I think maybe I need to explain exactly what people-bowling is.

I actually consider it a sport, although there may be some debate on that. Imagine you are in a mall and you are standing at the top of a crowded escalator escalator. The escalator is moving down slowly, as half of the escalators of the world do (the other half move up, in case your powers of deduction are a little rusty).

You step onto the escalator, but you "accidentally" trip over your untied shoelaces. The result is a lot of pain and screaming as you tumble into person after person taking them down with you. You get one point for every person you take down with you, but subtract a point for little old people (I love old people and would never purposely hurt them).

Got it? All in all, it is immensely painful, but oddly satisfying.

This is what Tommy Marker, Sam Gelpen, Sarah Pencil, Jimmy Crayon and Draco were doing.