Finally an update! Please review! I wrote a sex act that I don't do, so let me know how it works for ya!

"Aye, lass. Me brother is right. Tis the only thing tha' makes any sense."

"Please, girl. After what happened, there's no reason to stay there."

I sat on the boy's couch between them, each turned to me, my hands caught in their tattooed ones. They were trying to convince me to move into their loft. A week before my Baptist pastor father and my mother had decided they wanted to visit their wayward daughter in Boston and surprise her. Turned out they were the ones that got surprised. The boys forgot to lock my door behind them and my parents followed the sounds into my bedroom. They had found me fornicating with two Catholic Irishmen at once. I had never seen Connor and Murphy move so fast in my life, them getting dressed as my parents stood there aghast. But then I saw them move just a bit faster, when my father recovered enough to call me a whore. They both instantly became snarling multi language speaking lunatics, who would have made one member of the Southern Baptist Convention disappear off the face of the map if I hadn't stopped them. Between the way they moved to attack him and the fact they detailed exactly what they were going to do to him in several languages, I'm pretty sure he thought they were demon possessed. I jumped between them, wrapped in a sheet, demanding the boys back down. It didn't matter anyway. My father's next words were that I was disowned, his oldest daughter was now dead as far as he was concerned.

The sad thing was, I wasn't that upset. I was always the one that had questioned the 'rules' from a young age, making things hard for my parents. That's why I had finally settled in Boston, finding peace with the God I believed led me to my boys. There really was no reason to keep separate places now. We were exclusive, well, the boys exclusively slept with me and I exclusively slept with the two boys, sometimes all together, and others one on one. It had been like that nearly from the beginning now almost a year ago. We were always together when we weren't working. It certainly would help everyone financially to share the cost of the loft and other expenses. With my nursing salary I made more than both them combined, even though I know they would never let me pay more than a third of the rent and utilities, their Irish pride running strongly. But still, I was worried. I didn't want them to be doing it because they felt responsible for what happened with my family.

"Guys, I just..."

"Listen, lass." Connor said, sounding desperate. He took a deep breath. "Is breá liom tú, eirigh." (I love you, lass.)

I froze, my breathe halfway out of my lungs. In the year we had been together, neither Macmanus had told me that. They had said they cared about me, that they were fond of me, and that they loved different parts of my body. But they had never said that.

Murphy nodded sagely on the other side, seeming totally non-plussed by his brothers declaration. Had they talked about this when I wasn't around? A second later he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear as he spoke. "Is breá liom tú freisin, cailín." (I love you also, girl.)

Did they say it thinking I wouldn't understand? They had known since their ER visit a month ago that I was studying Gaelic. But they also knew my studies were limited. But then again, what self respecting woman in a relationship with an Irishman (much less two) wouldn't look up and memorize that phrase first?

They waited silently, and I sensed them sharing a look of worry over my head. Did they think I didn't understand?

"Don't say that if you don't mean it, either of you." I said, voice choked and strained as I looked down, my hands tangled with two matching tattooed ones on my lap. Too many people had told me those words in English when it was convenient and took them back later.

"Ah, no girl." Murphy whispered, the knuckles of his free hand ghosting down my cheek. "We've known for a while, months even. We just didn't know how ye'd take it, with our relationship bein what it is."

Connor nodded, his hand slipping up and down my back. "Aye, lass. We were too fuckin scared t'tell ya, afraid ye wouldn't feel the same. But it quit bein just about the fuck awhile back, least for me n' me brother."

I snorted and shook my head as I smirked. They thought I wouldn't feel the SAME? A tear slipped down my face and I moved my right hand out of Connor's, automatically moving it to my left so they could share as I wiped my face. Then my left hand was completely surrounded by theirs, Murph's on bottom, Conn's on top. Wasn't that always how it was, me surrounded by my boys, one to each side, each of them a half of the whole that encased my heart all the way around?

