Title: Hotaru's Love
Chapter: 1
Author: Ice1Taru
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

AN: Here I am.. once again, writing a fic.. I've been on vacation, actually.. had to spend some quality time with the tv (aka TRL, Dedicate Live, Real World, SpongeBob Squarepants, City Guys, etc.. ^_^;;) and I've been ever so lazy and school starts in less than a week.. I have SO many things to do before then.. Anyway, I was at this sailor saturn site where I found out that Hotaru grows up to marry some dude named Shino. But that sux coz I dunno his last name, the color of his eyes/hair, or anything else about him. All I know is that he's a poet.. blah, how FRUSTRATING.. (^_^;;) hehe yeah, ne wayz, I'm gonna stop talking now. Enjoy.

Lady EvilNess: Drastic measures, HA! Ha, I say. This is the Hotaru story that I've been babbling about for like a month now. I had to start this story form scratch, coz my computer is.. gone.. *sighs unhappily* GONE! Anyway, if the next chapters for "Accidents Change People" and "Return To Tokyo" aren't out soon, you won't be the only one taking drastic measures. *sticks out tongue at kat*


Hotaru's Love by Ice1Taru

Hotaru stuggled to keep up with the crowd. Everyone was moving so fast, she wondered what the rush was for. Her sides were aching and everytime someone bumped into her, it took her all not to yelp. Sighing a breath of relief, she crossed the street and walked into the usual bustle of students. It was oddly quiet that day. Everyone, mostly the girls, were whispering excitedly about something. Wondering what it could be, Hotaru walked into the main building of the school and went to her locker.

She cringed as she looked at the pink flyer on her locker. Infact, all the lockers had pink flyers on them, announcing the Valentine's Day Dance. Gingerly plucking the flyer off her locker, she crumpled it up into a ball in one hand as she opened her locker with the other. The bell rang, signaling first period to begin. Hotaru quickly grabbed her english book, slammed the locker shut and ran into her first period class, which was located right around the corner from her locker.

Hotaru gasped for breath as she slumped into her seat in first period. Sure, her locker was right around the corner, but she was weak and tired quickly. All of a sudden, the normally chattering room full of students went quiet. Hotaru looked up from her desk as a boy of about 6 feet, gray eyes, and ebony hair walked into the room. Hotaru gasped as his stormy gray eyes looked into her amethyst ones, and she saw a twinkle in his eyes, a twinkle that could only mean one thing; obnoxiousness. Maybe he's Ainu, Hotaru thought. He looked wild, untame and yet he looked peaceful and poetic at the same time. Hotaru blushed and ducked her head quickly. She felt warm all over. Why did she have butterflies in her stomach all of a sudden?

"Class, this is Shino..", Sensei-Izu started. (AN: sorry, i dunno his last name.) Shino continued to gaze into Hotaru's eyes, as Hotaru gazed into his. "He's transferred here from the Kuril Islands." Aha, Hotaru thought, I was right, he IS Ainu. "Shino? would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?... Shino?", the sensei looked quizzically at Shino. "Huh? Wuh?", Shino said dazed as he broke away from Hotaru's gaze. "Nope. Got notin ta say. Hey, umm, can I sit over dere?", he questioned as he pointed to the seat next to Hotaru's. "Of course, Shino, you can sit next to one of my best students, Hotaru", Sensei-Izu said cheerfully.

Hotaru's stomach did a somer-sault, he was going to sit right NEXT to HER. Shino walked to the back of the room, where Hotaru sat. He tried not to look around, all the girls were staring at him, with hearts in their eyes. He sat down in the seat next to Hotaru. Sensei-Izu had to go to the office for a minute, so she left the students in the classroom all by themselves. Shino looked around the room, satisfied. He loved to make girls melt, and apparently every girl in the room was practically drooling all over him, every girl except Hotaru. He sat in his seat, trying not to look at her. All he could think about was how she made his heart do cartwheels in his chest.

Hotaru decided this was the perfect time to read the Valentine's Day flyer, even though she hated Valentine's, mainly because she never had anyone to spend it with. She carefully unfolded the flyer and layed it flat on her desk. All the words looked messed up now, maybe she shouldn't have crumpled it up like that, but she couldn't help it, she had been angry. But not anymore, now she was content, yet she felt unhappy. Shino could never like her. He seemed like the playboy/thug type. Even though she thought she could never have him, she still thought about him.

On the outside, she looked like if she were reading the flyer, or so Shino thought. On the inside, she was aching to run her hand through his silky, thick hair.
"Hey..," Shino began.
"...Hi," Hotaru stated, not knowing how to talk to a boy, she usually hung out with her best friends; Lina, Misato, Amber and Ry.
"How you doin'? Shino asked casually.
"Fine, you?" Hotaru replied, looking at the flyer, still trying to make out the date when the dance was going to take place.
"Fine, just fine..," Shino said, letting his words linger.
"Aha! February 14! Exactly on Valentine's Day," Hotaru said looking closely at the flyer, now intent on finding out where it would take place.
"Valentine's Day? Is there a dance? Are you going?" Shino asked.
"Yup. Yup. Nope," Hotaru said, answering all his questions nonchalantly.
"Why not?" Shino asked. I wonder why she's not going, Shino thought, trying to figure out why she wasn't going. (AN: lol)
"Ionno," Hotaru shrugged and looked up at him intently. He looked sad all of a sudden, the twinkle in his eyes was gone. Yet he still looked very handsome, his hair was falling over his eyes and Hotaru didn't think she could hold back any longer, she JUST had to touch his hair and see how it felt.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"I was just wondering.. would you like to go to the dance with me?" Shino asked anxiously...


AN: ...CLIFF HANGER! hehe. *evil laugh* Yea, if you're wondering if Hotaru's gonna accept his invitation, then uh, you'll have to wait a while, coz I dunno if I'm going to continue this story, it depends.. ne wayz, R/R pretty please? Ya, so um, take care n keep on reading.. ^_^v

P.S. Oh, I just remembered, all of you people who reviewed my other story, Insanity, I am SO grateful, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am.. so grateful.. *rambles on and on about how grateful she is..*