Chapter 22

The next day Edd was brought down to Coach's office to give his own testimony, and Jason the day after. Coach emailed Kevin daily with updates on the investigation, letting him know what was going on every step of the way. Kevin wasn't entirely sure he was supposed to know the details of the investigation, but every time a spike of pain shot up from his broken arm or ribs he decided he didn't care. The holiday weekend rapidly approached and Kevin managed to convince to spend it at his house with him and his dad. They had a moment to wonder at how they'd manage to get home, since Kevin couldn't drive his motorcycle in the broken and bruised state he was still in, but a phone call to his dad and they agreed that he could pick them up after classes Friday afternoon.

The ride home felt longer than usual, since Kevin had to run interference to prevent his dad from saying anything that might embarrass Edd, but it was mostly pleasant. His dad let them choose the music and they talked about their upcoming finals. As they started nearing Peach Creek they stopped at a traffic light outside of town.

"Hey guys, bad news though. I'll have to work the morning of Thanksgiving. Think you can handle getting stuff ready without me? I'll put the turkey in before I leave but the rest of it?"

Kevin laughed. "Yeah, we can handle it."

He pulled up in front of the house a little after six and helped them move their bags in the house. Kevin started up the stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder and Edd followed. From behind he heard his father clear his throat a little uncomfortably. He glanced back at an obviously unsure man watching them ascend the stairs. He handed Edd his bag and asked him to go put them both in his room. "I'll be up in a just a second."

Edd nodded and took them up.

"What's up, Dad?" He came back down to the foyer and crossed his arms in front of his chest the best he could with the cast.

His dad shook his head. "Nothing. You're both adults. It's fine."

He raised and eyebrow. "You're uncomfortable with us staying in the same room?"

"No. No of course not. I mean, I It's fine. Just—just don't make too much noise, okay? I've still work in the mornings."

Kevin sighed. "Yeah. No problem. We won't make noise. You're sure it's not a problem?"

"Yeah, kid. It's just taking me a second to wrap my head around still sometimes. You're fine. Go on up. I'll order some pizza for tonight, yeah?"

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"Okay. Or actually, I'm going to run to the store and get some groceries, since we only have the Thanksgiving stuff in the pantry. Can you order it? I'll leave some cash in case they're actually here in under thirty minutes."

"That sounds good. What do you want?"

"Get me an onion and pineapple. You guys can get what you want. I'll leave enough for three, just in case. It'll be here next to the door." He pulled out his wallet and set some bills on the small table where they usually kept their keys. "Go on up to Edd. Find out what you guys want. I'm sure he's waiting."

Kevin nodded and started up the stairs. "Thanks." He climbed the stairs quickly and heard the front door close behind him, the car starting faintly. When he opened his bedroom door, Edd was sitting on the bed, his bag clutched in his lap, looking nervous.

"Should I go over to my house?"


"Your father seemed uncomfortable with my staying here. Should I leave? I don't mind really."

Kevin shook his head hard. "No. No he's fine with it. He just needed a second to adjust. And he wants us to order pizza for tonight."

"You're sure? I can go over to my—" Edd started to stand, holding his bag tightly.

"No." He pressed his hands into his shoulders and pushed him gently back to the bed. "You're staying here. It's fine. Now, what kind of pizza do you want?" He took the bag away and tossed it in the corner with his own. He sat on the bed next to him and pulled him into a more comfortable position.

Edd seemed to relax into him. "Okay. Okay."

They agreed on a couple more pizzas and Kevin called. The guy on the line promised no more than forty-five minutes tops, but because of the weekend rush, Kevin was sure it would be closer to an hour. When he hung up the phone, he tossed it lightly on the bedside table and kissed Edd. "Are you okay?"

Edd nodded, forehead pressed to Kevin's. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Freaking out. I just don't want to make your father uncomfortable or impose in any way."

Kevin kissed him again, long and lingering. "You won't and you aren't. I want you here. And he invited you too. He's just adjusting to it still. Don't worry."

He kissed Edd, softly at first and with mounting passion, until the door bell rang an hour later. Kevin eased himself down the stairs, half hard still and with mussed hair. He opened the door and grabbed at the money his dad left.

"That'll be forty-four eighty-two," said a familiar, strained and high-pitched voice. "You gunna pay or stare, Shovel Chin?"