"Is breá liom an dá cheann duit." (I love both of you.) I said quickly, knowing my pronunciation and accent were horrible. It must not have mattered because I hear two simultaneous whooshes of breath, released in relief on either side of me. Then they move in closer, each one coming in to kiss me sweetly on a cheek before they prop their heads on my shoulders.

"So, lass, since we've got all dat out in the open..."

"...does dat mean ye'll be lettin us move all ye girlie shit over here?"

I giggled. "I guess so. But you've got to do one thing for me."

"Aye, girl."

"Anything, lass."

"You've got to hang a curtain around the toilet, even I have my limits."

They grinned then and chuckled, their laughter resonating against me as the somber mood lifts.

"I tink we can do dat, lass."

"Aye, girl. We'll get right on it."


A day after our declarations of love (triangular as it may be), Murph and I find ourselves coming into the apartment alone, he carrying a rather large box and me with one of the few small ones they would allow me to carry. I force myself to not sigh and shake my head at the curtain they installed around the toilet first thing that morning. It was gaudy and ridiculous, found on sale at the Salvation Army. But I decide not to be choosy, they are proper Irishmen, tighter than ticks (except when it comes to booze or their affection) and truth is I didn't specify what kind of curtain I wanted. Murphy deposits his box with the others just inside the door and turns to take my own. He doesn't hesitate after that to put a hand on my ass as he eyeballs my biggest addition to the boys loft, my king size bed.

It was bought with some overtime I made about six months ago after a night spent with the three of us crammed into a double. When at the boys loft, sleeping arrangements were easy, just put the mattresses together and share. But at my apartment it became cramped until I had them set up the new bed. Now it sat between the windows of the loft directly in the middle of where the boys had been sleeping, the mattresses now where they should have been years ago, the city dump.

"So, girl, shall we try out the bed and see if it does as well here as it did at your old place?" he asks, giving his eyebrows a wiggle.

"Murph, Conn..."

"Conn won't be here for at least another fifteen minutes, and I can have ye screamin me name long before then, girl. Ye know dat. Wasn't me fault old butterfingers missed the train after we got on." Murph, being Murph, is undressing me as he talks, pulling my tee over my head and working my bra expertly. He gives a nod of approval when my breasts are free before jerking his own black shirt off. He steps up behind me, hands kneading my breasts as he guides me to the bed.

"So, you had nothing to do with him tripping and dropping my box of shoes just before we stepped onto the train?"

He lifts his head from where it has dropped to my neck, tongue licking a trail up to my ear. "Not a fuckin way t'prove anytin, girl."

"Fine, have it your way." I murmur, beyond caring at this point. They can work it out amongst themselves once I'm finished.

"Dat's me girl." he breathed in my ear, thumbs rolling my nipples. All the machinery at the plant made his hands calloused they they drag over my sensitive flesh. Praise God for Boston's best meat packing plant. Murph's hands creep lower, thumbing open the button on my jeans and sliding the zipper down as his mouth continues to work the skin of my neck and shoulder. He slides them off my hips as I slip out of the black flats I'm wearing. He takes in a sharp breath when he notices I'm not wearing panties.

"Ye dirty little girl." he says appreciatively, kneeling for a moment behind me to push my pants the rest of the way off. Before he rises he sinks his teeth into one of my ass cheeks, a broad hand coming up to smack the other side hard at the same time. I yelp and then moan, leaning forward to put my hands on the bed. Murph chuckles evilly as he rises. The day the boys figured out I liked a little pain with my pleasure might as well have been Christmas morning as far as they were concerned. The next sound I hear is the jingle of his belt buckle and I moan.

"Aye, girl. Ye are a little slut for a belt, aren't ya?"

I nod, just before he pops my ass with his belt. It's not too hard, just enough to sting like I like and I rise up on the balls of my feet and arch my back to move my bottom out a little more as I silently beg for another. He gives it to me, this time on the other side and and then soothes the flesh by kneading it. Then I hear the thump of boots hitting the floor followed by his own jeans being removed. Apparently Murph has had enough of play and wishes to get to the meat of the matter.

