Epilogue, 1st September 2016;
2 years later
The Hogwarts express was puffing steam onto the platform, it hung like a cloud and was stirred up by the frantic, rushing students.
Harry Potter stood with his four children, Sadie ready to begin her third year was excitedly holding her new cat in a death grip, Scorpius was wearing his prefect badge proudly and Teddy was looking over the heads of the students for his girlfriend Victoire.
Ezekiel was looking for Gil in the crowd, and he spotted him as Draco returned with Sadie's forgotten cat case, which he then tried to stuff the evil black and white cat into.
"You'll hurt him Father!" Sadie said as Draco managed to get swiped in the face buy the cat's claws.
"I think that cat will hold its own," Ezekiel joked, being joined by Gil and Minerva. Teddy gave up on his search for Victoire and joined his friends, Gil showing them the head boy badge he had been granted with pride. Pride which was quickly shot down by his friends, all in good fun, of course, and Minerva watched her charge proudly. She came to Harry's side with a warm smile.
"You've helped him so much," she said, "he's gotten so much better since he started talking to you about his past, Harry."
"I'm glad," Harry said, smiling as Scorpius stopped Sadie from letting her evil cat out of it's box.
The train whistle blew, and Draco helped Sadie with her trunk as the boy's shuffled towards the train.
"Your first year as deputy headmaster," Minerva said, "you may owl, when you need to, of course."
"Thanks," Harry said, "but I'm guessing you'll be hearing more from Neville than me, he's so nervous about being headmaster."
"He made a good deputy, he won't have any trouble." Minerva said. The train's whistle blew again and Harry looked in each window for his kids, Sadie was hanging out her window with Pascal and Elwyn, Scorpius was standing in a doorway to wave goodbye and Teddy was with Victoire, Gil and Ezekiel.
Both Harry and Minerva waved as the train began to move, Draco joined him at his side, and once it was out of sight, they headed back to the manor to pack up for their move back to the castle.
Harry was packing up his old defense Professor's office. As head of Slytherin house he had to stay in Slytheirin's quarters, and Snape's old office was down there, which he had used for his head of house stuff, but with starting the deputy job this year, he wanted to be in one place, so an old potions classroom was being cleared for use as the Defence room and he moved all his things to his Slytherin office. It was dark, a single, thin window was high up near the roof on the back wall showing the green water of the lake. The room itself was long and thin, his desk was huge, black and wooden, with a large wing backed chair behind it and smaller chairs in front. Bookshelves were against one wall, a fire place opposite them, and a set of small armchairs were near the door, with a little coffee table.
A wave of his wand lit the candles and fireplace. Harry then directed his levitating boxes to his desk and sat in his chair, unpacking his Defence notes and putting them in a drawer. Neville had left the papers for the deputy in his old office and Harry started packing them into the desk as well.
Harry looked up as someone knocked on the open door, he smiled as Neville came in.
"Headmaster," Harry said with a smirk, Neville glared at him.
You got the notes and stuff I left for you?" He asked, Harry nodded.
"I was just about to send the order for this months potion supplies and look at the requested textbooks for the library, the new Herbology teacher has updated them all. Lauressa insisted on a particular one as well for her N.E.W.T. students.
Neville nodded, "I've been practicing my speech for the welcoming feast, can you read it, tell me if I've missed anything?"
Neville held out his parchmet, Harry took it and read it over.
"You need to introduce Professor Herbology, I've forgotten her name, and remind Sadie that the forbidden forest is forbidden." Neville took the parchment back with a smile.
"She was in there three times last year." Neville remembered.
"No, she was caught three times," Harry said shaking his head. "Anyway, you ready for this year?"
Neville nodded, "should be interesting, new headmaster, new deputy."
"I'm sure Minerva won't make herself scarce." Harry assured him.
"Alright, thanks Harry, I'll see you at the feast."
Harry was early to the great hall, he said hello to lLauressa who was already sitting down, and waved at Neville as he went to wait by the doors. The lists of names was in his hand and the sorting hat was already at the front of the hall, he stepped back as Mr. Thorburn stepped thorough the doors.
"Hagrid's on his way," he said, Harry thanked him and stepped into the entrance hall as the first carriages stopped outside the castle.
"Hello Professor Potter!"
Harry waved and said hello to students as they entered the great hall, cats ran under feet and owls flew into the castle, there were bangs and sparks and he had to blast a fringed frisbee from the air.
Chattering students filed into the hall, all with huge smiles on their faces and they made Harry smile as well. He waved to Teddy and Victoire when he saw them, and Scorpius came up to him and said hello again, as did Ezekiel and Gil. He didn't see Sadie until he went into the Great Hall and shut the doors behind all of the students.
After the sorting, Harry went to the staff table and Neville stood, the tall man looked as imposing as Dumbeldore or McGonagall ever had, and he grinned at the students, and welcomed them. Harry could see the piece of paper on his desk, but he didn't look at it, and when the hall filled with food he sat down with a victorious fist pump. Harry laughed at him from the deputy seat and began his own dinner.
"Where's Draco?" Neville asked, Hannah and Alice were living in the castle this year as well and Hannah was sitting next to Neville on the other side with Alice on her lap. Harry shrugged.
"Probably eating in our rooms," Harry said, "said something about not making an appearance at the welcoming feast because he's not staff this year."
Neville nodded and began telling Harry about the new plants in greenhouse three this year. Hannah was laughing at Harry behind Neville's back and Harry stuck his tongue out at her.
"Behaving like the adult you are."
Harry jumped at Draco's voice and the blonde man sat next to him, Harry poked his tongue out at his partner and Draco rolled his eyes, helping himself to the food on Harry's plate.
"I just got an owl from the ministry, they want me in all day tomorrow." He offed Harry a ridiculous pout.
"Aw," Harry said, "poor Draco."
"quiet you," Draco smile and kissed Harry gently on the cheek.
Draco left before dessert, and Neville dismissed the students shortly after the plates were clean and shiny again. Harry took the door through the trophy room and took a shortcut through the potions storerooms. Draco was reading on the lounge but he smiled at Harry when he came in and put his book down.
"Neville did alright," Harry said, "in his first official event as headmaster."
"And you sorted those children like a seasoned pro."
Harry chuckled, flopping onto the lounge besides Draco and holding his hand. Draco kissed the back of Harry's hand.
"How did I end up with you, scar head?" Draco asked affectionately. Harry bumped his shoulder.
"it was a long, sad story." Harry said somberly, Draco nodded.
"With a happy ending?" He asked, sounding a bit uncertain.
"Very happy," Harry told him, and he kissed him. "I love you," Harry whispered, Draco nodded.
"That's nice."
Harry rolled his eyes and gently punched Draco in the shoulder.
"I love you too, scarhead."
Harry was going to bite back some scathing reply, but Draco kissed him again, and he forgot he was pretending to be mad.