Kevin shoved three twenties into Eddy's hand. "Keep the change," he said as he took the boxes from him.

Eddy lingered for a few seconds. "My boy in there?"

Kevin nodded warily.

Eddy nodded back. "Tell him to give me a call tomorrow. Ed and I are making plans to see a movie this weekend. You can come too if you want." He didn't wait for a response before he turned and went back to his car.

Kevin took the boxes into the kitchen and called up to Edd. Edd came downstairs and into the kitchen while Kevin took some plates out of the cabinet. Edd opened the boxes and decided on a slice of sausage and green pepper and a slice of extra cheese. Kevin grabbed two sausage and pepper and a slice of his dad's onion and pineapple. They went back upstairs and ate in Kevin's bed, watching a made for TV movie about the magic of the holiday season. Kevin swallowed his last piece of pizza and looked at Edd. "So uh our pizza was delivered by a very familiar person."

"Oh?" Edd said, taking another small bite from his second piece.

"Yeah. Uh it was Eddy. He wants you to call him tomorrow. Something about a movie this weekend."

"Oh. Alright. Thank you."

Kevin nodded and pulled Edd in closer again. This time, Edd kissed him first, and climbed atop him, casually rutting against him, until the front door opened. They sheepishly went to help carry in groceries, red faced and sweating.

Edd called Eddy the next day and agreed to go to a movie Sunday afternoon. When he hung up the phone he looked at Kevin with an odd gleam in his eyes.

"What?" Kevin asked, rubbing at his face self-consciously.

"Nothing. Eddy just said to ask if you wanted to come. He said he mentioned it to you yesterday."

"Oh." He dropped his hands. "Yeah. I guess I forgot about that."

"Well, would you like to join us? It's that new zombie hunter film that came out last week. Ed's apparently seen it three times already, but Eddy said he'd try to keep him quiet while we watch so that he doesn't ruin every bit of it. He also mentioned duct tape, but I'm almost sure he was joking."

Kevin smiled. He wasn't sure that Eddy was joking but chose not to say it. "Did—uh did you want me to come?" He knew he probably should, but was also thinking about spending the day with his dad, to talk to him about appropriate conversations to have with Edd and about an apartment the next year, or even cleaning his room and then stocking up on some supplies he wanted for their dorm.

"Well, to be honest I don't think you'd enjoy it. But maybe—maybe you could join us for food afterward? We almost always go to the diner after."

Kevin leaned over and kissed him lightly. "I can do that."

So the next day, Edd met Ed and Eddy across the street for the movie, and Kevin sat down in the living room to watch football with his father. He gently broached the subject of the inappropriate jokes at half time. "Hey, uh, Dad. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, Kev, what's up?"

"It's uh—Edd and I."

"Yeah?" he glanced over carefully.

"I was hoping to talk to you about the jokes and comments," he let it trail off and when his father didn't say anything, continued. "I know you're doing your best to accept all this and I really appreciate it. But do you think, uh, do you think you could hold off on the comments and jokes? Edd's just still really uncomfortable and I know you don't mean it but—"

"No problem. I'll try my best. Just, defense mechanism or something I guess."

He nodded. "I know. And I really appreciate that you're trying so hard. I know it's not what you wanted for me—"

"Kevin, how many times do I have to say it? The only thing I want for you is to be happy. And if Edd makes you happy, then for God's sake that makes me happy. I'm just not always sure how to talk to you anymore."

"What's wrong with how you used to talk to me? I'm not any different. I'm still the same kid. You just...know me better now."

His dad looked stricken for a moment. His mouth formed a small 'oh' and he nodded. "I'll try."

He sighed content for the time being. His cell phone buzzed in his pocket and he opened it to find an email from his coach. He read through it quickly, his heart swelling in his chest. He started to laugh and quickly texted Edd, who probably wouldn't get it for another forty-five minutes but needed to know as soon as possible.

"What? What's got you so excited?" his dad asked from the other side of the couch.

Kevin looked up at his dad, surprised to find he had to blink back tears. "They—they got them. The five guys who put me in the hospital. They're being kicked out of school. The four seniors won't be getting their diplomas and the other guy won't have his credits transferred with him. The school has decided to set a 'decidedly anti-bullying example' according to Coach."