His cock, rock hard and pulsing, nudges against my ass. His hand ghosts down my back and then grips my hip.

"Ye got such a sweet arse, girl." His voice is lower now, his brogue broadening. This is Murphy's "fuck voice" and it shoots straight to my core. His cock slides down, and hesitates at the tighter of my two holes.

"Murphy..." I say warningly. He knows better. Yeah, that's right. Surprising, huh? I've been having three way sex with two men for almost a year now and have yet to let either in my ass. I guess it's just the tiny bit of Southern Baptist I have left in me, coupled with a bit of fear considering the twins manhood size. They've begged and the most I've given in has been a promise to think about it. They accepted that, only pouting a tiny bit. My pussy and mouth have satisfied them well so far. Not to say the idea of us being together like that isn't...intriguing to say the least. We've always just figured out how to handle threesome sex from the beginning. It's like the boys had some unwritten rules before I entered the picture. They never overtly did anything to each other during sex (which honestly would have weirded me out) but they weren't above telling the other to move faster or slower if it affected exactly how I was treating the other at the moment.

"Aye. Ye know I wouldn't less ye said so." Murph agrees "But I promise ye, ye'd like it." The head of his cock moves lower and nudges my pussy before sliding in. Murphy groans, "But ye little pink pussy is mighty fine too, girl."

I nod, my mind on overdrive. "Next time we're all together, I promise." Murphy freezes mid-stroke.

"I'll remind ye of that." he promises and I just nod again against the bedsheets. I think we were supposed to actually get in the bed but we just didn't make it that far for some reason. I push my hips back and he starts moving again, one of his hands gripping my hip like iron while the other is continually sliding over my ass, kneading and rubbing the ample flesh. Then his hand slides over my hip and down. I keen into the bed when it reaches my clit and he begins to strum it with one finger in time with the movement of his cock. My hands fist the sheets.

"Holy fucking hell, Murph..." I nearly whine. He just chuckles and urges me on, not skipping a beat.

"That's it girl. I want ta feel ya cum round me cock."

I can feel it building, low in my belly. But then I hear the door to the loft open. I don't try to move out from under Murphy or hide myself. We both know who it is, and he is just as familiar with our bodies as we are.

"That's what I fuckin thought!" Conn says, abruptly dropping the box of my shoe collection next to the door. "Ye fuckin tripped me ta get'er to ye self!" I hear his boots thud as he makes his way over and Murph stops his motion and yelps. I am ninety five percent positive that Conn just slapped Murph in the back of the head while we are mid fuck. Our relationship is unique, to say the least.

"Fuck, Conn!" Murphy says indignantly, "Can ye not see we are busy?!" My lady bits are a bit indignant themselves, I was so close to cumming that they are now twitching.

Connor ignores Murphy and instead bends down next to me, sliding a hand into my hair at my scalp and using it to turn my head to the side. He kisses me searingly, his tongue going deep and hard. But then he leaves and my mouth tries to chase after him as he disappears somewhere behind me.

"Ye want'er once I'm done?" Murphy asks him, beginning his motion once again. I frown and try to look at him over my shoulder. That sounded like a little boy offering up a coveted toy, which I am not.

"Nah, I'm good." Connor says casually and I frown harder. He has never turned down an opportunity to fuck me and that stings a little. I look over my other shoulder and there he stands next to Murph, both of them wearing what I deem (in all my southern lady likeness) 'shit eating grins'. Connor has already removed his shirt and is halfway through unbuckling his belt. I smirk at them and shake my head at their little joke.

Then Connor is fully undressed and he returns to me at the bed, kissing me again as his hand travels over my back and grips my ass before sliding under, coming up, and cupping one of my breasts. Then he tweaks the nipple and I yelp at the sudden shock that shoots to where his brother is working me. Wet floods and Murphy groans. Then he slows and I know it's because he's close and doesn't want to go yet.

"Remember what ye said girl?" he asks cautiously.

