"It looks like you're overwhelmed that you were alive. Oh well, I guess I'll do you a favor and end it all Vongola 10th!" Byakuran shot another mini-white dragon this time making sure that it would definitely hit her heart however, and even without being in HDWM Tsuki dodged her supposed impending doom by doing a graceful back flip. 'It looks like I still haven't lost my touch and some of my powers. I actually can still feel the two flames in my body. The only additional part here is the fact that I'm Vongola 10th of this world. What about Ietsuna? My brother is he in the past or if my 'dream' is right he's probably non-existent in this world because he…' Tsuki stopped her thought at that part because thinking about it caused her to feel awful on how she was weak willed; how she couldn't even take on death for the sake of her loved ones.

"I'm impressed Tsunako, I can't believe you actually managed to dodge that attack but…" Byakuran materialized two more mini-dragons and aimed at her vital spots but the same thing happened again. She dodged his attacks even without going in HDWM. 'Because of me…my brother had to…' her eyes were now covered by her bangs and continued to instinctively dodge all of Byakuran's mini-white dragons. "How is it that an ordinary human like you can manage to dodge all of those attacks? One second you were useless and now you're being strong. What-No…Who are you?" Byakuran snapped while Reborn cocked his gun once more "Dame-Tsuna, when this is all over we're going to have a nice long talk…" "I don't think that would be necessary anymore Uncle."

All of them looked at Yuni, "What do you mean by that Yuni?" Reborn inquired

"No… it's more of like it would only prove as 'time wasting' since no one could ever remember about 'that.' Except for Tsunako and I…rather 'Tsuki' right?" Yuni muttered the last part in an inaudible tone so that only Tsuki could be the only one to hear. Tsuki smiled "But I don't understand, how come the others couldn't remember?" Byakuran and the rest of the others who were left out of the conversation listened out of curiosity "Do you remember the kiss on the forehead I gave you before you returned to the future?" Yuni nodded her head "I used a portion of my power to make sure you were to be safe if in case you were to be attacked though, I never expected it to be this powerful though. The same goes for Chrome, if my memory serves me well I also gave her a kiss before she returned to the future. Truly, half of 'that' power is absolutely terrifying if indeed it fell to the wrong hands it could destroy an entire world."

"Hmm~ I'm sorry for disturbing your interesting conversation but I'm entirely lost-"he was cut off when Tsuki simply ignored him and continued talking to Yuni "I still responsible for his death you know…" Yuni gave her a sad smile "Don't worry; I'm sure he wouldn't blame you. He's not that kind of person and I'm sure wherever he is, he would be wishing you the best."

"That still wouldn't stop me from blaming myself for being weak willed. Anyway, thank you for your comforting words… it somehow made me feel a lot better now." Byakuran took the opportunity to shoot another mini-dragon only to be dodged once again by Tsuki. "You know, you're kind of rude for disrupting myconversation with Yuni." She said with her usual poker face earning quite a shock from the spectators outside. "Hm~ and you're kind of rude for ignoring me." He reappeared in front of her to give her a punch only to be blocked by her two hands. "Ho~ not bad, I wonder what sort of mind 'training' you underwent to have that sort of a drastic change. Such a shame you wouldn't be alive to polish that talent. You're not so useless after all!" He was too busy teasing that he didn't notice an incoming kick to his stomach. He spat blood while he crashed to the end of the sky flame sphere (Lol what do you call that thing?)

"Sorry but I have no intention of dying here. I have lots of things to prove and justify so until then I can't die!" With a snap of her fingers (which is actually just her igniting a small amount of night flame that she envelope in her body for teleportation purposes) she reappeared before Byakuran and gave him a good punch in the face. She kept on doing that until Yuni called out to her "Stop! Have you already forgotten about your condition? The more you use your powers the more it would take a toll on your body." As if the words were jinxed she felt incredible fatigue from using her night flame 'Gee thanks for the warning Yuni…' Tsuki used it one last time to teleport away from Byakuran. 'What should I do? With my condition now I can't just recklessly use my night flame plus it would seriously cause a number of suspicions well speaking about it, they already are but it wouldn't hurt to be more cautious. There's this barrier; if they can't breach it from the outside, then it sure as hell can't be breached here in the inside. Unless we do a combination attack, which is a little bit too late now since I'm already too tired. I guess all I can do is hope for a miracle…wait how about my sky flames?' Tsuki looked at the sky ring which was on her right middle finger. 'I haven't lit those flames in a while… in fact I've no idea how to use it! Oh wait, I have to remember how my brother used it… oh fudge I have no time to think about that. I'm running out of time plus I already forgot how he utilized them. I guess I'm going to have to rely purely on my instinct…hold on a minute.'