Kevin's dad broke into a huge smile. "Oh thank god. I was afraid they would get away with it and—never mind. I'm glad that they're being punished."

To his great surprise, his phone started to ring and Edd's name and a picture of the two of them, taken in bed one morning with both of them grinning, popped up on the screen. When he answered there was a small scream on the other end. He laughed. "I know. I know." He listened as Edd babbled almost incoherently about how he knew it would work out and the laws that were backing them up. "Yeah. Are you guys out of the movie already?" Edd confirmed that they were. "Great. I'll meet you? Yeah the diner down town? Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes." He hung up the phone and looked at his dad. "Can I borrow the car? Or would you drop me off down town?"

He reached in his pocket and held out the car keys. "Have fun. Be careful."

Kevin assured him he would and took off toward the car. It took him a moment to adjust and be able to drive without the use of one arm, but he was mostly glad that it was his left ankle that was sprained and not the right. He arrived down town and parked the car outside of the diner just as Ed, Eddy and Double D were walking through the doors. He joined them at the booth and immediately Edd pulled him into a tight hug and a too-passionate-for-public kiss. Kevin kissed him back enthusiastically though, and it wasn't until Eddy cleared his throat and Ed coughed awkwardly that it ended.

Edd blushed furiously and apologized. "Just got good news," he explained.

Eddy muttered something about not making out with Shovel Chin in front of them if it was all the same to him.

Kevin clenched a fist but chose not to say anything. The waitress came over seconds later and asked for drink orders. When she was gone again, Ed regaled everyone with his favorite parts of the movie, acting it out and playing every character. He had to pause to order his food, but continue through the rest of the meal, using his burger and fries to demonstrate some of the more complex parts. Afterward, Kevin and Edd rode back to his house. Edd kept a hand on Kevin the whole way home. They said hello to Kevin's dad on their way in but Edd gently tugged him up the stairs. As they entered his room, Kevin closed the door.

Double D wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck again and kissed him. Kevin guided him to the bed, not breaking the kiss. He stopped only so they could kick off their shoes and he could press play on whatever movie was in his DVD player, to give them a slight cover in case his dad needed to interrupt for whatever reason. Edd was only put off momentarily though, pouncing back on him the minute the movie was playing. He worked his mouth against Kevin's, slipping a tongue in his mouth gently. His hands roamed Kevin's body freely, and Kevin found he had shivers. Edd slipped a hand down Kevin's stomach, swirling his fingers in the hair between his bellybutton and the line of his pants. He teased Kevin mercilessly for a few moments before slipping his hand into his pants and wrapping his long slim fingers around his length.

Kevin gasped into Edd's mouth. A thought occurred to him. "I—I never got to pay you back after the game," he said breathlessly.

Edd grinned. "You would think of that now. But if you insist."

Kevin took the lead and kissed Edd forcefully, before playing his hands down his ribs, like the piano lessons he had been forced to take as a child. He flipped Edd onto his back and kissed down his stomach, pausing enough to undo his pants and pull them down. Edd stood long and hard in front of him, and Kevin wasted no time taking him in his mouth. He worked the bottom with his and ran his tongue along the edge and slit a few times. When Edd finally came, he squeaked and shook. Kevin held him in place through it before swallowing and climbing back up the bed. Edd settled in next to Kevin, flushed and smiling.

The rest of the week was spent lazily. They ate junk food and watched movies, hung out with other friends from high school and generally relaxed. Edd insisted on doing some homework and studying for finals at least for an hour everyday, to which Kevin begrudgingly obliged, with the exception of on Thanksgiving.

At about 2PM on Thanksgiving day, Edd stood at the stove, stirring a pan full of homemade cranberry sauce. Kevin was a few feet behind him, peeling potatoes to boil and mash. He dropped the last in the pot and took them to the stove. He placed them on a back burner, set the heat, and then nuzzled into Edd's neck.

"Your father will be home in an hour," Edd murmurred. "And we can't afford to burn the food."

Kevin nodded into his next. "I know. Do you know what I'm thankful for this year?"

Edd shook his head slightly, though he had a suspicion.

"You," he stated simply. He prepped himself mentally and let out the words he'd wanted to say for weeks, "I love you, Edd."

Edd's heart swelled and he immediately responded with, "I love you too."