"Yes, Murph." I say firmly. I'm surprised he waited this long to remind me, instead of as soon as Conn opened the door. Connor looks back at his brother questioningly. Murphy answers him in what I think is Russian. They trade a few sentences and Connor's eyes grow wide as he turns back to me.

"S'it true, lass? Ye willin t'ave bot' of us in ye, down dere?" Sweet Jesus, now they're both in "fuck voice". I answer in the way I know will have him believing me.

"Sea, mo ghrá. Tá súil agam tú araon." (Yes, my love. I trust you both.) I answer him. Connor takes in a sharp breathe, his eyes going instantly darker. He looks back to Murphy to give him a single terse nod. Then the darker twin pulls out from me and I nearly whine in disappointment. But then Connor crawls up on the bed, pulling me up with him. He pulls me up on top of him as he lays on his back and I automatically move down to kiss him. His hands are traveling all over my body, his cock hard and hot against my lower belly. I hear Murphy rummaging in the nightstand but I'm other wise occupied at the moment. Connor came to the party late through no fault of his own and I want to catch him up. I move down his chest, tonguing over the hard planes before taking one of his nipples in my mouth. I suck hard and his hand comes up in my hair, holding me to him. Then I release it with a wet pop, giving him an evil look as I head further south. His hips buck in anticipation. Both Macmanus are suckers for blow jobs, at least when I'm the one working anyway. I hesitate, letting my breath puff over the head of his cock before circling it with my tongue. Connor grunts, raising up on his elbows to watch me. I slide the head between my lips and then take him inch by agonizing inch, keeping eye contact the whole time. His brow furrows and then his eyes close for a moment when he hits the back of my throat. I've been practicing so I don't gag. I begin a slow rhythm and he pushes my hair out of the way so he can see better. My hand comes up and I begin to roll and gently tug on his balls.

"Fuckin hell, she sucks cock like an angel." Connor manages to choke out, his hips lifting a bit. Murphy snorts, now climbing back on the bed beside us.

"More like a she-devil, I'd say." he corrects. "She never forgets the lads." he notes of my hand on his brothers 'boys'. I grin around Connors cock and give his brother an impish wink. Then Connors hand cups my jaw and lifts me up a bit as he slides out of my mouth.

"Das 'nuff o' dat, lass. Any more and it's over a bit too soon."

Then I find myself being guided by four hands back up Connors body to straddle him. Those hands move to my hips, pushing my pussy down onto the member that just left my mouth. Conn and I both groan, my thighs tensing as I take the last inch. It always makes me feel so full and I have a slight moment of apprehension at just how full I will soon be.

"She needs ta cum hard first." Murphy says, straddling Conn's thighs just behind me. His cock is pulsing against my ass, a reminder of the promise I will soon keep.

"Aye. True, brudder." Conn agrees. Murphy wraps an arm around my waist, the other cupping a breast as his head drops to my shoulder to kiss and then nip. He lifts with the arm on my waist, beginning a slow rhythm as he helps me ride his brother. I just loosen my body and let them have me, knowing relaxation is what they are working for anyway.

"Ye alright ta hold it?" Murphy asks Connor.

"Aye, but no faster." he answers, one of his hands coming up to my free breast. The other slips down to where we are joined.

"She's so fuckin wet." he notes.

"Aye. You're welcome." Murphy replies smartly. I smirk and move a hand back to clutch at the back of his neck. Connors fingers in my clit match the rhythm his brother sets for us on his cock. And that matches the one they are both setting separately on my nipples. It's like they have an internal metronome and now my body is jerking in time with it to as they strum my nerves. It begins to build again, the warm in my belly and the wet down below.