She brought the ring close to her face and as if having a mind of its own, the ring was magically enveloped by a warm nostalgic flame; the sky flame… no… her brother's flame. 'So this is what the sky flame feels like… it's so warm and comforting. Unlike the night flames which I use… these flames are more… peaceful.' She replaced back her brother's mittens, rather 'her' mittens, on her hands then looked at Byakuran with a determined look on her face but the fatigue was taking a huge toll on her body thus she couldn't stand anymore.

"Hm~ too bad that I'll have to kill you off just as when you're starting to get as interesting as Yuni. Oh well."

"You…you view humans as tools? What kind of person are you?" As much as she wanted to stand up and punch him, she couldn't since her legs finally gave in to her fatigue. "Of course, what else should I view them? And you're mistaken on one part, I'm not a human on your level with the power coursing through my body… I have already surpassed the level of humanity; I'm already a god!"

Lussuria looked at him with utter disgust "What a guy he is." Surely that was what everyone was thinking of. "You disgust me… of all the criminals I've had to deal with your by far the worst of them all."

"And what exactly can you do with that body of yours Tsunako? You're already exhausted when I'm just getting started." 'He has a point with my condition right now, talking is becoming more and more exhausting but-'

"I can't give up right now! If I do, it's not only him that I'll lose… but also this family and our future."

"Oh talking big now aren't we? Like I've said before, your life is full of misfortunes and even now you won't stand a single chance against me!"

"You're wrong, everything that happened to- in this world whether the good times, the bad times, or the fun times… it all wouldn't have been possible without them. Unfortunate you say, no… I wouldn't call those times that way… in fact it's the other way around." There was silence because for the first time 'dame-Tsuna' was speaking what was inside her heart 'I'm sure that would've been what nii-san would've said. It's my fault that you disappeared from your loved one's hearts… and I will feel forever responsible for what I did so, at least to atone for my weakness I will protect your family. I won't let them die, that is my resolve!'

Several memories flashed before her very eyes, the memories which she thought that wouldn't ever return to her. It flooded her mind in an absolutely peaceful manner yet in a way affecting her ways. Just like how a sonata would work; at least for her. The melody it gives off gives her motivation to do her work just like back then. Heck it even reflects her situation now; her brother's death was the catalyst which triggered her desire to protect his loved ones, her brother who sacrificed the very core of his existence just so she could live the life she was deprived off.

"This flame exists because of everyone and this is the very flame which I will use to bring you down! So for every innocent person you've hurt-" her sky dying will flame returned to its original spark "For every future you've destroyed-" she looked at him with her eyes wearing an angry expression, "And for every person you've killed, I will make sure to defeat you and return everyone back to the past safely!" Tsuki turned to face Yuni and mouthed in a soft tone "…And of course not to waste your sacrifice." The latter gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hahaha! I hate to burst your bubble but do you even realize the difference in our strength. You won't stand a chance against me!"

"I wonder about that." A voice from nowhere said which apparently shocked everyone. Before their very eyes, the first generation materialized though just the faces.

"Yare Yare, that girl's saying the same things that our boss said." The adult Lambo look alike said which surely is the 1st generation Lightning guardian; Lampo.

Followed by the 1st generation Rain Guardian; Asari Ugetsu, "The same blood runs through her."

"She's an extraordinary woman." Said the 1st generation Sun Guardian; Knuckle.

Melon Head- I mean the 1st generation Mist Guardian; Daemon Spade, "It's a shame that kind of idea is useless for the Vongola."

The aloof cloud of the 1st generation; Alaude, "How Dull."

Then finally, the 1st generation storm guardian; G, "…"

"You should just do as you please, like you always do."

"You're right G."

"Who's there? Who's talking? Show yourself!"

Tsuki was able to recognize the voice 'Ah! The First Generation Family Boss and Founder, Vongola Primo.' "Decimo, I agree with your thinking. I wish I can lend power to my true successor but unfortunately I can't. Instead, I will unleash you." Giotto materialized before her very eyes with the crest in between them. Just then her consciousness went someplace else…


"Where am I?" She found herself floating in the usual place where she and her angel would often meet. "Hello there little one, how are you feeling?" The angel Elena appeared before her. "Oh… confused of course, first of all I'm that world's successor and second, what happened to my brother that world?"

