Show a Little Respect Chapter 3

The last place on earth I thought I would ever go was the village where I had been imprisoned. All the Vikings went there, including my rider and the little one. I was not sure if I would stay, or if I would just confirm that I hated the place and leave.

I made my decision when they put out the fish. They turned their torches, which they used for seeing and fighting dragons in the dark, into trays full of fish to feed dragons. That showed respect, and I stayed.

They made other changes, too. They allowed us to land on their houses, and walk in their streets. They put their weapons away, and removed the chains that covered the training ring. No dragon would ever be imprisoned there again.

We also made changes. We stopped raiding their livestock and burning their buildings. Instead, we ate the fish they gave us, and let them ride us.

The little Viking was not seen for weeks. When he finally reappeared, it caused much excitement. All the dragons were happy to see him again. Imagine – dragons happy to see a Viking alive!

My own rider is not as kind as the little one. Sometimes he forgets things, or does not ride carefully, or is inconsiderate. But he always shows me respect.

I think that is all I ever wanted, and I think I deserve it. After all, I am the ruler of the sky.