"Oh my GOD..." I moan and they take that as a sign that thy should quicken their movements. Murphy is biting my shoulder now, knowing that I like that and their fingers on my nipples are becoming rougher, tweaking and pulling. Then I feel my pussy jerk around Connor and my body explodes, my back arching hard against Murphy's chest. I scream and Murphy bites my neck hard. It furthers my pleasure and I am reduced to whimpering as I feel myself pulsing and squeezing Connors cock. He is grunting and growling below me, trying his best to hold his load. Finally, hIs fingertips end their assault on my swollen nub. His brother allows me to fall forward on his chest. I am still impaled on Connor's cock as I gasp, body loose and jointless.

"Do no' move, lass." Connor begs and I am careful to comply. I can feel his pulse in his cock inside me and I know he is a hairs breadth from the point of no return. Murphy is working behind me. He nudges my legs a little wider and sits back on his heels for a moment.

"Ah, brudder," he says appreciatively, "Her little pink pussy is beautiful spread wide by a proud Macmanus cock like it is."

"Aye. T'is the bigger one too." Connor manages, now backed down a bit.

"Bull shite." Murph disagrees. "Her tiny arse is abou' ta get that one."

I chuckle lazily and Conn takes in a sharp breath at the vibration. Then it's my turn to gasp when Murph's fingers circle my anus, slick and cool with my lube from the nightstand. He comes up to bend over me and his brother, his chest to my back as my head lays on Conn's shoulder.

"Relax, girl."

I nod and he broaches me with his fingertip. The feeling is foreign but not painful. The tight ring of muscle instantly tightens and Murphy kisses my cheek softly as Connor strokes my hair. "Relax girl. Won't work if ye don't. And I refuse ta hurt ye."

I take a deep breath and will myself to loosen. It must work, at least a bit, because he moves the finger all the way in. Then another slowly joins it and I grimace a bit. Murphy stops instantly. "Hurtin, girl? Do I need ta..."

"No. Just...full. Different." I murmur against Connors skin. Murphy nods and kisses my shoulder, the second finger slowly slipping the rest of the way in. He begins to move them, circling a bit, making sure I am well slick inside and out as well as stretching the tight muscles a bit. After a moment it's he who groans into my shoulder.

"Fuck, Conn." he almost whines. "She's so fuckin tight."

"Aye, I can imagine. Her pussy's like a vice." Connor agrees lovingly, kissing my forehead. Murphy's fingers are beginning to feel less like an intrusion and more welcome by the second. I am unable to keep my hips from tilting back as if thrusting back against them a tiny bit. He makes a small noise of surprise against the skin of my back.

"Ye likin that girl?" he asks, head coming up over my shoulder as he smirks.

"Mmmmhmmmm. S'good." I am able to get out, hips moving again.

"I'd say she's ready then, brudder." Conn shifts his hips a bit.

"Aye. I know I am." Murphy's fingers leave me as he moves back again. I find my body misses them as I hear the tear of the condom wrapper. Then the head of his now encased cock is at my ass. I will myself not to tense, not wishing to undo Murphy's work of the last few minutes.

"Slow, brudder." Conn says warningly.

"Aye. We musn't hurt our little jewel." Murphy's head pushes into my anus and I have a bare second of panic. But then Connor pulls me down into a kiss, distracting me with the motion of his miracle of a mouth. His hand is threading through my hair, the other on the back of my neck as Murphy pushes forward a bit more. I hear him groan behind me but Connor keeps on, his tongue deep, nearly in my throat as he draws my attention from down below. Slowly, Murphy fills me and I finally pull back from Connors mouth. I am so full, I feel like I can take no more. But then Murphy pushes forward again and I find that I can. I push up on my hands. Conn is lying flat, Murph straight up behind me and I am halfway in between. I loose a moan, my mouth making a perfect 'o' as I do. Murphy's hand comes up off my hip to smooth over my back lovingly.

"See, girl? I told ye, ye would like it."

I nod and move my hips back an inch. "More." I whimper.

He obliges, pushing forward as I rock my hips. Connor is watching me from below, carefully observing my face for any signs of pain as he smooths his hands over my thighs and belly, moving up to stroke my neck and shoulders before repeating the movement. Then Murphy's hips are flush with my ass and he drops his head on my shoulder. I feel so full that I can hardly breathe. I don't dare move, unsure of how we move forward from this moment.