"That world, I think you really are having a huge misunderstanding" Ietsuna suddenly appeared. Just like how a dog would welcome its master, Tsuki gave him a bone crushing hug. "Nii-san I missed you already, do you have any idea what I'm going through down there? Do you know what's going on? What do you mean 'misunderstanding?' More importantly how are you doing? Are you causing trouble for Elena-san? Are you misbehaving? Or-"She was cut off by a chuckle from Elena "It seems that you are more of a 'big brother' than your real big brother. Oh and to answer a part of your questions, no he isn't being a troublemaker. In fact he's very accommodating telling stories from what has happened down there."

Ietsuna gave her an apologetic smile and to Tsuki "I'm sorry for making you suffer so much by exchanging places with me. I never knew that it would be so much on your part but, I'm sure you're aware of your oath and conditions with Elena-san right?" Tsuki returned to being more serious "Of course… regarding the connection of our life right? I swear I won't do anything reckless or commit suicide. You can count on me on that but what's really bothering me right now is you! Do you have an idea what the heck is going on down there?"

"We both now, I'm sorry for picking you up in such a crucial time my dear and it is quite early considering the fact that it has been only a moment since we last met but the situation is dire therefore we decided to tell you everything." Elena retracted her wings and sat beside the twins.

"Tsuki-chan, the condition of your wish was your 'existence' right?" She nodded

"But at the last moment I took your place so right now you're living as 'me' while I took on the condition of your wish thus it is my existence that was removed from the laws of the universe."

"Wait, so in a nutshell I'm living your life while you're living mine?"

"You're right, and the world you are in isn't a parallel world. It's the same world where we've been only everyone's memory, with the exception of Yuni-chan and Chrome-Chan' memories were rewritten. That's why you still have your memories and your abilities. What will change will surely be the past where you will return to."

"I think I have the slightest idea what's going to happen… hold on a minute, if I'm here with you guys what about my body down there?"

"Oh, don't worry your dying will was strong enough to have a consciousness of its own so-"

"So my body's like on 'auto-pilot' mode?"

"Yes" Cue, awkward silence and Tsuki sweat-dropping

"I think it's time you return to your body my child. Oh and one more thing…" Elena said

"Huh, what is it Elena-san?" Tsuki said while stretching.

"Please…do what you can to save Daemon."

"Daemon…Spade? You mean the First Generation Mist Guardian?" Elena nodded "He's been… suffering for quite some time so if you would see him… or encounter him some time in the future. Please do tell him I am… grateful." Tsuki eyed her mysteriously before giving her a genuine smile "Of course, I'll be sure to tell him that." Before she leaped, she was hugged by Ietsuna and muttered something in her ear. "I don't blame you so… live life like how it should be."

"You say some incomprehensible things despite being a genius."

"Well I guess that's what makes a genius." She sighed before turning around to flick his forehead "If you pull another stunt like that would rip my heart off I swear you'd get more than just a flick. And don't be a bother okay? Oh and don't forget to drop by and visit? And…" A tear escaped Tsuki's left eye "I'll miss you so SO much. More that you'll ever imagine! Why on earth was my will so weak back then heck I could've saved you." Then she poured her heart out to Ietsuna. "Now now, you're making this even hard for me. How many times do I have to tell you that it's okay and that I don't blame you? Listen, just like what I've said before all you need to do for me is to live. Okay?" Then she nodded "Okay." (I know I'm so evil I just had to put that TFIOS reference there. Hihi so excited for the movie though 'Conceal Don't Feel' heck I even plan on bringing a tissue box.)

"Before you leave little one, have this." Elena handed her a feather from her wings. "Why would you give such a pure thing? I don't deserve this." Elena chuckled "It is because of your kindness and generosity that you have earned the weight of life and this feather, is like Ietsuna and I who will be there to guide you even without our physical presence. May you be guided by the Almighty, go forth little one."

"Go, Tsunako. You're my little sister and that will never change. Even if the whole world forgets about me, as long as you remember me then that's enough. See you soon!" They waved her goodbye before leaping on the edge.


