One Step Closer: Chapter 1- Memories

A/N:Its like 5:30 am in the morning where I am and I was listening to "A thousand years" by Christina Perri. All of sudden, this idea pops in my head. Hurhurhurderp.
Trust me,if I owned hetalia,I'd make all the pairing come together and make it a fiesty love drama =w=

It was a really beautiful day. The sun was shining it's brightest and the birds chirped happily. The townspeople were bustling with sale goods and happiness. Yes,this day was just perfect.

Italy decided to do some house work since Germany was out running erands. Japan was busy with politics and everyone else was busy with their own stuff. Italy seemed to be the only one to have free time.

He began sweeping and dusting everywhere. In just a few minutes the kitchen and living room was clean.

"Hmmm where should I clean next?" he thought and took a moment to sit down."Oh I know! The attic needs some cleaning!Ve~" Italy got up and started walking towards the attic.

The attic door opened with a creaky squeak as Italy entered the room. Dust lied here and there,along with old memories and treasures. Italy heaved a sigh and began dusting around the old room. As he was cleaning,he tripped over something he never saw in his way.

It was a treasure chest.

"What could this be?"he thought to himself as he dusted off the cobwebs and dust. So many thoughts filled his head at once of what could be curiosity got best of the boy and opened it.

He shouldn't have.

Inside the treasure chest was a long black cloak with a black hat, some old photos, a pair of undies, a cassette with some tapes, and a letter. Italy was confused at first until the realization hit him.

These were Holy Rome's things.

He instinctively wanted to close the treasure chest and abandon it along with the attic. But it was too late to stop now. The memories have just started flowing in his head.

Italy trembled with all the sad emotions the world could bring as he picked up each item, each one having a story. When it came to the photos, he tried his best to not sob loudly and throw a tantrum. The photos had Holy Rome in it, some with himself, Austria, and Hungary.

He didn't realize he was crying until some of the tears fell onto his hand. Italy wiped them away furiously and threw the pictures back in the chest. That's when he pulled the cassette out with the knew what lied ahead if he listened to the tapes. Surely he would lose control. But the dam curiosity of his got the best and he inserted the tape. Really wishing he hadn't.

The tape wasn't as bad quality, considering the fact that it was still really old. How long has it been since Holy Rome was gone? 1000 years? Italy guessed that it has been that long, feeling his heart sink. He turned his attention back to the tape, listening to his first loves voice.

"Hey Italia, long time no hear huh? I dont know if you will be able to get these tapes I sent to you or even my letters and things. But if you do, I just wanted to tell you this.
I'm sorry for being a huge burden to you and being annoying. And I'm sorry for breaking my promise..." Italys ears perked. "You must hate me for all the things that I've done especially because we won't be able to see each other anymore due to this stupid war. It gets worse each day and I dont think me and my army will hold on any longer. I'm sorry Italia, please forgive me..."

A quiet sob was heard on the tape and more tears fell down Italys face. He didn't hate Holy Rome, he just didn't like the fact that he never came back. So they can live happily together.

An ahem was heard and then Holy Rome continued," But even so, no matter what happens, I will always love you Italia. And I hope you love me back. Even if it was a 1000 years, I'll love you for a 1000 more." Voices were heard in the tape. "I'm sorry Italia I must go. I love you and miss you. And I hope to come back safe and sound. Holy Roman Empire."

The tape went dead after that. Italy sat there in shock, confusion, pain, and heartbreak.

Italy didn't know if he could love someone else ever again. His heart was already broken and it didn't need to be crushed more. But there was always his friends and...Germany.

Germany...his bestest friend in the whole world. He was the one who has always protected him, rescued him, cared for him, fixed his mistakes, and stayed by his side. Though there was abandonment in WW2 everything was forgiven. And Italy was grateful for that.

One thing that crossed his mind is how Germany looked so much like Holy Rome. Could there be a possibility that-?


Italy snapped out of his thought and saw an alarmed Germany standing at the attic door,alone. The worried look on his face put Italy in confusion and guilt."Italy are you alright? Why are you crying?" Germany asked.

Italy gasped; he didn't realize he was crying. He wiped the tears away and stood up, closing the chest. "O-oh it's nothing Germany.I was just looking over some old memories and it well..."Italy trailed off. He then put on his signature smile,"But memories are 's go Germany!"

Germany looked like he wasn't ready to cope with what Italy told him about memories but followed Italy out the door. He closed the door and it remained shut. For now...

A/N:Theres Chapter 1! :D ohmergerd this took 3 days to make, due to me working on my trailer for my new APH Doujinshi, Carry On. It will come out soon and I will keep you in update on that. There are more updates on my DA about it so check it out~
Chapter 2 will be worked on when I feel like it -3-

EDIT 7/31: Im sorry i had to remove the lyrics due to copyright. They gave me the final warning. I got scared and if you're wondering why there are no lyrics, the reviews will tell why.