"Ye good, brudder?" Connor asks.

Murphy nods against my shoulder. "Aye. Holy shite, Conn. ye have no idea..."

"Can ye hold it long enough for me and her ta go?"

"I'll try. Da rubber is helpin but fuck, she's perfect." He moves his hand back around my waist, holding me tight to him so he doesn't move inside me. Then he begins to move me and him as one, basically fucking his brother with my body. This must not cross one of their unspoken lines. I move my hands up as I sit up against him, grasping at his hair as we ride Connor. Murphy moves us smoothly, his eyes closed as he concentrates. Connor grunts in pleasure as we move over him and rubs his hands over my hips.

"Faster Murph." he requests. Murphy does not deny him, speeding us up.

"Cabhraigh léi, deartháir." (Help her, brother.) Murph asks in return. Connor brings his hand over, thumbing my clit. I keen and my pussy jerks and tightens a bit, as well as adjacent regions. Murphy stiffens behind me, digging his face into my neck. "Careful, girl. M'just hangin by a thread."

"Is féidir liom a bhraitheann tú taobh istigh di, deartháir." (I can feel you inside her, brother.) Connor says, voice beginning to sound strangled.

"Aye,Tá sé chomh maith." (Yes, it is so good.) Murphy begins to move us a bit faster and I know he is desperate for me and Connor to cum. I am in another world, completely full of my boys, my body responding in ways I never knew it could. Connor's thumb is moving fast now and firm making a heat begin to build in my crowded pelvis.

Connor suddenly pushes up on his elbow. Brother..." he groans through clenched teeth and warns Murphy of his impending orgasm. I don't have to tell them I'm there too, my body is practically vibrating between them as I make noises that would be embarrassing is I was of a mind to care. Murphy increases the speed, and the intensity, almost slamming me down on Connor. He and I both cry out and then I clench down around them both as I loose unintelligible syllables that bounce off the brick walls around us. Connor's hand leaves my clit as he pushes up suddenly on his hands, his face nearly on my chest as me and Murph stutter against his lap. One of my hands shoots down from Murphy's neck to dig my nails into Connor's shoulder as he curses loudly in several different languages. Murphy roars in my ear, his hips popping back of their own accord as he slams into my ass unknowingly once, twice, three times as he fills the condom with his seed. I am surrounded by my boys, as well as filled with them and I am complete in that moment.

After a moment Connor flops back down on his back below us, muttering under his breath in a language I don't understand. I am limp, supported only by Murphy's arm around my waist and the other one that at some time has come around my chest to grip my opposite shoulder, holding me to him in a bear hug. He raises his head from my neck to drop a sweet kiss below my ear. "Our sweet girl. Ye did so good. M'sorry I hit ye hard at de end."

I shake my head, bringing my hand up to stroke his face lovingly. "S'okay. M'fine." I murmur. His hand comes off my shoulder to turn my head so he can kiss me. It is slow and languid, a perfect ending and beginning at the same time. Then that hand moves down between us, securing the condom as he withdraws his spent member from me. His arm remains strong around my waist, carefully lowering me into the crook of his brothers arm. I snuggle up to Conn as Murphy disposes of the condom and then he is on my other side. We are a tangle of limbs, my nose dug into Conn's chest as Murph curls around me from behind. We each have a hand above our head and they naturally gravitate toward each other at the headboard. My hand in the middle, the brothers tattooed fingers tangling to trap mine between. It's not strange, it's just us.

"Ye are home now, lass." Connor says low, his lips against the top of my head as his hand cups my cheek.

"Aye, ye are, girl." Murphy says sleepily, kissing the back of my neck as he slips his hand between Connors side and my body to scoot closer.

I just nod, too tired to speak. I AM home, I think as I drift off to warm deep sleep. And home doesn't have a damn thing to do with the WHERE, for me it has to do with the WHO.

And I am doubly blessed.