And thus she woke up on a white bed 'What just happened here?" she looked around and then she felt a ticklish sensation on her hand and saw the feather Elena gave her. She smiled before finally pocketing it inside her jacket. Afterwards she saw Chrome peacefully sleeping by her side 'Oh yeah! Chrome's memories weren't rewritten.' Tsuki smiled to herself… rather Tsunako

"Oh, Tsuki-nee you're awake already? How are you feeling?" Tsunako gave a rather low chuckle "I'm fine don't worry, how about everyone are they alright?" Chrome nodded. "Then that's even better, by the way how long was I out?"

"You were out for a week." Tsuki gave her a sheepish smile "I'm sorry for causing you burden. Have you already eaten anything? Are you okay? Do you feel anything weird? Or do you want to rest some more? Though I do think you could use some more rest. Oh, how about we eat something first, are you hungry? Or maybe you really want to rest? Wait-" She was cut off when Chrome suddenly laughed "I'm glad you're more lively Tsuki-nee." After that Tsuki explained everything to Chrome.

"That's why…" Tsuki nodded "Anyway, we better eat something. You still haven't answered my questions you know?" Chrome shook her head then suddenly she felt herself being dragged away from the room by Tsuki. 'Though I really prefer to be called Tsuki…' When they entered the dining room it was empty. "Chrome what time is it?"

"…4:30 in the morning." Tsuki paled 'So early… Oh well I guess I have enough time to make a big breakfast.'

"Chrome is it okay if you would help me out here in the kitchen?" Chrome nodded.


"Finished!" Tsuki stretched her hands then removed her apron. On the table there were a number of food prepared which included bacons, omelets, pancakes, and other sort of food. "Oh, I see you've prepared quite a feast here." Bianchi was the first to enter. "Of course, after all we've been through I suppose we deserve some rest."

"Are you alright? How are your injuries?"

"Oh it's alright, I'm feeling great today thanks to Chrome and the others." That said Haru, Kyoko, I-pin, Lambo, and Fuuta appeared "Gyahahaha the great Lambo will eat everything up!"

"Lambo, no take all the food. You should share!" Fuuta tried to mediate the two of them "Now now, no fighting you two." Kyoko and Haru simply chuckled "Hahi! How are you feeling Tsuna-chan?" Tsuki simply smiled "Refreshed, why don't you guys join them. Chrome and I made the food I hope you'd like it."

"Of course! Though I hope you won't push yourself too much Tsuna-chan." Kyoko said with a worried look "Don't worry I won't" Tsuki turned to look at Chrome. "Chrome why don't you join them? I suppose I'll go wake some people up." The Latter shyly nodded before joining the ladies in the table 'Now then…' She was about to leave when she saw Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Ryohei with Reborn on his shoulder enter the room. "Ah! Jyuudaime how are your injuries."

"Yeah, you shouldn't be around moving too much you know. It might reopen the wounds."

"OCTUPUS HEAD AND YAMAMOTO ARE RIGHT TO THE EXTREME! YOU SHOULD REST SOME MORE!" Tsuki simply gave and apologetic smile "I know, but I've already had plenty of rest this past week so the least I can do is prepare breakfast for all of you." Gokudera was sparkling "To have the Tenth prepare this much for all of us. I truly am honored!"

"Hahaha! Thanks for your effort Tsuna but you really didn't have to do all of this."

"Don't sweat about it, just enjoy your breakfast." Then she sprinted away. "Oi dame-Tsuna where are you going?" "Fetch Hibari Kyoya!" Then she was nowhere to be seen while Reborn smirked.


"Pretty sure this is where he lives… it's pretty big. Well, as expected from our chairman." She said the last part with so much 'spice' then she proceeded to press the doorbell of his home. "Hello? Hibari are you there. I just wanted to invite you to breakfast at the base… Then again I'm pretty sure he already ate." She got curious and opened the gate 'Woah, it's open? I guess he wouldn't be too careless on leaving the gates open.'

"I can't believe I actually trespassed on his property. If he finds out, I'm toast… Ugh, right now I should focus on where-" Then she tripped over something. "Ouch what the-" Then she saw the skylark on the grass sleeping 'Crap, of all the times why must it be when he is asleep. I should sprint fast the moment he wakes up then return unscathed.'

"Here goes nothing… wait, why isn't he waking up?" Then she proceeded to touch his forehead "He's got quite an awful fever." She dragged him inside his house and layed out some futon she found in a small cabinet… then she placed a cool pack on his head and went to check his temperature. "Hmm, 37… I should whip something up while I'm here… some porridge would be good." While she continued to do this she didn't notice the number of stalkers that went on to trail her…